Returns of aliens dwelling in the city and suburbs of London from the reign of Henry VIII. to that of James I. Edited by R. E. G. Kirk and Ernest F. Kirk. 
Kirk, R. E. G. (Richard Edward Gent), ed. 
Aberdeen [The University Press] 1900-1908. 


Warde of Farrindon Without

_Saincte Brydes Parishe_
Edwarde Ernest - Collen
Gartrude hys wife - three miles from Collen
Henrye Carde - Clevelande
Frauncys Wellande - Collen
William Williams - Gelderlande
Symon Shevalier - Roan, Normandy
Peter Dowsie - Masier, France
Adrian hys wife - Anwarpe
Peter Dellamare - Normandy
Carden hys wife - Normandy
Lawrence Fortuna - Normandy
Nicholas Formoyse - Lusiers, France
Thomasyne his wife
John Norishier - Paris
Adrian Johnson - Anwarpe
Thomas de Shampoyse - Bettyns, Burgundy
Jane his wife - Wambrush in Flaunders
Peter Nicholas - Turnold, by Anwarpe
Gyllam Guppie - Roan, Normandy
Barbara his wife - Roan, Normandy
Gyllam Barger - Tankerfielde, Normandy
Lewis Berger - Tanckerfeilde, Normandy
Romayne Maynmore - Roan, Normandy
Fraunces his wiffe - Roan, Normandy
Henrie Walker - Aberdine, Scotland
George Lynsey - Dunbie, Scotland
Nicholas Bondte - Holland
Cornelia his wife - Holland
John Pettie - St. Andrews
Henrie Fullwater - Luckes, in Flaunders
William Gyllam - Luckes, Flaunders
Martyn Pynottes - Turnold by Anwarpe
Margaret his wife
John, Nicholas, and Jeremye his sonnes
Jacob Deeles - Turnord by Anwarpe
Juesse Bonde - Cuttricke, Flaunders
Nicholas Reason - Shanye, Pickerdie
Annis his wife - Anwarpe
John Gabie - Valencia in Burgundy
Johan his wife - Valencia in Burgundy
Peron Kirton - Lukes in Flaunders [widow]
George Wilton - Brydawe, Flaunders
Haunce Evance - Anwarpe
Maryan Cotage - Roan Normandy
Jane his wife - Roan Normandy
John Shyket - Roan
Anthony Peterson - Anwarpe
Alice his wife - Cleveland
Garret Luton - Valuke, Flaunders
Lewis Luton - Valuke, Flaunders
Cristofer Kinge - Colleyne, in Keisorswarte
Katheryn hys wife - West fallinge, vnder Themperours domynion
Olyffe Frerigges - Keiserswart
Gyllam Myhound - Anwarpe
Marye his wife - a denizen
Thomas Sherowne - Maunter, France
Peter Robert - Depe, France
John Dellamare - denizen (French)
Bartholmewe Lymberger - Lymbrighe
Barbara [his wife] - domynion of the Duke of Cleve
Anthonye Heringe - Burgundy
Michaell Shero - Paris
Fraunces [his wife] - Termount, Flaunders
John Pollard - Meawes near Paris in France
Nicholas Kinge - Roan in France
Alice his wife - Holland
Rowland Grushey - Normandy
Vynsanna [his wife] - Normandy
Judith [his daughter] - Franckforde in Germanye
John Marye - Pountoys, France
Lewis Dowset - Masier, France
John Beley - Flaunders
Hellen his wife - Brabant
Ellen Harris - Cleveland [widow]
John Edwardes - Dukedome of Cleve
William Bomes - said Dukedome
Tise Glorise - said Dukedome
Peter Horsan - Paris, France
Lambert Peterson - Douchman borne
Frauncys Bushe - Douchman borne
Perter Vestreate - Brabant
John Pallmer - Cleveland
John Witherspone - SCotland
Hubert Dublier - France
William Forrest - France
Jervis Sawier - France

_Saincte Dunstons Parish, in the West_
Lucas Bowman - Douchman
Alexander Hum - Scotland
Thomas Akemhode - Scotte
George Tomson - Scotte
Lawrence Crosse - Douchman
Henry Fowlsam - Douchman
John Baliarte - Douchman
Joes Collens - Douchwoman
Lawrence Rowe - Cleveland
Cone Harmon - Colleyn
Roger Vangough - Cleveland
John Cornellis - Cleveland
James Macadie - France
John Welbancke - Douchman
Frauncis Marche - Douchman
Posshier Martyn - Douchman
Thomas Mees - Anwerp

_Saincte Sepulchres Parish_
John Pell - Douchman
Anwaye his wife - Freeselande
Garret Nevell - Allmayne
Kateryn his wife - Flaunders
Phillippe Galliarde - Flaunders
Jane his wife - Flaunders
Christian Browne - Holland
Beatrice Walley - Freseland
Olyver Fysher - Cleveland
Marten his wife - Holland
Danyell, Judithe, William, and Anna [their children]
Nicholas Fanckescome - Anwarpe
Nicholas Fankescombe - Anwarpe [his son]
Gyllam Fromant - Picardy
Frauncis Lebroyle - Jermanye
Katheryn his wife - Jermanye
Jane and Sara [their duaghters]
Garret Codes and JOhn Savoyle [their sons]
Gyllam Lamadye - France
Gylmyt his wife - France
Garret Johnson - Bysshopricke of Vter
Margaret his wife
Jerom Dycan - Duchman
Jane his wife
Jerom, Henricke, and Jane [their children]
Barthlomewe Hewegelowe - Douchman
Jane his wife
Isacke, Katheryn, Jane, Judith [their children]
Michaell Bowdwen - Turney, Douchman
Frauncys hys wife
Leonarde Johnson - Douchman
John Whytebreade - Anwarpe
Margaret his wife
Lawrence Wattons - Edenor
John Androwe - Douchman
Agnes his wife
Erosmus Yowgus - Anwarpe
Margaret his wife
Suzan his daughter
Punshyne Gawart - Anwarpe
Marian his wife - Anwarpe
Michaell Barrat - Flaunders
John Baylye - Venice
Awrillian his wife - Venice
Anthonye his doughter - Venice
Anthonye Valissald - Anwarpe
Adrian his wife -  Anwarpe
Henrye, John, Anthonye, Andery [children] - Anwarpe
Gyllam Cortall - [French]
Mawdlyn his wife
Isabell and Agnes [kids]
William Tuland - [Dutch]
Gartrude his wife
Gyllam Danway - Normandy
John Pennowe - France
Henry Knowkell - clevelande
James Dullforrest - Fraunce
Phillippe his wife
John Tyller - France
Nicholas Lyon - France
Jane Lyon, his wife
Henrye Kenex - Flaunders
Margaret his wife
Jane Garret - France [widow]
John Johnson - Anwarpe
Garret Barne - Flaunders
Peter Olyver - Normandy
Tyffen his wife
Isacke his sonne

_Sainct Androwes Parishe in Holburne_
John --- - Scot
Laurence Fynlesson - Scot
William Dookes - [Dutch]
John Lycas - [Dutch]
William Dubike - Frenchman [wife mentioned/no name]
Lassar and Iste [kids]
John Graye - Scot
John Vanhege - Douchman
Marye his wife
Gyllam Shaftesbray - Frenchman
Marye his wife
Paule, Mardoche, Suzan, and Judith [kids]
Stephen Steward - Scot
James Backhowe - Douchman
John Larymer - Douch
Daniell Thwaytes - borne vnder the Emperours domynion
Anne [daughter]
Tylman Fysher [servant]
James Lambert - Holland
William Stevens - Brabant
Lewes Cameas - Frenchman
Ellyn his wife - Douchwoman
Thomas and Lewes [kids]
Stephen Camyas - Frenchman
Henrye Harmon - Duchman
John  Bonard - Douchman
Ann Williams, alias Smith - Anwarpe
Balthasar Bucke - Gylderland
Gosson Smithe - Clevelande
Frauncis Eliard - Clevelande
Mathewe Johnson - Anwarpe
Higat Bartram - Fraunce
Saynt his wife - Roan
Marian Delawne - Frenchman
Marye his wife
Jeronomye Descroralib' - Venycion borne
Lewes Harpen - Frenchman
Doctour Lopus - Portingale
Lewes Lopus - Portingale
Adrian Redlegge - Douch
Cycelye his wife - Holland
Thomas Parchment - French
Elys Demericke - Isle
Rowlyn Bellmare - Normandy
Hugh de Hawnsh - Burgundy
Margaret Delavais - French
Peter Bezo - Valencia, beyond Anwarpe

Warde of Faringdon Within

_Sainct Mathewes Parishe_
M(r) Richardson - Scotland

_Sainct Fosters Parishe_
Cornellis Deacken - Holland
Nicasius de Glas - Flaunders
Mathewe Loube - High Douch
Peter Vandoncke - Anwarpe
Baltizer Miller - Noernbrough
Christopher Miller - Noernbrough
Phillippe Cradell - Jarmayne
Pawle Tynbbart - Jarmayn
John Payne - Douche
Elizabeth his wife - Seland
Albert Tankynder - Douche
Beatrice his wife - Gylderland
Mighell Fornicke - Anwarpe [widow]
John de Dranssa - Flaunders
Margaret his wife - Clevelande
Henrye Johnson - Gilderlande
Frauncis Roswe - Douch

_Sainct Michaelles Parish in the Querne_
Peter Morant - Douch
Alis Morant his wife - Elderland
Arnold and John his servaunts - Lukeland
Octavian Bart - Anwarpe
William and Bryan - Anwarpe [Alis & Peter's kids]
Thomazen Peterson - Elderland [widow]
Nicholas Deringe - Hambrowe
Felis Deringe his wife - Cleverland
Isabell - Colleyne
Andrewe Noway - Hartick van Bowrse
Frauncene his wife - Hartick van Bowrse
Sara and Ester [kids]
Francus Mowbye their servaunt
Haunce van Crowte - Anwarpe
Barbara his wife - Anwarpe
Abraham his sonne - Anwarpe
Phillippe his servant - Anwarpe
Pawlenkyn his mother - Anwarpe
Marye, Philyppe, Hester, and Suzan [her kids] - Anwarpe
John Makennio - Frenchman
Nicholas Terria - Douch
Peter Terria his sonne - Douch

_Sainct Faythes Parishe in Pawles Church Yarde_
M(r) Renold Wolfe - Douchman
Andreas Fremorshem - Collen
Agnes Byrkman his mistris
Romoldus Mercator - vnder the Duke of Cleve
M(r) John Cawood - Douch
Rychard Jugge - Dutch
George Byshoppe - Douch
Frauncis Mathewe - Anwarpe
James Sheires - Anwarpe
Morrys Mable - Frenchman

_Sainct Martins Parish at Ludgate_
Roger Stuffolde - Douche
William Tretogon - Gilderlande
Cornellis Wallen - Douch
Giell Spurnoy - Brabant

_Christes Church Parishe_
Marye Berrye - Colleyn [widow]
Harmon Garretson - Anwarpe
John Polle - beside Colleyn
Henrye Tarstemaker - Douch
William Tresawrer - Jarmayne [aka Gyllam Treasorer]
Jasper Blanckerd - Jarmayne
John Mathewe - Flaunders
Robert Goson - Douch
Elkyn [wife]
Petronella, Marye, Suzan, Sara, and Robert [kids]
Ottye Ryght - Hollande

_Blacke Fryers_
John Costen - French
Burgoniena his wife - French
Peter Orman - Douch
Frauncys Spinosa - Spaniarde
John Rowdrogat - Portingaile
John de Horse - Frenchman
Frauncis Lucatello - Italian
John Barnard - Doche boye
Druat --- - Fraunce [widow]
Richard Tanvile - French
Collet his wife - French
John Mansell - Frenchman
Richard Leveret - French
Marian his wife - French
Philippe Cuttier - Frenchman
Peter Forest - Frenche
Marye his wife - Frenche
Glode Benvoys - Frenchman
William Yollne - Frenchman
Phillippe Byen - Burgundian
Anthonye Byen and Nicholas Byen his servaunts
Mathewe Renisan - Frenchman
John Deha Tower - Burgundian
Marye his wife - Burgundian
Domynicke Welrawne - Italian
Isabia his wife - Burgundian
Jane Tyrret - Frenchwoman
Gyllymes Sage - Frenchwoman
Peter Bowes - Frenchman
Ashton Shovyne - Frenchman
Rosier his wife
Nowell Gobert - French
Anne his wife
John Hewe - Frenchman
Suzan his wife
Collet Dennys - Frenchwoman
Nicholas Inglishe - Frenchman
Marye his wife
David his sonne
Yester hys daughter
James Sarmoys - Frenchman
Leonarde Pynardo - Frenchman
Peter Devangia - French
Martyn Drewe - Burgundian
Barbara his wife
Melcha their servant - Douchman
Margarat Crahane - Frenchwoman [widow]
Haunce Capers - Burgundian
Haunce Dumenee - Burgundian
John Hanocke - Frenchman
Katheryn his wife
Margaret Bryer [her sister]
Marye [her sister]
Guyllam Poynsar - Frencheman
Benula da la Courte - Burgundian
Anne his wife - Burgundian
John Hubert - Douch [servant]
Jacob Huer - Douch [servant]
Anthonye Fervake - Burgundian
Peter Bonevalt - Frenchman
John Byer - Frenchman
John de la Myer - Frenchman
Jacklyn his wife - Flemynge
Bastian Bounfoye - Frenchman
Julyan his Wife - Douchwoman
Peter Barizar - Frencheman
Jasper Emperour - Douchman
Lewes de la Mare - Burgundian
Jarman his wife - Burgundian
Thomas Voytrollyer - Frenchman
John Osanna - Frenchman
Katheryne his wife
Michaell de Boys theire servaunt - Burgundian
Valentyne Shavetier - Frenchman
Margaret his wife
John Pissaie - Douchman (Burgundian
Jane his wife - Burgundian
James Clement - French
Xp'ofer Lardenoys - Burgundian
Jane his wife
Gabriell Martyn - Burgundian
John Dambrune - Burgundian
Jacklyn his wife
Lawrencia and Jane [kids]
Aungelo Victoris - Sardynysan
Anne his wife
Nicholas Lardenoys - Burgundian
Frauncys his wife
John Marchaunt - Frenchman
Quyntan his wife
Peter Swallowe - Douchman
Rychard Locye - Frenchman
Anthonye Pumpayne his servant
Steven Vanden his servent
Launcelot Lardye - French
Katheryn his wife
Sara their daughter
Nicholas Grigor
Robert Grigor
Adrian Grigor their servants
James Scrusier - French
Marye his wife
james Mort - Douch
Adrian his wfie
Andreas de Glasse - Burgundian

Warde of Creplegate

_Saint Lawrence Parish_
Thomas Fulberston - Douchman
Margaret his wife

_Sainct Marye Parish in Alderman berrie_
Frauncis Fountenell - borne beyonde Paris
Saikin Barke, alias Luce Barke - Anwerpe
John Shookes - Hambrowe
Henrye Graye - Douchman

_Sainct Peters Parish in Woodstreet_
Cornelius Johnson - Douchman
Adrian his wife
John and Jacob [kids]
Christian Queren - Douchman
Awdrian his wife
Frauncis Marquino - Italian
Levena his wife
John, Agnes, Parnell, Katheryn [kids]
Gyles Forbeka - Douchman
Guyllam his sonne

_Sainct Albons Parish in Woodstreet_
Godfrey Caginon - Cambrision
Marye his wife
Marye Seligne
Mawdlen Bolley
Katheryn her syster, their maidservaunts
Anthonye Jewrye - Valbowne
Margaret his wife
Marye and Hester [kids]
Margaret Fountayne - Douchwoman [widow]
Philleppes, Palles, Hester, Danyell, James [kids]
Jane Dagartigne
Elizabeth Herrey her maidservaunts
Ranold Pastor - Douchman
Dingnietta his wife
Abraham and Isacke [kids]
Marye Mason - Henold [widow]
Suzan and Jane [kids]
Levin Clarke [servant]
Adrian Tressell - French
Frauncis his wife
Charles, David, Abigaell [kids]
John Cipies - Douchman

_Sainct Olifves Parish_
Phillippe Derycke - Collener
Nicholas Garrett - French
Mawdlen Fowntayne - Douch
Isacke Fountayne her sonne
Margaret Harbark - French
Daniell Bowdracke - Douch
Isabell Vossewe - Douch
Abraham her sonne
Peter Lemon - Douch
Awen his wife
Hanne Dehambarke - French [widow]
Sara [kid]
Morye Depounte - French
Jerom Lambras - Douchman
John Williamson - Netherland
John Deloguta - Turney
James Fryer - Turney
Elizabeth his wife - Reisill
James, John, Anne, Marye [kids]
Henrye Smyth - Cleveland
Ellyn his wife 
Henrye, Avered, Elizabeth [kids]
Thomas Dolograunge - Turney
Nicholas a Ploket - Turney
Jesper Galier - Turney
Nicholas Rychardson - Hollonder

_Saynt Allphege Parish_
Dennys Durland - Frenchman
John Edwardes - Clevelande
James Bursse - Collen
Henrye Johnson - Collen
William Forspoche - Douchman
Frauncisco Ytalion - Douchman
Ambrose Ytalion - Douchman
John Decord - Douchman
Tanykyn his wife
John Deboyse - Frenchman
Joan Deboys - Frenchwoman
Marcye Bysmer - Frenchman

_Parish of Creplegate Wythout_
Gracyan Deroye - Spayne
Margaret his wife
Andrewe Josyan - Burgundian
Anthonye Degardyne - Burgundian
Ellen hys wife
Peter Degardaunt - Burgundian
John Chellet - Douch
Helcan his wife
Adrian Hoost - Henowde
John Browne - Douch
Marye his wife
James Vanholt - Flaunders
Dennys Demaster - Burgundian
John Delfos - Burgundian
Martyn Demon - French
Peter Beckay - French
Robert Patriar - Flaunders
Thomas Smyth - Flaunders
Renold Cock - Fraunce
Agnes his wife
John Bellfold - Fraunce
Ferno Rymere - Burgndian
Lyon Buffur - Flaunders
Richard Thorne - Burgundian
Steven Dennys - Burgundian
John Lamoth - Douch
Margaret his wife
Gyles Valewe - Flaunders
Anthonye Corranus - Spayne
Danyell Tyan - Flaunders
Jacob Stowelye - Flaunders
Abraham Demore - Flaunders
Pillowe his wife - Flaunders
Adam Haffeld - Flaunders
Symon Terantyne - Flaunders
John Edwyn - Flaunders
Dennys Bacheler - Flaunder
Symonde Hemande - Douch
Peter Crater - Burgundian
John Cles - Burgundian
James Diofie - France
Peter Dellhey - France
John Millome - Burgundian
Peter Platter - Burgundian
Hercules Dobbye - borne vnder the Emperors Domynion
Nicholas Herrys - Valention
Arnold Vandeboam - Brabant
Ammon Molton - burgundians
Bartholmewe Debeas- French
Jerom Martyn - French
Martyn Defesher - Douch
Cornelius Dfeoxe - Flaunders
Gyles Gorner - fraunce
Mathewe Ruben - Flaunders
Peter his sonne

Ward of Langborne

_Sainct Marye Woolneth Parishe
Anthonye Frederego - Venice
Gabriell Branger - Italian
Meteas Waultas - Anwarpe
Lukyn his wife
Laskyn and Katheryn - Anwarpe
Bartholmewe Bonde - Pummerlande
Elizabeth his wife
Aungell and James [servants] - Douch
Cornelis Vanderhelfe - Douch
Cornelis Dregges - Douch
John Fearne - Bryges
Henrye Vanhoofe - Anwarpe
Mawdlyn his wife
Ambrose Proventer - Flaunders
Arthur Hisbris - Clevelande

_Saint Nicholas Acon_
James Drewrye - Valencia
Elye Fossie - Valencia
John Garrey - Valencia
Alexander Deprye - Turney
Margaret his wife - Douch
Curtayne their sevant - Douch
James, Anne, Judithe [kids]
James le Quyen - Turney
Anne his wife
Marye le Quyen [kid]
Rowland Movye - Douch
Barbara Vandelan - Holland [widow]
Jakes Mannet - Italian
James Poole - Hollande
Elizabethe his wife
Thomas Sounde - Briges
Marye his wife
Katheryn Sounde his mother
Haunce Vandermart - Anwarpe
Cornelis Francke - Anwarpe
Jertride his wife
John Antoys - Masticke
George Wollen - Westfalia
Peter Truyn - Flaunders
Marye his wife
Grissolus Sumerman
Marye Johnson his servants
Symon Distarke - Brygys
Margaret his wife - Brygys
Joyes Vansteven - Anwarpe
Symon Vanrose - Douchman
Anthonye Hawse - Douchma
John Rothermaker - Germanye
Jane his wife
John Racket - Jarmayne
Beatrice his wife
John Daniell - Anwarpe
Abraham Vanhardwicke - Anwarpe
Jartrude Vanheyns - Douchwooman
Frauncis Blowes - Maklyn
Michaell Spylbagen- Anwarp
Frauncis Dericke - Anwarpe
Garret Vandergust - Flaunders

_Sayinct Edmondes Parish & Sainct Clementes Lane_
Lambert Comshull - Enden
Margaret Hushmans - Gant [widow]
Joyes Blambert - Bryselles in Brabant
Agnes his wife
John Kynge - Flaunders
Jone his wife
John--- - Douchman
Barbara and Joan, his maides
Clement Vandres - Flaunders
Gyllam Vantemsicke - Bryges
Joan his wife
Jenekin [kid]

_Alhallowes in Lumberd Strete_
Harman Baker - Flaunders
Harman Hofe - Culleyne
Johne Leynarde - Brabant
Arnopld Fare - Flaunders
Walter Fawgley - Douch

_Sainct Bennyt Gracechurch Parish_
Elias Cruse - Freselande
Christian his wife
Helias and Jeremias [kids]
Mathewe Sexin - Douch
John Gysman - Douch
Robert Leyelarke - Artos
Jakalina his wife
Peter Bultayle - Douch
Pole Bultayle - Douch
Martyn Bultayle - Douch
Basteon de Roffe - Douch
Petintan his wife

_Sainct Dennys Backchurch Parishe_
Peter Sawier - Valencia
Anne his wife
Marye his daughter
Peter Curro - French
Godfrey Boxe - Masticke
Godfrey Boxe the yonger - Masticke
Frauncis Gomesperdo - Portingall
Adrian Stoke - Burgundian
Robert Carpenter - Turney
Katheryne his wife
Nicholas Leonarde - Douch
Nicholet his wife
Harman Keeth [servant]
Garret Lutes, alias Johnson [servant]
Nicholas Fountayne - Valencia
Adrian his wife
Marye and Nicholas [kids]
Joyce and Henrye [manservants]
Margaret Vanhasse - Douch
Leven Hendrick - Gaunt, Italian
Levyn de Bruyn - Gaunt
Leven his wife
Katheryne and Jokolyne [kids]
Joane Dehanoe - Gaunt [maideservaunt]
Emanuell Demetris - Anwarpe
Hester his wife
Abraham Vandelden [manservant]
Netkyn, Betkyn, Moykyn, his wives systers
Frauncis Jyttowe - Italian
Anthonye Countye - Italian
Lucres his wife
Nicholas Delaynoy - lande of Luke
Katheryne his wife
Joyce Lampe man servant
Anne Corprewe maidservant
Jacus Legellion - Armenters [French]
Annis his wife
Anthonye, Jasper, Marye, Annis [kids]
Lewes Terye - Flaunders
Margaret his wife
Haunce Miter - Hollande
Alice his wife
George Ryncere - Gilderlande
Doctor Siles - Germayne
Vintryne Dorye - Italian
Christian his wife
Marye Bultayle - Turney [widow, Dutch]
Phillippe and Lawrence [kids]
William Hellclose - Lukelande
Marye his wife
William Gryffynhofe - Marke
Katheryne his wife
Nicholas Tycen - Hamsardam
Marye his wife
Marye his syster
Janikin Johnson maide servant
Peter Sammin - Curtricke
Petherkin  his wife
Marye Johnson his servant
Clerkin Papwoorth [fem]
Marye Bussiers maide servant
Sware Lucas - Gylderland

_Sainct Gabriell Fanchurch Parishe_
Anthonye Brisket - Genevia
Thomas Fortune - Florence
John Demare - Wallon
Farnando - Wallon
Godfrey Johnson - Douch
Hugh Byshoppe - Frenchman
Frauncis Bysshope his sonne
Gyles his wife
John, Hester, Anne [kids]
Katheryne Chere servant - Jarmayne
Cornelie Mintha servant - Jarmayne [F]
Ellen Delamoto - Dochwoman
Agnes her maide
Lewes Byshope - Douchman
Joan his wife
David Bysshoppe his sonne
Marye Sawfarde his maide
Arnold Heynowe - Frenchman
Ellen his wife
Leonarde his sonne
Michaell his maide servant
Nicholas Viart - Frnach
Ellen his wife
Deribe Brassin - Cullen
Henrye Lambertson - Douchman
Gartrude his wife
Henrye Deryckson - Cleveladn
Henrye Leycocke - Turney
Joan his wife
Michaell Marshall - Douch
Synctam Ramowsa his maid servant
John Peter - Frenchman
Mawdlyn his wife
Peter Peter servant
John Peter servant
Jacus Curteyne - Venetian
Barbara his wife
Bartholmewe Tolofer - Venetian
Phillipe Marchavile - Bullina
John Vennis - Italian
Widowe Dehore - Dutchwoman
Bawdwin Kyser - Douchman
Gulkin his wife
Benedicke Spyndlowe - Geane
Hanniball Spyndelowe his servant
Augustyne Graffina his servant
Peter Prest his servant
Robert Basshion his servant
Raphell Vandepit - Douchman
Joan his wife
William Roche manservant
Goyse Haw manservant
Frauncis Demele maidservant
Henricke Faiton maidservant
Raphaell Woulters - Douch
Jaques Hosnacle - Anwarpe
Jaques Karret - Anwarpe
Phillippe Astere - Anwarpe
Margaret his wife
John Pytte - Gaunt
Phyllyppe his wife
Marye and Annis [kids]
Martyn Vanibushe maidservant
Katheryne Elme maidservant
Joyce Tawtskale - Douchman
Peter Depoole - Dochman
William Douchman
Henrye Lachell - Douch
John Martyn - Clevelande

_Alhallowes Stanynynges_
Baptist Sempetroye - Spayne
Anthonye Phogazo - Portingale
Lopis Delzera - Spanyard of Bylbo in Byske
Domingo de Barganzo - of Bylbo
Glode Paynter - Pemont
Cornelis Delamoye - Burgundian
Anne his wife
Dorothey their daughter
John Garreson - Owtrake
Nicholas Cornelison - Douch
John Seven - Wallon
Marye his wife
Jacolyn Hicke maidservant
Jane Hicke maide servant
Salvator Delapulma - Celande [douch]
Tinerantia Vangorle his wife
Agada and Minca maideservants
Cornelis Denevin - Bryges
Marye his wife
Barnarde Mattys - Delke
Henrye Salte - Deluke
James Glode - Fraunce
Jone his wife

Warde of Dowgate
Paule Mosse - Flaunders
Clays de Conige - Germanye
Jane his wife - Anwarpe
Barbara, Peryne, Sara his children
Haunce Bosshier - his servant
William Walskot - Douch
Helene his wife
Marye his daughter
Andrias Boden his servant
Isabell Vanhewen - Douch
Anthonye Anthonyson - Brabant
Agnes his wife
Lewen Deweter - Briges
Haunce Meter - Douch
Lucas van Pieme - Ryssell in Flaunders
Martyn - Douch
John, Roger, Charles, Lucas, Agnes his children
Michaell Corseilles - Flaunders
Josyn his wife
Heleyn Hassell his servant
Gyles le Torr - Henygowe
Heleyne his wife
Agnes, Pollie, John their children
Cornelis de Beulieu - Valencia [french]
Galetta le Torr - French [widow]
Sara, Rachell, Salomon - Anwarpe
Catheryne de Paite - Anwarpe
Lewes de la Meye - Lowe Germanye
George, Haunce, Haunce, his servants
Henrye Arnolde - Jarmayn
Laurence Dondeni - Italian
Pauline, Marie - Anwarpe
John Dondeni - Italie
Peter Philator - Normandy
Rycharde Ameries - Lukeland
Leonarde Leonardes - Lukelande
Henrye Robertes - Masicke in Lukelande
Bartholmewe Demar - Gulijcke
Godfrey Lambright - Flaunders
Peter Noblet - Douch
Danien Diether - Spayne
Anthonye Ewarras - Spayne
John --- - Briskey [Spayne]
Cornelis de Lanoy - Burgundy
Barbara his wife
Gawen Vanalden - Douch
Harman Huisman - Cullen
Harman Anthonison - Germayne
Fredericke Willyamson - Germayne
Renolde Buffe - Gulycke
Garadt Hedrickson - Douch
Petervan Venlo - Douch
Haunce Rottcamba - Gulicke
Catheryn his wife
Edwarde Ademaire - Culleyne
John Ademaire - Douch
Peter Frederycke - Douch
Melcher Alldenac - Culleyn
Andreus Hursen - Douch
Peter Netsen - Douch
Bartholmewe Brewer - Culleyne
John Harteshorne - Culleyne
Severin Suer - Cullen
Gyles Vryblocke - Gaunt
Lewes, Peter, Joane, Katheryn, Sara - Gaunt
Beatrix van Ertaricke - Douch
Phillippe Hendricke - Andenarde in Flaunders
Katheryn, Marye - Anwarpe
Marye Johnson - Luke
Dennys Fulker - Bryges
Barbara, Marye - Anwarpe
Robert Norman - Douch
Haunce Downant - Douch
Josyn Drake - Douch
James Lemure - Artoys
James, Daniell - Anwarpe
Hubright Francklyn - Luke
Aungell Barkman - Clevelande
Frauncis Stillman - Anwarpe
John Mantean - Douch
Elizabeth his wife - Douch
Jeronimus, Barbara, Samuell - Anwarpe
Paule Holstayne - Denmarke
Giles Johnson - Gelderlande
Haunce Ciemar - Gelderland
Godfrey Starre - Gelderlande
John REitterson - Gulicke
Godfrey Derickson - Culleyn
Beatrix his wife
Garret Hamelles - Anwerpe
Clair his wife - Turneholt
Susan, Arthur, Abell, William - Anwerpe

Warde of Cornehill

_Sainct Michaelles Parish_
Cornellis Corne - Flaunders
Marye his wife - Brabant
James, Sara, Cornellis, Jenoveva, Susan
John Pelse - Anwarpe
Cornellis Dammes - Brabant
John Tallman - Flanders
Baptist Dannewe - Camber
John Vanderawe - Flaunders
Janykin Kemes - Anwarpe
Margaret Brewe - Flaunders
James Brewe her sonne
Frauncis Gwssune - Flaunders
James, David, Jasper, Marye - their kids
Katheryn Vandernaven maide servaunt
Mathewe Gwssunne - Flaunders
Jacob Provost - Flaunders
Rewberke Comersine - Flaunders
Petrullis Balldino - Italian
Cornelia Olyver - Celand
Randall, Henrye, Samuell - Brabant
John Johnson - Essande
Michaell Nowin - Anwarpe
Dericke Jesperson - Douch

_Saynct Xp'ofers Parish_
Elizabeth Allworth - Flaunders
Josia her daughter
Lewis Felix - Douch
John Lecandwell - Flaunders
Maliarde Canys - Douch
Katheryn Walkile - Douch
Henrye Caliander - Douch
Peter Vanderwall - ANwarpe
Stephen Parret - Anwarpe

_Sainct Peters Parishe_
Henricke Bellevelt - Belvelt
Anthonye Corys - Douche
Hughe Brikingworth - Douchland
Nicholas Olter - Fraunce
Nicholas Choyse - Normandy

Warde of Lymestrete

_Sainct Andrewes Vndershafte_
Cornelius Jempson - Flaunders
Symont Poller - Lucke
Peter de Bousquill - Flaunders
Iva his wife
Hugh Lobella - Flaunders
John Hope - Douch
Anthonet - Douch
Phillippe Vermeren - Anwarpe [f]
Tamekin lez Vale - Anwarpe
Margaret van de Hoyden - Anwarpe
Isabell Leicocke - Flaunders
Jane Soyriore, Hester, Maria, Matices Savice, Mathewe Soyriore - Douch [kids]
Jaquelyn Vanst - douch
John van Zesse - Brabant
Cornelius lez Bright - Brabant
Lawrence Cordelvers - Brabant

_Allsaincts in the Wall_
Arnold Guillicke - Anwarpe
Jan van de Mault - Anwerpe
Rombault Vankersbarke - Douch
John Diles - Gylderman
Lewis de Roswe - Flaunders
Margaret Cannon - the lower partes of Sealande

Warde of Bassiesshawe

_Paryshe of Sainte Michaell_
John Dewye - Engye in Hennego [french; rest are dutch]
Jeneker his wife
John Galamer [servant]
Tyse de Mynder [servant]
Jekener Demender
Katheryne Demender
Judithe Demender [sisters of Tyse]
Richard Skylders - Engye in Hennego
Trokyn his wyfe
Harman Johnson - Douch
John Depounte - Tolosa in Gascoyne
Juffyn his wyfe - Rone in Normandy
Anne - Brusselles
Marke her sonne
Gyles de Mylcam - Newseld by Ricell in Flaunders
Clare his wyfe - Bargayne in Henego
John Mountayne - Brusselles
Symonde Bewfatt - St. Albons by Torney in Flaunders

Warde of Brodestrete

_Paryshe of Litle St. Barthilmews_
Leonarde Issingham - Macklan in Brabant
Katheryn his wyfe
Suzanna Halley - Harantall
Cornelys Jacobson - Sereeksey in Selande
Trume, a mayde servant - Douch
Haunce van Ecke - Andwerpe in Brabant
Margarett Brawne - Hambrough
Denneys Veille - Nosvon Suzandall in Normandye
Marye his wife - by Brusselles in Brabante
Paulles Tepottes - Dist in Brabant
Cornelys his wife - Andwerpe in Brabant
Jaques Taffyn - Tourney in Flaunders
Anna his wife - Tourney
Denys, Jehan, Jaques - kids
Guy Barnarde - Tourney
Nicholas Barnarde - Tourney
Adrian ENglishe - Andwerpe [f]

_Paryshe of St. Xp'ofers_
Adrian Brickpott - Andwerp
Barbara his wyfe - Andwarpe
Frauncis Stycklinge - Valencia [italian]
Henrye van Hover - Andwarpe
Peter Vegleman - Bruges
Martina his wife - Bruges
Peter, Annys, Lucresse - kids [born in London]
Cornelys de Witt - Bruges
Andreas de Formestraux - Lysle
Dauid Shorer - Awspurghe [Spanyarde]
Haunce Browne - Mvnster in the countrye of West Philley [douch]
Henry van Diepenbeck - Andwerpe
Xp'ian Crabb - Brudges
Barnarde Dan [sic] Brock - Andwerpe
Jacob Suckoop - Powson, Polelande
Adrian Harryson - Midlebroughe
Thomas Minshall - Turkye
John Strawhande - Edenbrughe in Scotland

_St. Peters the Poore_
Guillaume Coppin - Wallowne
Segar van Pecren - Nether Landder
Pasquin vander Moore - Nether Landder
Broker his wife
Peter Coytte - French
William de Man - Lewklande [Venetian]
John Baptist - 'the Italian preacher'

_Paryshe of St. Margarettes in Lotheburye_
Jaques Cockell - Andwarpe
David Cockel - Andwarpe
Haunce Fleshrone - Andwerpe
Cornellys van Eden - Aconne (born in Andwarpe)

_Parishe of St. Bennettes Finck_
John Carr - Arras
Jane his wyfe
Domynick Casseler
Lawrence Farlonger
Vincent Gilio
Frauncis Gilio
John Morato [all above are Italian]
Gerado de Condo - Italian
Peter Apple - Yper, Flaunders
Marye his wyfe - Arras
Peter Tyfry - Tourney
Xp'emas his sonne - Tourney
John Goddio - Tourney
Barbara his wyfe - Tourney 
Plone Turquey - [widow] Tourney
Jacklyn Farryner - Turney
Hester - kid
Dennys de Prye - Turney
Anthonye Gillam  - Turney
Peter de la Haye - Turney
James Furrey - Turney
Dennys his wyfe
Lea his daugher - Turney
John Yarne - Burgonye
Farrand Bonger - Burgundian
Frauncis Bonger - Burgundian
Margaret - mayde, Burgundian
Anthonio Justilian - Janua in Italie
Marye his wife - Janua in Italie
Marques Stacye - Stegehera
Fraunces his wife - Stegehera
Nicholas his childe - Stegehera
Elias Maye - Douchman
Agnes Apple - Douch
Jonakyn Cornelys - Douch
Agnes Aple - Douch
Johan Aple - Douch
Peter de Puys - Fraunce
Nowell de Puys - Fraunce
Lucas de Here - Gaunte
Elliner his wyfe - Gaunte
Boys Carkoners - Terver [f]
Markin Cupen - Douch
Quiobyn Littery - Venys
Lucye his wife - Andwarpe
Lawer there daughter
Joseph - Venetian

_Parish of St. Marynes Outwiche_
Mathewe de Quester - Lowe Countryes
Cornelia his wife
Mathewe, John, and Cornelys his children
John Doffye - Douch
Easter Harmans - Douch
Elizabeth Ybens - Douch
Dennys le Blancke - Douch
William Brunnam - Frenche man
Dennys hys wyfe - Douche woman
John de Blancques - Frenche man

_Precinct of All Saintes in the Wall_
Michaell Shonishall - Burgundy
Adrian his wyfe
Frauncis Lawrence his servaunte
John Blanker - Flanders
Peryn his wyfe
Fraunces Crocosan - Flaunders
Marye his wyfe
Peter la Feveron - Burgonye vnder the Kinge of Spayne
Jacklyn his wyfe
Jane his daughter
John Larow - servant
Kenton Hawsey - servant
Mark de Rownde - Burgonye
Margarye his wife
Vincent Cossifer - Burgonye
Agnes his wyfe
Phillipp his sonne
James Carpenter - Burgonye
Jakelyne his wyfe
Jane his daughter
John Bountyfer - Burgonye
Blaunche his wife
Mather Shampion - Burgonye
Katheryne his wife
Clarett his daughter
Nicholas Byshowe - Burgonye
Katheryne his wyfe
Peter Demowbre - Burgonye
Frauncis his wife
Fiakell Howsdiny - his servant
Stane Rose - Burgonye
Agnes his wyfe
Domynyck de la Noy - Flaunders
Elizabeth his wyfe
Balthatzar Carman - Douche
Barbara his wyfe
Abraham there sonne
Jane Carrey - Frenche [widow]

Aldrichegate Warde

_Saint Martyns le Graunde_
Garrett Vanderbus - Gelderslande
Margarett his wyf - Vtrighte
Jacob Delasytier - Andwarpe
Andros Walley - Durte in Selande
Audrian Butlera - Turney
Peter Fuckall - Bysshopprick of Sharttras in Fraunce
Collecketour his wyfe - Valmounte in Normandye
James Vinion - Parys
Jane his wife - Normandye
Gregorye Prynsell - Rusao in Vngalion
Tannikynge Rogers - Andwarp
John Selinge - Goughe in Clevelande
Margarett his wife - Weasell in Clevelande
Henry Dowson - Venlo in Gelderlande
Jacob Vshowson - Gelderlande
Chrystian Hammer - Canger in the contrye of Gwillicar
Yeare his wyfe - Lysam in the same countrye
Elizabeth Battes - Malsyck, vnder the Bisshop of Luke - Venetian
Andros Gosman - Andwarpe
Marye his wyf
Joane, Marye, Anne [kids]
Nicholas Smythe - Germanye
Joane his wyfe - Andwarpe
Balser Hemmynge - Andwarpe
James Ditwighte - Roane
Collett his wyfe
Garrett Clargy - Trocheampy
John Bowrey - Roane
Agnes his wiyfe
William Holland - French
Robert Fountayne - Normandye
Nicholas Vanderbeffley - Andwerpe
John Baker - Emden
John Marsys - Andwerpe
Anthonye Wryghte - Fryselande
John Martyn - Hensbrys in Clevelande
Leonarde Veare - Clevelande
Bastian - Douch
John Mona - Mastridge in Lewklande
Goston Redcant - Golley [Douch]
William Egulls - Wearte in Brabant
Anthony Champina - vnder the Emperor
Palle - Lybwick [his servant]
Sampson Leauer - Roane in Normandye
Henry Pope - vnder the Duke of Cleve
Katheryne his wyfe - vnder the Bysshop of Collen
William Bettinge - vnder the Duke of Gelder
Anthony Horny - Andwerpe
Henrye Spadus - Andwerpe
Gyllam Norrey - Mountidey in Pycardy
John Cowsey - Roane in Normandye
Phillipp Marryner - Parrys
Jakes Buttock - Andwarpe
Peter-Nelle his wife - Andwarpe
Danyell his servaunt - Andwarpe
James Wolforte - Clevelande
Katheryne his wyfe - countrye of Horne
Albarte Strick - Breman in Saxon lande
Derrick Harmanson - Messeck in the Bysshopprick of Luke [Venetian]
Garret Derryckson - Wick
Clawse Lawrence - Vtright in Hollande
James Lyst - Barbyne vnder the Burvester of Branworth
Katheryne his wyfe - Macklyn
Michaell Vansutter - Clevelande
Charles Vandermars - Iporne in Flaunders
Martyn his wyfe - same
Godfrey Byddelles - Roment in Gelderlande
Alexander Williamson - Nommeger inGelderlande
Felley his wife - Cullen
William Peterson - Clevelande
Guillam Pullen - Parrys
Thomas Farsybyll - Armantir in Flaunders
Jakelyn his wyfe - Burgoyne
Peter de Lacourte - Billa in Flaunders
Nicholas WArney - Bridges
John Nicolles - Roane
Charles Dyrrant - Parrys
Dennys Sympshall - Lyons
John Sharfe - Roane
Eryett Warrs - Mastrick in Flaunders
Jasper Fredryck - Amsterdam in Holland
Phillipp Hermon - Andwarpe
Elias Gysbrick - Holland, in Harton
Deryck James - Douch
Boneventure Leney - Parys
Garret Falck - Grube in Brabant
Lyssier his wife - Holland
Robert Shalwaye - Rone
Barbara his wyfe - Rone
Nicholas Bunmarsy - Rone
William Foster - Rone
Fraunces Derickson - Frances in Friseland
Charles Chartres - Depe in Normandye
Morrys Ickehoulde - Mynden in Clevelande
Jertrude his sister - Mynden in Clevelande
Balthaser Lote - Andwerpe
John Derickson - Sartonbus in Brabant
Gyles Bar - Valencye in Burgonye
John Powkes - Valencye
Paskin his wyfe - Bridges
Mathewe Gilberte - Gulyck
Stephen Milner - Weasell
Segar Vanscarborowe - Andwarpe
Katheryne his wyfe - Andwarpe
John Vanscarborowe - Douch
Andrewe Copens - Andwerpe
Powels Decodus - Andwerpe
John branborne - Murrey
Harmon June - Grungen by Emden in the countrye of Duke Dalvye
Garret Rose - Bunley in the same Dukedome
Lodowick Tuce - Andwerpe
Hayle-Kynne his wyfe
Anne Tuce his mother
Katheryne, Lodowick, and James there children
Josinge - Brusselles
John Cowtree - Bydorne in Gascoyne
Lewys his wyfe - Depe
James Wilford - Cullen in Douchelande
Katheryne his wife - Messick
Nicholas Clors - Flaunders
William Peterson - Gulyker
Tussyn Vyot - Fraunce
Gyles Seres - Fraunce
Bennet Richarde - Doucheman
Lewes Seneor - Franche man
John Hue - Frenche
Nicholas Deporte - Fraunce
Awdrean Preace - Fraunce
Peter Gravener - Fraunce
Mawdelyn Holden - Douche
Alder Vangylder - Douche
Awdrean Harmanson - Douche
Arnold Low - Douche
Peter Fluter - Doucheman
John Mylner - Frenche
Michaell Arte - Ducheman
William Jacob - Hollynder
Leonarde Phillips - Douche
Nicholas Vandelpowyll - Doucheman
Water Mosen - Dutcheman
Deryck Vancleve - Dutcheman
Michaell Fuller - Douche
Garrett Conell - Cullen
Jacob Bullinger - Doucheman
Jane and Margaret - kids
Widowe Lamberte - Douche woman
Jasper Anguenet - Douch
Tannekyn - Douch
Nicholas Vandeleffen - Douche
John Vanyomeid - Emden
John Vannesse - Sallonde
Peter Erasmos - Sallonde
Derryk Andreis - Collen
Jacob Symthe [sic] - Clevelande
Gabryell Hemman - Frenchmann
Peter Bennett - Frencheman
Peter Dennell - Frencheman
John Symonde - Dutcheman
Hubbert Johnson - Douche
Lambert Powyll - Douche
Jacobbe Colle - Douche
Ede Peterson - Doucheman
John More - Luke
Anthonye Vanturenet - Dutchman
Garrett Florrein - Flaunders
Garrett Florrein his sonne - Flaunders
Gorysh Warnyck - Gaunte
Nicholas Heblen - Fraunce
Garrett Wenson - Doutcheman
Powyll Tyttyll - Frencheman
Richarde Beckett - Frenche
Alexander Williamson - Scott
Charles Awdryns - Brusselles
Harman Puttin - Gilderlande
John Johnson - doucheman
Marten de Frende - Douche
Danyell and Melser de Frende - his kids
Peter de Cawte - Ducheman
Haunce Vaurden - Ducheman
Barnet Mamon - Doucheman
John Johnson - Doucheman
Bartholomewe Bagley - Douche
Henry Hayes - Douche
Jacob Garretson - Douche
Peter Peterson - Douche
John Williamson - Douche
Arthure Mowyn - Douchemann

_Saint Leonardes Paryshe in Foster Lane
Vincent Breman - Douch
Vincent Kinge - Andwarpe
Elizabeth his wyfe
Dennys Restingham - Flaunders vnder Kinge Philipp
Katheryne his wife - Hennego vnder the same Kinge
James Coldwell - Scotlande
Gualter Reynolds - Branswick vnder the Emperor

_St. John Zacharyes Paryshe_
Anthony Fenro - vnder the Duke of Cleue
John Ashe - Douch
John Awdryanson - Andwarpe
Arnold Taunt - vnder the Duke of Cleve
Culrad Stone - Douche
Dauid Hellynk - ANdwarpe

_Paryshe of St. Anne and AGnes_
Peter Johnson - vnder the Duke of Cleve
Jacob Colman - ANdwarpe

_Saint Mary Stayninges Paryshe_
Troylus Decrettes - Fleminge
Sara his wyfe
Marye and Mawdelyn his daughters
Peter Carpenter - Fleming, Andwarpe
Joane his wyfe - Andwarpe
Isaack and Peter his sonnes - Andwarpe
Angell Rogers - Andwarpe
James White - Scothman
John Anderson - Scotchman
John Olyphaunt - Scotchman
Cutvert Redd - Scottchman
James Redd - Scottcheman

_Saint Botolphes without Aldrichgate_
Leonarde Awdrianson - Douche
Michaell Grove - Burgonian
Peter Restingall - Armander in Flaunders
Elizabeth wyfe
Peter Messhawes his servaunte
Nicholas Moreclake - Doucheman
Jacamen his wyfe
Jacob Giglinge - Henawe
Guillam Culper - Henawe
John Deverage - ARmander in Flaunders
Marye his wyfe
John Franklyn - Armander in Flaunders
Catlinge his wyfe
Cosmus Stroche - Florentyne
John Mahewe - Burgonian
Anthony Bomale - Burgonian
Pacan his wyfe
Margarett Remonth - French
Geliam Harman her sonne
Derick Edwardes - Clevelande
Wyne Johnson - Doucheman
Cycylie his wyfe
John Haulger - Doucheland
Henry de Campyna - Brabant
Jocan his wyfe
Joane Bowes - Douch
Gyles Wall - Lewkelande
Katheryne his wyfe - Hollande
Elizabeth Suelinge - Flaunders
Roberte Allyn - Scotlande in the towne of Kelsey
Xp'ian his wyfe - Clevelande

Warde of Bysshoppsgate

_Sainte Botolphes Paryshe_
Charles Treasye - Wallon
Jane his wyfe
Lucan Sauen - Wallon
Jane his wyfe
Xp'ian, Dnayell, Judith, Sara [kids]
Gillam Rey - Fleminge
Mathewe his wyfe
Phillip his sonne
Lewes his cossen
Peter Mannock - Wallown
Jacomyn his mother
Giles Mannock his brother
Joane his syster
John Boder - French
Joane his wyfe
John, Danyell his sonnes
Peter Layton - Fleminge
Martyn his wyfe
William his sonne
John Martyn - Fleminge
Katheryne his wyfe
Hester his daughter
Edmonde Streate - Gelderlande
Engram Aloo - Fleming
Marye and Jane his daughters
John Ortey - Fleming
Bawdwyn his wyfe
Nicholas his sonne
Marye Gobbam - Frenche
Katheryne Forman her daughter
Albert Coppeman - Douche
Christian Gnelladie - Fleming
Marye his wif
Phebe and Anne his daughters
John Fawkener - Fleming
Fernando Julio - Fleming
Jane Buckey - Fleming
Adriano her daughter
Mathewe Delaymonten - Fleming
Marye his wyfe
Timothie, Abraham, Marye, Sara [kids]
Lamberd Cordyner his servaunte
Fraunces Marshall - Wallowne
Jane his wyfe
Barbara Barmarda - Flaunders
James Beane - Burgonian
Jakelyn his wyfe
Noy his sonne
Marie his daughter
John Rotie - Wallowne
Agnes his wyfe
Ricarde Jacob - Fleminge
Margarett Voyson - Valencia [Italian]
Frauncis and Nicholas her sonnes
Bone Marye her maide
John Baptist Violer
John Pyttaine - Artois
Margarett his wyfe
Jaohn de Lackantout - ARtois
Xp'ian Dye - Artois
Mathewe de Mounte - Wallonne
Peter Salvage - Burgonian of Wallon
Peter Brene - Wallonne
John Juda - Wallonne
Jhn Pilos - Wallonne
Bastian Sara - Burgonian
Marye his wyfe - Fleminge
John Robynson - Doriep
Vrsula his wyfe 
Anne Fosse servaunte
John de Verney - Valencia [Italian]
Marye his wyfe
Phillipp Carley - Valencia
John Hewe - Valencia
James Cockey - Douch
Marye his wyfe
Suzan her mother
Robert Detter - Russell
Peron his wyfe
Peter Favale - Italian of Bolyuia de Grace
Poll Germall - Genewey
John Daunt - Valencia [Italian]
John van de Hove - Douche
Moykyn his wyfe
Stays Tyrrye - Russell
Elizabeth his wif
Lewys Bergis - Doffyn in Fraunce
Martyn his wyfe
John de Chan his servaunte
Xp'ofer Bene - Clevelande
Nicholas Peters - Clevelande
Derrick bergyn - vnder the Bysshopp of Luke
Adam Hoyat - ARtois
Marye his wyfe
Charles de Kenne his servaunt
Jacobb Byens - servaunt
Peter Pan - French
Anne his wyfe
Colet her mother
John Coure - Valencia
Joane his wyfe
Barba his maide
Anthony Blampe - Valencia
Elizabeth his wyfe
Hannyball Barbilley - Lyle
Marye his wyfe
Jacolyn her syster
Jane de Nova - Lyle
John Duke - Valencia
Margarett his wife
Fraunces Molyn - Valencia
Katheryn his wyfe
John Bergree - Leys in the Lowe Countryes
Marye his wyfe
Victor Colyn - Roane
Margarett his mother
Thomas de Roy - Valencia
Katheryne his wyfe
Nicholas Boneroy - Turney
Margarett his wyfe
Katheryne Goodyn - Valencia
Peter Grevyll - Valencia
Jacolyne his wife
Jerome Halee - Lyle in Flaunders
Felix his wyfe
Fraunces Jacob - Towreholte
Awdrian his wyfe
John Backley - Douche
Tannekyn his wyfe
Nicholas Jachmene - Valencia
Michaell his wife
Marye his mother
Supply Gydon - Frencheman
John Barbe - Turney
Gorus Demayre - Gaunt
Gartred his wyfe
Jacob Vanynck - Gaunte
Vanken his wyfe
Margaret Powmare - Armenters
Domynick Bewxer - Orbraunce in fraunce
Roger Johnson - Hie Almayne
Peter Foye - Turney
Jane his wyfe
Felix Larrowe - Armentures
Agnes his wyfe
Lewes Mahuue - Lylle
Martyn his wyfe
Adrian Fountaine - Valenciam
Audrian his wyfe
Marcye Ducleman - Valencia
Bowne Aperlie - Valenc'
Jane his wyfe
Widow Blankare - Lyle
Noah Bodowe - French
Marye his wyfe
Honore Lebren - Turney
Yowmana - Cambre [widow]
Michaell Cawsshe - Turney
Marye his wyfe
William Darowe the elder - Lylle
Agnes his wyfe
John Makeren - Andwarpe
Barbara his wyfe

_Saint Helyns Paryshe_
Jacob Worgos - SElande
John Forman - Flaunders
Jane his wyfe
John, Danyell, Marye his children
Mede Claremboe - Douch
Michaell Symons - Mastrick
Joyes Vandenanys - Douch
Katheryne his wyfe
Jocas Molsake - Douche
Luport Gonnyck - Douche
Jelys Deryck - Douch
Vensant Verley - Douch
Domynicus de Florett - Douch
John Swego - Melone
Eustacey Rogge - Flaunders
Barbara his wyfe
Peter Boleys - Gaunte
Katheryne his wyfe
Isaack and Abraham there children
Eve Voltys - Douch
Baptist Angell - Italie
John Jeffrey - Flaunders
James his brother
Elizabeth Peters there mayde
Anthonye Caviliar there man esrvaunte
Jacob Sall - Holland
Aratha his wyfe
Anne and Marye his chidlren
Barnadyne Bonesynyar - Florentyne
Katheryne his wyfe
Christian Vanioye - Flaunders
Mark and William his children
Roberte Masters - Fraunce
Samspon Cowlett - Frenche
Katheryne Cowlett - Frenche

_Alhallowes Paryshe_
Hercules Fremont - Curtrick in Flaunders
Margarett his wyfe
Marye his servaunte
Lucas Dexmell - Bridges
John Devetter - Gaunte

_St. Peters Paryshe in Cornhill_
John Reynolde - Solingan
Jacob Baltus - Iserloe in Clevelande
Anthonye Russell - Verwick in Flaunders
Hubrighte Damart - Bridges in Flaunders
Janakyn his wyfe
Derrick Yopp - Hollender
Cristian Crabb - Brydges in Flaunders
Jacob Dedyvell - Bridges in Flaunders
James Nicolson - Lethen in Holland
Lodowick - Camberson in Flaunders
Gyles Heffelde - Clever
John Cremer - Clevelande
Barne Barnesdon - Cleveland
Jasper Hertes - Newrymboroughe in Germanye
Elizabeth Rattyn - Andwerpe in Brabant
Nicholas Nicholas - Gilderlande
James Harryson - Loraband
Arnolde Barshe - Gilderlande

_Saint Alboroughes Paryshe_
Antonatt Adam - Burgonian
Sara, Rebecca, Rachell, Isaack her children
John Rodger - Burgonian
Mawdlyn his wyfe
Nicollo his sonne
Meis Pettyfrey his apprentice
John Sara - Lyons
Marye his wyfe
Lucretia his daughter
Samuell Maxsiom - Annys
Awdrian his wyfe
Katheryne Delacourt - Burgonian
Henry a yonge childe
Fraunces Floryn - Frenche
Marye his wyfe
Peter, Powle, Agnes, Mawdlyn there children
Peter Vanketche his servaunt
George Butcher his servaunt
Peter Locar - Valencia
Rose his wyfe
Noyet, Berba, Jane, Marye his kids
Henry Widder - Turney
Berba his wyfe
Elizabeth Beyne - Frenche
Antoneta her daughter
John Cubys - Flaunders
Christopher his wyfe
Jousse Farresse his servaunt
John Moyssyon - Byrssell
Hawage Byerman - Hye Almayne
Peter Bucard - Doucheman
Machyn his wyfe
Abraham his sonne
John Flood - Doucheman
Machyn his wyfe

_Saint Martyn Outwiche Paryshe_
Anthony Agachie - Lylle
Jakelyn his wyfe
Mallerd de Mayrelles - Douche
Jaquelyne his wyfe

Warde of Algate

_Sainte Katheryne Crichurche Paryshe_
Godfrey Nicholas - Douchelande
Marten Lygear - Frenche
Roman - Burgonian
Peter - Burgonian
Janekyn - Douchewoman
John Mutton - Doucheman
Marye - Dowchewoman
Joyes Boyes - Douche
Jone Counter - Douche [widow]
Anthony Kayssar - Emperrowre - Turney
Carvaly - Portingale
Awsten Dencre - Aragus
John Coole - Douchelande
Alexander Peter - Fraunce
Cornellis Johnson - Doucheman
John Drake - Douche lande
Isaak Deburges - Douchelande
Adrian Rusten - Fraunce
William Renowe - Fraunce
Clement Roger - Fraunce

_Alhallowes Stayninges Paryshe_
Peter Eger - Fraunce
Peter Dosancorte - Frencheman
Didiet - Frencheman
Jakes Laboor - Frenchman
John Chamberleyn - Fraunce

_Saint Androwes Vndershafte_
Godfrey Slabbert - Lylle in Brabant
Jacamyn, Hester, Susan, Katheryne there children
Joys Hynkys his servaunte
Fraunces there mayde
Arthure Peters - Brabant
Toby, Arnolde, Ellyn Johnson - Brabant
John Angely - Gaunte
Katheryne his wyfe
David his sonne
John Simons - Gaunte
Elizabeth his wyfe
Peter Donys - Gaunte
Offulgan Falowis - Valencia
Jamys, Marye, Judithe there children
Frauncis Bartie - Flaunders
Katheryne Menykyn his maide
Alexander Myllayne - Brabant
Katheryn his wyfe
John his sonne
Lewys de Pays - Spannyarde

_St. Katheryne Colmans Paryshe_
Joyse Skippe - Douche
Anthonye his mayde
Marcus Depalmer - Midleborowe
Elizabeth his mayde
Jaques Mygrote - Flaunders
Michaell Yares - Flaunders
Catheryne Delist - Flaunders
Trukyn and Marye [Jaques'] servants - Flaunders
Derrick Henricksonne - Flaunders
Thomas Chappell - Doucheman
John Tyce - Doucheman
Jasper Jakes - Highealmayne
John Mortall - Luke
Sterling Race - French
Peter Handcourte his man
John Leonarde - Douchelande
Nicholas Behough - Douche
Peter Crosse - Douche
Fongare Johnson - Douche
Bartholomewe Vabusute - Brysselles
James Barip - Gelderlande
Christian Greven - Gelderlande
Frauncis Tast - Italian
Domynick Bussher - Italian
Pastoke Flowrk - Italian, of Luke
Christian his mayde - Flaunders
Gwydowe Calvertenne - Italian
Henry Foster - Frencheman
Renyour - Doucheman
Christopher - Frencheman
Margerye Augustine - Spanyarde
John Davye - Spanyarde
Angell and Elizabeth [margerye's] kids
Bartholomewe Hoseman - Duche
Abraham his sonne
Harman Holmes - Douche
Cornelis Johnson - Doucheman
Garrett de Cattewe - Burgonian
Gyles Wyer - Frencheman
Thomas STrange - Italian
Gasperyn Gaffine - Italian
Anthony Nicholas - Doucheman
Henrye Abonelde - Doucheman
Katheryne Vanarca - Gaunte

_Parishe of Stayninge within Blanchappleton_
Peter Olbrand - Douchelande
Haunce Dersaursins - Douchelande
John Ritter [Peter's] servaunte
Gillam Dillimer - Frenche
Nicholas Russelinge - Frenche
Nowell Sally - Frenche
Harmon van Loe - Doucheman
Garrett Bokell - Douch
Simon Hillett - Douch
John Decuse - Douch
Anthonye Cornelye - Douch
John Relay - Doucheman
John de Sollatt - Frencheman
Peter Classon - Doucheman
Gosson Gawsson - Doucheman

_Saint Olyves Paryshe in Hartstrete_
Nicholas Pyggott - Frencheman
Peter Edwarde - Portingale
John Burgyn - Burgonyan
Nicholas Hollingcourte - Frencheman
Innocent Locutello - Venetian
James le Forsey - Frencheman
John Lamuell - Frenche
Mary Breart - Frenchewoman
Charles Gobert - Burgonian
Nicholas Bassiet - Burgonian
Robert Howell - Frencheman
Paule Sammer - Frenche
Robert Dushaine - French
Nicholas Petit - Frencheman
Jaques Twillier - French
Davie Woode - Scott
Galliard Tasson - Frencheman
Augustine Bastian - Venetian
Joseph Luop - Venetian
Katheryne Shank - Skottishwoman
Anne Bysshoppe - Skott [her father is "nowe prisoner in the Towre"!]
Parkin Gossins - Burgonian [widow]
John de Boyse - Doutcheman
Jaques Fyssher - Frencheman
Robert Breart - French
Gillam Rabbyns - Frenche
Arnolde de Mynew - Frenche

_Within the Libertie of Chrychurche_
Godfrey Wyngys - Luke [italian]
Katheryne his wyfe - Douchewoman
Saray Johnson - Emden [widow]
Anthony Formatrow - Flanders [widow]
John de Lobell - Flaunders
Michaell his wife
Claudye Douttonye - Flaunders
Jane his wyfe
Jane Rottey - Flaunders
John Lamare - Burgonye
Jacob Johnson - Douche
Margerye his wyfe
Karlle Vlkey - Flanders
Elizabethe his wyfe
Michaell Suysse - Andwarpe
Jone his wyfe
John Debeck - Andwarpe
Jowssyne his wife
Haunce Doryne - Andwarpe
Tannykyn his wyfe
John Mathye - Luke [italian]
Lyven his wyfe - Gaunte
Mawdelyn Vanyssar - Andwarpe
John Suckey - Burgonian
Joane his wyfe
Slowe Danvell - Burgonian
Katheryne his wyfe
James ARmes - Doucheman
Awdryan Vandovgane - Douche
Dorytye his wyfe
John Stell - Andwarpe
James Sovste - Andwarpe
Oeykyn his wyfe
Dennysse Deboninge - Burgonian
Marye his wyfe
Nicholas Dowssone - Burgonian
Paskar Hanbande - Burgonian
John Janne - Frencheman
Anne his wyfe -  Flaunders
John de Graue - Flaunders
Marye his wyfe
John Lamprovus - Hollande
Joane his wyfe
Anthonye Witt - Stight van Vtright
Fye his wyfe
Gilbert Peterson - Vtright
Gyles Jacob - Brabant
Anne his wyfe - Andwarp
Peter Skryvyll - Andwarpe
Marten his wyfe
Henry Knope - Flaunders
Marye his wyfe
Anne Gorrett - Andwarpe

[children, mayde servauntes, and men servaunts, within the saide Precincte are as followeth]
Jacamyne Serane
Lucrece Reneyrs
Mary George
Jane Dutton
Sara Dutton
Anne Rottey
Moykyn Johnson
Lynkyn Lambrys - Brabant
Cornelys Taye - Flaunders
Peter Taye
Abraham Taye
Katheryne Vene
Margarett Vtkey
Igow Vtkey
Daneyll Debecke
Lynimus Debecke [f]
Christian Fellos - Barbary
Peter Estenart - Andwarpe
Judith Suckey - French
Dyngyn Stell [f]
John Barowe
Anthonye Barowe
Gylberte Degrave
John Degrave
Robert Degrave
Abraham Lamprovus
Nicholas Lamprovus
Jeope Lamprovus
John Lamprovus
Moykyn Williams - Selande [f]
George Marshant - Flaunders
Farnando Dottonye - Douche
Jacob Vandelovyndlo - Clevelande
William de Hassa - Flaunders
Adrian Pylate - Flaunders
John Lackney - Wallonne
Martyn Taye - Flaunders
John Bowgar - Andwarpe
John Aman - Brabant
John Fott - Flaunders
Lambrick van Eynovyne - Brabant
Margarett Symonne - Andwarpe
William Tande - Flaunders
Symond Romayne - Andwarpe
Nicholas Suisse - Andwarpe
Abraham Suisse - Douch?
Garrett Waters - Emden
Peter Varhaggan - Andwarpe
John Clarys - Burgonian
John Mullemaster - Flaunders
Audrian Garbyne - Flaunders
Audryan Donemaker - Flaunders
Dennys Polle - Gaunte
John Harameson - Fryselande
John skryvill - Brabant
Andrys Dyllavall - Flaunders

Warde of Billingsgate

_Saint Marye Hill Paryshe_
Guillam Curtayne - Flaunders
Margarett his wyfe
Margarett, Joane his daughters
Tannekyn, Joane his maydes
William Bogar - Gaunte in Flaunders
Suzan his daughter
Audrian de Porter - Eldener
Florence his wyfe
Dennys de Hawse - Flaunders
Ellen his wyfe
Elias van Cotton - Douche
Gregorye Denygronye - Geneva
Water Johnson - Wezell
Jasper Rumber - Douche
Haunce Stout - Douche
Maudlyn his wyfe
Elizabeth Merys his maide
Harman Howginan - Andwarpe
Peter Palyet - Gaunt
Katheryne his wyfe
Joyse Watger his man
Frauncis Marten - Brisselles
Gartred his wyfe
Jeremias Jorden - Wallon
Severen Vanbosse - Brysselles
John Phillippe - Flaunders
John van Renoy - Hollande
John Garrett - Hollande
Thomas Arnest - Hollande
Peter Brande - Gelderlande
Androo Lynsey - Clevelande
Frauncis Deall - a Bryttaine borne [frenche]
James Skudmet - Flaunders
Barbara his wyfe
Jenekyn his daughter
John Swan his servaunt
Cornelys Tezins his servaunt
Widowe Lyne - Zelande

_Sainte Botolphes Paryshe_
Guillaum Percowrt - Valencia
Frauncis his wyfe
Awdrian his daughter
Peter Lull - Hembar in Flaunders
Haunce Lypsam - Lewkelande
Guillam Williamson - Andwarpe
Marye his wyfe
Jacob Witteyfrogen - Flaunders
Marye his wyfe
Bettres Johnson his mayde
Elizabeth Saunders his mayde
John Witteyfrogen - Gaunte
Michaell Seys - Gaunte
Jenekyn his wife - Gaunte
Garat Cores - Gaunte
Clays Seys - Gaunte
Margarett Foulke - Gaunte
John van Hove, Hollande
Elizabeth his wyfe 
Jacob Hynde - Amsterdam in Hollande
Katheryne his wyfe
John Johnson his boye
Elleken Aryen his mayde
John Wyndrick - Douche
Giles Peters - Douche
John Seversam - Douche
Vendrick Johnson - Douche
Phillip Vangolan - Douche
Hewe Idosane - Douche
Awdrian Cloyse - Douche
John Harlinge [or Barlinge?] - Douche
Harman Pottey - Douche
Katheryne his wyfe
Haunce Comperese his servaunte
Haunce Oldrick - Germany
George Petters - Flaunders
Elizabeth his wyfe
Peter Bores - Douche
Peter, George, Ellen - [kids]
Anthony Goddard - Flaunders
Fraunces hiswyfe
Hester his daughter
Paule Nevellar his servaunt
Margarett his maide - Clevelande
James Cole - Douche
Elizabeth his wyfe
John Doblys his ervaunte
Gyles Bowntenaken - Brabant
Annys his wyfe
Remevus Backrell his servaunt
Peron his mayde
Michaell Men~ett - Andwarpe
Marye his mayde
Tere Delacourt - Valencia [Italian]
Christian Willtars - Cleveland
Alice his wyfe
George Dubler - Douche
Margarett his wyfe
Joyes and Boven Dearden his servauntes
Roger Curten - Douche
Elizabeth his wyfe
Awdrian his sonne
Dennys Demv~nt - Douche
Con~euay his wyfe
Arnolde Tynnes - vnder the Duke of Cleve
John Tynnes his servaunt
Marten Strusse - Brabant
Katheryne his wyfe
Melson Pelse - Cleveland
Jacmayn his wyfe
Martyn Waversam - vnder Thempier [Douch]
Mawdlyen his wyfe
Harman Johnson his servaunt
Roger Vanhill - Douche
Awsten Bull - Andwarpe
Jaques Lybenhavle - Andwarpe
William Melvyn - Skott
Peter Lambartes - Doucheman
Annys Holfyn - Cullen [f]

_Saint Androwes Paryshe in Escheape_
John Lyon - Hennego
Katheryne his wyfe - Clevelande
Henrye Hugard - Curtrick
Awdryan his wyfe
Awdrysse - John's sister
Peter Fox - Freselande
Marten Sleper - Favken
Mathew Dyslar - Valencia [Italian]
James Rovcvn - Italie
Jacob Belly - Tournay
Jane his wyfe - Andwarpe
John Vinnyon - Newell in Flaunders
Angell his wyfe
Margarett his mayde
Joyce Vanderplanke - Gaunte
Olyver his servaunte
Anthony Wyggyns - Brabant
Elizabeth his wyfe
Anne his daughter
John Rosyar - Valencia [Italian]
Leven van Stet - Gaunte
Charles Derbate - Andwarpe
John Rigges - Artmart
Cornelys Reade - Artmart
Arnolde Geyles - Wessell, in the country of Horne
Jacamyn his wyfe
Cornelys Foster his servaunt - Brabant
Mathew Deproyne - Hennego
John Fever - Hennego 
Haunce Pyffron - Gaunt
Joyce Bowes - Gaunte
John Vandelles - Brabant
Widowe Mathew - Falkenborowe [Dutch]
Derick Lawrance her servaunt
Lambert Garrett - Hennego in Flaunders
Widowe Faylande - Brabant
Henrye Myhell - Douch
Peter Johnson - Brabant
Symon Andrews - Flaunders
Ven his wyfe
Margarett his daughter
Elizabeth his mayde
Mawdelyn Fogg - Flaunders
Katheryne her mayde
Nyse Pankoke - Cowrtrick
Davy Langlye - Douche
Anthony Wallinges - Andwarpe
Katheryne his wyfe
Hester his daughter
Josne his mayde
Haunc Vanderow - Courtrick
Lewse his wyfe
Haunce his sonne
Lewse his mayde
Guillam Formayden - Andwarpe
Parnell his wyfe
Josan his mayde

_Saint Georges Paryshe_
Anthony Godfrey - Doucheman
Haunc Hoffstad - Low Countrye
Peter Boleyn - Low Countrye
John Coocke - Curtrick in Flaunders
Gillamyne his wyfe
Sillykyn Grave his mayde - Clevelande
Joyse Soyse - Gaunte
John van Holte - Gaunte
Elkyn his wyfe
Guillam Santyne - Valencia [Italian]
Jane hys wyfe
Gyles Synne - his seruaunte
Elizabeth Molle - mayde
Jane Santyne - Valencia [Italian]
Romayne Johnson - Lowe Countrye of Flaunders
Marye his daughter - Gaunte
Cornelys Nollett - Rusler in Flaunders
Katheryne hsy wyfe
Henrye Turowrte - Ruslar
Garrat Decatt - Clevelande
Marye his wyfe
John de Horne - Flaunders
Jaques Clowtier - Gawnte in Flaundlers [sic]
Jacalyne his wyfe
Godfrey Wheler - Doucheman
Godfrey Sefryn - Doucheman
Rowlande Rageler - Doucheman
John Harman - Roswlar, in Flaunders
John, Harman, his sonnes
Charles van Clee his man
Macalyn his mayde
Allard de Corde - Emden
Tannekyn his wyfe
Georges Burgis - Lowe Countries of Flaunders
Phillipott his wyfe
George Vandermott - Douche
Jessyn his wyfe
Henry Nabor - Wessell, in Clevelande
Margarett his wyfe
John Decone - Douche
Margaret his wyfe
Libert Derickson his man
Jacamyn his mayde
Garrett Williamson - Flaunders
Joyce his wyfe
Martyn Frollick - Gaunte
Suzanna his wyfe
Elizabeth his mayde
Levyn his mayde
Arnold Stewardes - Lowe Countrye of Flaunders
Annys his daughter
Cornelys Reynes - Andwarpe
Gartred his wyfe
John Jeanes - Anwarpe
Adrian his wyfe

_Saint Margaret Pattens Parysh_
John Baptist Pietinero - Italian
Jesper Genewaies - Italian

Cheape Warde
_Sainct Lawrence Parishe_
Henricke Harper - Antwarpe

_Sainct Martins in Iremonger Lane_
Cornelius Spiringe - Antwarpe
Cornelius Spiringe his sonne
Petie Meyle his servaunt
Francuis Debayhonde his servant

_Sainct Mildredes in the Powltrie_
Mercellie Lucas - Spaine [m]
Peter Reffet - Aconer
Frauncis Cleno - Kinburie, vndr the Duke of Prison, in the East Countrie
Barnard Foxe - Antwarpe
Arte Vanrobne - Antwarpe
Charles Vandelenna - Allies
Peter Belliat van Arnet - Castell in Flaunders
Andrewe Dedominico Strepaine - Venecian
Alaunso Arasco - Spanaird
Nicholas Mollier - Rissell in the Lowe Countrie
Barnard Williams - Gylderlande
Katherine Petite - Parys
Myghell Dedewyte - Callys

_Colchurche Parishe_
Mighell Sylliard - Fraunce

_Sainct Benetes Parishe_
John Collye - Brabander borne
Margaret his wief
Godfrey Johnson - Clevelande
Arnold Harmanson - Clevelande

_Sainct Pancrace Parishe_
John Boulcester - vnder the Bishoppe of Mvnster
Henry Johnson - Friselande
Adam Jolie - Highe Douchelande
Arnolde Beckman - the Emperors dominion
Angell his wief - lande of Luke
Godfrey Hackes - Douche
Michell S(ct) Michells - Douche

Breadestreate Warde
_Sainct Peters and Mary Mawdlins_
Wolrick Oste - Douche

_Sainct Trinitie Parishe_
Hubard Martin - Brabander
Peter his wief

_Sainct Margaret Moyses Parishe_
Godfrey Porten - Douche
Roger, Abram, Isacke his kids
Barnelin Kinges - Fresseland
John Garret - Douche
Johan his wief
John Peterson - Cleveland
George Furmellam - Antwarpe
Harry Johnson - Cleveland
John Blummer - Gaunte
Clarkinge his wief
Awdryan his sonne

_Sainct Austins Parishe_
Henry Huskin - Mys Fallen, vnder the Bushop of Minster
Mary his wief - vnder the Duke of Clevelande
Gylbert Barnes - Maygan

_Sainct Nicholas Colleabey and Marie Magdalens Parishes_
John Large - Artoys
Walter Large - Artoys
Martin ARcher - Cleveland
Richard Jienson - Holland
Margaret Slepar - Braband
Hayleken - Antwarpe [f]

_Sainct Mathewes Parishe_
arnolde Declarewe - vnder Kinge Philipp [Spanish]
Collet his wief [Spanish]
Barbary Dyrvisarie - vnder Kinge Philip [Sapnish] [f]
Peter Dentwre - unver Kinge Philip
Barbarie Davisarie - vnder Kinge Philip [f]
Marie Monnar - vnder Kinge Philip
Arnold Dyldawe - vnder Kinge Philipp
Aaatte Davyserie maide servaunt - vnder Kinge Philipp
Arnolde Harmanson - vnder Kinge Philip
John Mesler - vnder the Duke of Cleva
Garret Crayne - vnder the Duke of Cleva

Colmanstrete Warde
_Sainct Stephes Parishe_
Anthonie Henrick - Henego in Artoys
Jane his wief
John, Charles, Katherine, Susan - kids
Gyles - servaunt
Peter Derones - Henego
Jane his wief
John Werie his servaunt
Moyses Werie his servaunt
Jane Lebrowyn his servaunte
John Debalion - Hennego
Colyn his wief
Loranse his sonne
Frauncis Kreaper - Arras in Burgonie
Katherine his wief
Mary there daughter
James Depenway - Valentia [French]
Lewys, Jane, Barbara his kids
Markes Garret - Bridges in Flaunders
Susan his wief
Marke, Hester kids
Levan Vanvivar - Bridges in Flaunders
Mawdlin his wief
Lewys, Awdrian, Beetes, Colen Pancooke there servaunts
James Clarys - Lyle in Flaunders
Katherine his wief
Thomas Detue
John Blanker
Thomas Byggen - Rone in Normandie
John Workeman - Valentien in Henolde
Elyn his wief
Judithe there daughter
Christian Dyrick - Gawnte in Flaunders
Pawlin his wief
Frauncis, Daniell, Philip, Anne, Perine kids
Servys Obritt - Antwerpe
Marie his wief
John James - Atnwarpe
Cornelia his wief
Bartilmewe, Katherine, Agnes, Cornelia kids
Polle Fyeld - Loven
Marie his wief
Nicholas REmy - Monse in Hennego
Lewes his wief

_Sainct Margarets Parishe_
Johannes Baptista Detranto - Venecian
Govert Hawmells - Antwerpe
Clara his wief
Arthure, Abell, William, Susan
Hubert Reynolds - Tonger i Flaunders
John Lewen his servaunt

_Sainct Olylffes_
Peter Canfield - Iper in Flaunders

Cordwaynerstreate Warde
_Bowe Parishe_
John Eacton - vnder the Emperors dominion
Lambert Peterson - vnder the Duke of Cleave

_Sainct Benet Sherrogge_
Henry Reymond - Turney
AGnes his wief
Lewes, Philipp, Katherine, Hester, Mawdlin, Susan Reymond kids
Agnes Sever - Valencia
Margaret, Judithe, Rachell Sever kids

_Sainct Johns in Walbroke_
Christian de Riche, alias Derick - vnder Kinge Philipp
Matha his wief
Katherine Derick mayde
Clarken MOyeanson - mayde [all above - Spanish]

_Aldermary Parishe_
Henry Tayllor - vnder the Duke of Cleves dominion

Candlewick Strete Warde
_Sainct Marie Abchurche_
Gregorie Castor - Holland
Elizabeth his wief - Luke
Henricke Coyle - an Easterlinge
Elizabeth his wief - Emden
Moyses Fawken - Hambro
Jaques de Hele - Bridgis
Balteser Frankeden - Ducheman
Ellen Matrevys - Millayne
Frauncis Apprando her daughter - Myllayne
Christopher Geerle - Weyne, a Highe Doucheman
Hendrick Anthonie - Emden
Gossen of Gelderlande
Mathewe Luckes - Doucheman
Melcher van Has - Gelderland
Annys his wief
Conrade Reynoldes - Brabant
Ellen his wief
John van Gerskon - Brabant
Conrade Reynoldes
Lewys van Wingen - Flaunders
Taneken his wief
Alexander his man servaunt
Perene his maide servaunt
Marten Vandersand - Bridgis
Perine his wief
Hendrick Allmayn - Mossake in Lukeland
Robert Norman - Bridgis
Audrian Vandersand - Douch
Margaret Swercole - Gelderland
Tanaken Appert - Middleboroughe [f]

_Sainct Laurence Powntney_
Peter More - Antwerpe
Anna his wief
Baldwin, Anna, Mary, Susan, Sara his kids
Anna Smalfree - Douche
Lucrecia, Anna her kids
Symond Jhonson - Douche
Tuniken, alias Anthonie - Brabant [f]
Hubright Audrianson - Barro

_Sainct Martines the Orrgar_
Giles Hoffnagle - Antwerpe
Simond Englegrave - Bridgis in Flaunders
Georis de More - Ouldenar
Paulus Niccesse - Emden
Nicolas van Alten - Antewerpe
Margaret his wief - Duche woman
Leven de Wolf - Aldenar
Leyuke his wief
Amon de Ville - Frencheman
Jacalyne his wief
Hubright Damart - Bridges
Janaken his wief
Jeremias van Mardriche - Flaunders
Alexander Englegrave - Douche
Leveken his wief
Elizabeth Sostinge - Antwerpe
Pullyardes - Bridaye in Flaunders [f]
Hans van Zoudard - Brabant
Lucas Fryze - Fryzeland
Lyken Beseyn - Antwerpe [f]
Hans Lamer - Almayne
George Lamer - Allmayne
Godfrey Wagergant - Brabant
Dyrick Ferken - Culen
Allerd Dinam - Highe Doucheman
Hans Wolters - Brissels
Hans Baptistbroke - Austrea
Jochim Basswithes - Jermanie
Otto Dessemborges - Germanie
Michaell Eker - Germanie
Angelo Grauon - Genevo
Lawrence de Drury - Geneva
Alexander Justiniano - Geneva
Jacob de Navor - Burgony in Valland
Jane his wief
Owen, John, Reynolde, Anne, Debora, Peter, Davie, Susan, Sara - kids
Gellen de Best - Bridges
Loves his wief
Carle de Burglewe - Flaunders
Gabriell van Deviuer - Flaunders
Jacalyn his wief
Samuell, Esaye, Joys - kids
Hans Marten - vppon the Frontieres
Tanneken - Douch
Gyles Lemes - Flaunders
Sicicle his wief
Cornellis, frauncis, Peter, Marget, Jacomyn, Marie - kids
George Wibowe - Flaunders
Marie his wief
Marget his mayde servaunt
John Gremond - Flaunders

_Sainct Michaells Parishe_
Robart Leoman - Ruseler in Flaunders
Jacomyn his wief
Peter, Mechelen, Margaret, Mary, Katherine, Mawdlin, Susan - kids
Christopher Spilberke - Antwerpe
Frauncis Baldwin - Brabant
Rowland Arton - Antwerpe

Castelbaynard Warde

_Sainct Andrewes Parishe_
Henricke Morrel - Bruxells
Lozine his wief - Fleminge
Jacob van Aken - Henego
Levyne his wief - Flemynge
Jacob his sonne - brissells
Abaraham his sonne - Antwerpe
Davyd his sonne - London
Anne his daughter - London
Henrick Camerman - Bruxells
Jasper Holliard - Frencheman
Godfrey Nicolson - Holland
Mathewe Johnson - Collayne
Katherine his wief - Douche
Abraham, Lawrence, Beatrix - kids
John Gibson - Lukeland
John de Grandsare - Burgundian
Katherine his wife - Douche
Susan, Hester - kids
Ismaell Larshe - Burgundian
Martine Barde - Burgundian
Mason Lenarde - Doucheman
Garret Vncle - Flaunders
Andrewe Hewen - Scotchman
Anthonie Fraindemill - Doucheman
Katherine hys wief
Thomas Gaunt - Scotishman

_Sainct Benetes Parishe_
Harry Welche - Doucheman
Annys his wief - Freyselande
Gyles Cloves - Flaunders
Mathewe Prelio - Angewe in Fraunce

_Sainct Gregories Parishe_
Hance de Hune - Antwarpe
Katherine his sister
Ellen, Peter, Abraham, Gedion - kids
Leven Cabb - Flaunders
Jacomyn de Maye - Flaunders
Pernell de Pome - Flaunders
Garret Sawse - Gilderlande
Robart Fan Elbur - Flaunders

_Sainct Maire Magdelens Parishe_
Derick Derickson - Brabant
Ellen his wief - Brabant
George Stokes - Gilderland
Roger Tyese - Gilderland
Cornelis Nelmlan - Hollender
Gyllam Gilles - Borgonian

_Sainct Faythes_
Arnold Birde - Doucheman
Annys his wief - Douchewoman
Jillis Birde - Doucheman
Francuis Pill - Trier, Germany

Walbroke Warde

_Sainct Swithins Parishe_
Andrewe Vanderposte - Otnar in Flaunders
Jhosawaye his wife
Tannakyn his daughter
John Vnaderpost - Otnar in Flaunders
Valentyne his wif - Flaunders
Audrian Molynes - Otnar
Giles van Hill - Darmote in Flaunders
Agata his wyf
Sara van Hill - kid
Judeth van HIll - kid [both born in London]
John Greye - Valensia in Flaunders
Susan Greye
Barbara Grey - his kids born in England
Engelberte Kempton - Cullyn in Flaunders
Elizabeth Kempton - his kid born in England
John Luton - Flaunders
Henrye Bougardes - Lukeland
Peter van Den - Flaunders
Jacklyn  his mayde - Flaunders
James van Becke - Metronn in Flaunders
Marye his wif - Flaunders
Suzan Becke
Sara Becke - his kids born in England
Elizabeth van Asse - cleve
Katheryn Westrende - Flaunders
John Lamote - Iparr in Flaunders
Fraunces his wif - Flaunders
Judith Lamote there duaghter - England
John Vanderhakyn - Meter in Flaunders
Jacame his wif - Flaunders
Piron - kid, Flaunders
Sara - kid, England
John Burnell - Hawlyn in Flawunders

_Sainte Marie Wolchurche Parishe_
Henrie Shepparde - Colllyn in flaunders
Baltheser Sans - Spaine
Marytynne Stronge - Cleve [m]

_Sainte Marie Buttolphe Praishe_
James Stonarde - Saxson in Flaunders
Sara Stonard - Andwarpe
Davie Revett - Brussells
Daniell Stonerd - London kid of James & Sara

_Sainte Marie Abchurche Parishe_
John Godshall - Marson in Flaunders
Margaret - Marsam in Flaunders
James Godeskall - Marson in Flaunders
Sara Godskall
Susan Godskall - their kids, England
John Basett - Fowrboyse in Flaunders
William Whitebread - Braband
Anne hiw wif - Andwerp
Katheryn, Suzan - kids
William Jacobe - Briges in Flaunders
Katheryne his wif - Marson in flaunders
Helen their kid - England
John Henrick - Barowe in Braband
Awdrian Artson - Andwerpe
Marye of the Wall - Ipar in Flaunders
Arthure van Buren - Barowe in Flaunders
Peter Belliard - Arnicker in Flaunders
Jacob Brunell - Halwynne in Flaunders

Quenehithe Warde

_Parishe of ____
John Petiawe - Constaunce in Normandye
Barbara his wif - Constaunce
Massye Chawdron - Depe [Frenchman]
Marye Garde - Constance
Peter Gibbert - Roan in Fraunce
Katheryne his wif - Roan
Tise Leonard - Masick in Cleve in Flaunders
Godfrey Reason - Sertingham [Spanierd]
Hawnse Hulst - Ruremounte [Spaniard]
Cleve Ramon his wife - Turney [French]
Elizabeth there mayde - French
Arnold Powells - Gangott in Flaunders
John peters - Von Vierssell
William Cassier - Myennen
Cornelius Clawse - in Kinge Phillips domynion [Duche]
Peter Johnson - Arnam
Peter Wynsor - Gulick in flaunders
william Garredd - Seventer
Gilbert Toute la Monde - Marcade

_Sainte Marie Somersettes Parishe_
Konie Peter - Gusyn in Flaunders
Harman Evartes - Lywarden in Friseland
Bargett Myller - Desbright in Flaunders
Gartred his wif - Flaunders
Moryssus van den Hove - Diest
Elizabeth his wife - Brussell in Brabant
John Daveliev - Brussell
Angell his wif - Andwerpe
Haunse Hurlayhey - vnder the Duke of Cleve
Angell his wif - Andwerpe
Angell his sonn
Sara there daughter

_Sainte Peters Parishe_
Onor Seneshall - Vallauncey [Duch]

_Sainte Marie Magdalens Parishe_
Jie Petison - Stockam in Flaunders
William Record - Sittert vnder the Duke of Cleve
John Crane - Stockam

Warde of Bridge Without

_Parishe of Sainte Olaues
Fraunces Dirik - Hollander
John Harrison - Mekland
Peter Bricksted - Angon in Luke
Peter Lull - Lemboroughe [Dutch]
Jobe Williamson - Hollender
Hance Fredericke - Clevener
Peter Ambros - Gelderland
Dirick Shrovenes - Clevener
Balthasar Hartram - Mesland
Katheryn his wif
Dauye Johnson - servaunt, Boroughe
Vincent Neylle - Hollander
Browne Harrison - Cleveland
Harman Floryson - Hollander
Wessell van Hyne - Hollander
Lambert Newehouse - Hollander
Lucas Garretes - Emden
John Conygrave - Luke
Harman Conygrave - Lukeland
Haunce Bayne - Cullyn
Garret Cryme - Hensbroke
Barnet Rymes - Fresland
Nicholas Sage - Burgonion 
Arnold Christopher - Cleueland
Diricke Broke - Cleveland
John Williamson - Duche
John Frend - vnder the Emperour
John Hubert - Cleveland
Peter Symondes - Emdon
John Baker - Cluener
John Kinge - Cleuener
Widdowe Rutter - vnder Kinge Phillip [Duche]
Dymond Taffraye - Gelder
Jacob Johnson - Duche
Barthelmewe Johnson - Andwerpe
Nicholas Ward - Mekeland
Thomas Henricke - Hollender
John Crimson - Vtricke
Paules Grave - Cleueland
Tilman van Bushe - vnder Kinge Phillipp
Lenard Baker - Flaunders
Katheryne Demyter - Andwerpe
Nicholas van de Nill - Gaunt
Nicholas Samforte - Ducheland
Joyce Johnson - Gaunte
Manuell van Dorick - Douche
Dericke Gorth - Cleveland
Anne his wif
Rowland James - Cleveland
John Bankton - Cleveland
John Porton - Gelderland
James Linson - Lukener
John Johnson - Flaunders
John Temprons - Mastrick
Bastian Hogens - Gulicke
Peter Tise - Brune
Leonard Frenche - Lukener
John Hollender - Cleveland
James Johnson - Gulick
James Johnson - Gelderland
Godfrey Martyn - Cleveland
Peter Wheler - Gelderland
John Latche - Luke
Johannem Pawell - Gelderland
Zibell Cowper - Gulick [f]
Marye Vanys - Bridges
Jone Corbushe - Flaunders [f]
Nicholas de Prute - Valencia [D]
Peter Degor - Flaunders
Godfrey Garye - Masilk
Gilbert Denys - Flaunders
John Jones - Gelderland
Henry Nicolas - Swesland
Jesper Barneson - Cullen
Janakyn his wif
John Taker - Cleveland
Widowe Easton - Collen
Godfrey Dongerell - Collen
Peter Collman - Gelderland
Henry Borgonye - Gelderland
Wessell Wellyln -Clevener
John Lysinge - Clevener
John Tresuer - Clevener 
John Falke - Gelderland
Frederick Smithe - Hollender
Leonard Anthonye - Cleveland
Jacob Peterson - Holland
Barnard Boys - Duche
Fraunces Colman - Duch
Garret Holdwater - Flaunders
John Harrowe - Flaunders
Roger Pratt - Flaunders
William Degergo - Flaunders
Henrye Antonye - Clevener
Garret Edwardes - Flaunders
Martyn Cornelys - Flaunders
Peter Barthelmewe - Hollander
John Hus - Hollender
John Demye - Flaunders
Peter Campe - Flaunders
Peter Loye - Hollender
Godfrey JOhnson - Holland
Michaell Myland - Holland
Anthony Prowman - Hollander
Frederick Colman - Highe Duchland
Giles Florey - Fraunce
Hubert Elinge - Hollander
John Pingham - Clevener
Jesper Tymberman - Clevener
Henricke Johnson - Collener
Peter Fishe - Clevener
James Aback - Clevener
James Joseph - Brabander
William Decay - Flaunders
John Johnson - Flaunders
Tise tonys - Duchman
Peter Cornelis - Brabanter
Bastyn Twyte - Cleveland
John Levins - Cleve
Peter van Durant - Highe Ducheland
Hilliard - Hollander
Barthelmewe Thomas - HIghe Ducheland
Andrewe Anderson - Clevener
Wybert Isbrayne - Hollender
John Packe - Highe Ducheland
Peter Clayse - Hollender
Harman Clayster - Highe Ducheland
Arnolde Cloysnam - Highe Ducheman
John Polyn -Highe Ducheman
John Molle - Highe Ducheland
Audrian Danniell - Hollender
John Cornelis - Hollender
Jone Manlekyn - Duche
Rendolphe Burnet - Collener
Henrick Johnson - Cleveland
Phillipp Carden - Flaunders
Janakyn his wif
Salvye Busscope - Flaunders
Marie his wif
John Badowe - Flaunders
Elizabeth his wif
Garrett Platter - Brabant
Gillian his wif
Awdrian Vanderbeck - Flaunders
Barthelmewe Thomas - Clevener
Garret Hollender - Cleveland
Henry Hyne - Cleveland
Julyan Parasice - Antwerpe
Peter Hinen - Clevener
Cornelys Powell - Andwerpe
Lambert Harman - Clevener
Garret Heniligest - Cleuener
Gregory Evattes - Danske
Andreas Bealle - Flaunders
Anthonye Rovers - Brabanter
Marye Criansey - Flaunders
Lauraunce Peryman - Flaunders
John Clerke - Flaunders
Percivall Criansey - Flaunders
Henrye Feld - Flaunders
Elizabeth his wif
John Johnson - Gulick
Marye his wif
John Jorye - Flaunders
Barbera his wif
Jacob Bukey - Flaunders
Jane his wif
Peter Bylliard - Flaunders
Fraunces his wiff
Isabell Jacob - Cleveland
Richard Coke - Cleuener
Leonard Hogesn - Cleveland
Marye his wif
Garret Johnson - Clevener
Oliuer Buckleman - Collen
Peter Crowe - Gulick
Cristian his wife
Fraunces Rowe - Hollander
Elizabeth his wif
Andrewe Denoyes - Fraunce
Henrye Hunt - Flaunders
James Fraunces - Antwerpe
Dericke Ward - Cleveland
Elizabeth his wif
James Sergiant - Flaunders
Barbara his wif
Peter van Rede - Duch
Gartred his wif
John Martyn - Clevener
Phillipp Denoise - Parrys
James Garret - Collener
Peter Broke - Flaunders
Magdalyn his wif
Haunis his man servant
Androwe Samean - Flaunders
Margaret his wif
Oseas his man
Charles his man
Julian Santer - Flaunders
Katheryne his wif
Arnold Peters - Brabanter
Catheryn his wif
Peter Androwes - Collener
Margaret his wif
Nicolas Robynson - Hollander
Walter Talman - Cleveland
Helen his wif
John Bukes - Collen
William Symons - Flaunders
Agnes his wif
Peter van Andrye - Duche
John Folke - Ducheman
Daniell Pantake - Flaunders
Katheryne van Wynton - Duche
John Johnson - Lukener
Janakyn Hoye - Flaunders
John Thombe - Collener
Harmenton de Vinhen - Duche
Garret Arnold - Flaunders
Albert Foxe - Fresland
Cornelys Harison - Clevener
John Derickson - Clevener
John Markley - Gelderland
William Derickeson - Gelderland
Jacob Cornelys - Brabant
John Degrave - Flaunders
Katherine Degrave - Flaunders
Henrye Petersone - Brabant
John Simondes - Gelderland
John Margaret - Brabant
Maria his wif
Leve de Bocke - Flaunders
Luce his wif - Flaunders
Maudlen de Cronke - Wellond
Cornelys Vanderbroughe - Flaunders
Widowe Outfeve - Flaunders [m]!
Audrian Gisley - Flaunders
cristian Camber - Flaunders
Fraunces Seyes - Flaunders
William Vanbusden - Antwerpe
Suzon de Pounde - Flaunders
William Vanhouseman - Flaunders
Audrian Neyhold - Flaunders [f]
Cristian Servys - Brabant
Cornelys Harmanson - Flaunders
Christian James - Holland [f]
Emme Johnson - Gelderland [f]
Warner Tise - vnder the Duke of Cleave
Derick Bromlyn - vnder the Duke of Cleve
Peter Belkyn - vnder the Duke of Cleve
Raynold Sparle - Clevener
Henricke Boden - Clevener
Mattice Anthonye - Cleveland
Anthonye his wif
Xp'ofer Godfrey - Clevener
Thomas Wilson - Skotte
Ellyn his wif
Margarett Armson - Parrys
Henry Anthonye - Lukner
Jacomyn his wif
Androe Conynges - Brabanter
Widowe Clerke - Collen
John Abbot - Brabanter
Agnes his wif
Hubert Money - Flaunders
Ellyn his wif
Marie his daughter
Haunce van Borgon - Flaunders
Christen Cloyson - Brabant
John Deloye - Brabant
Sara his wif
John Ingle - Collener
Launcelott Carman - Antwerp
James Bullen - Fraunce
Hance Hartmanns - Artoyce
John Bullen - Artoyce
James Desanger - Flaunders
Martyn Abbot - Flaunders
Arnold Giles - Lukener
Laurence his wif
John Grose - Gelderland
Tise Randerodd - Brabant
Angell his wif
Garret Lenardson - Lukener
Frederick Peters - Hollender
Derick Cure - Hollender
Ellyn his wif
Andrewe Mullenbeck - Hollender
Marye his wif
Jacob Cosier - Burgonye
Simon Percey - Normandye
Henry Hewes - Celand
Henry tilden - Hollender
James mutton - Lukener
Symon Junys - Brabanter
Olyuer Water - Gelderland
Peter Ervans - Duch
Christian his wife
John Vprites - Cleveland
Laurans Meses - Clevener
Peter Peterson - Celander
Marye his wif
Laurance Deyane - Flaunders
Nicholas Rice - Gulicke
Widowe Bilman - Clevener
Christian Higonson - Hollender
Eve his wif
Mathewe Beane - Brabanter
Sanazyn Roste - Gulicke
Gabriell Battes - Brabanter
Anthonye Lambertson - Holland
Agnes his wif
John Gardiehogs - Frencheman
Mathewe Beane - Flaunders
Peron his wif
William Proste - Brabante
Marye his wif
Conrade Johnson - Brabanter
Marye  his wif
Bastian Peters - Holland
William Pastankes - Duche
John Daniell - Brabant
Jone his wif
John georges - Duche
Byllen his wif
Anthonye van Hoen - Brabanter
Lambert Harrison - Gelderland
Barbara his wiff
John Angell - Duch
Dericke Scope - Gelderland
Garret Artys - Brabanter
Marye his wif
Dericke Michell - Collener
John Rode - Flaunders
Leuen Morard - Flaunders
Audrian his wif
Barnes Tilman - Cleveland
Albert Williamson - Clevener
Tilman Johnson - Cleuener
John Atkynson - Collen
John Homes - Clevener
John Agulecke - Clevener
Katheryn his wif
George Derickeson - Hollender
John Thomas - Italion
John Cobrowe - Okehain
Agnes his wif
Wolf Nicholas - Hollander
Arnold Johnson - Hollander
Henry Vesaunton - Cleveland
Elizabeth his wif
Garret his servaunt - Gulicke
Lambert Williams - Hollender
Christian Canypell - Flaunders
Henrick Heyson - Clevener
Peter de Pratte - Duch
Janakyn his wif
Lambert Neve - Brabant
Marye his wif
Ede Nicholas - Brabanter [f]
Widowe Fatte - Gelderland
John Brynke - Fresland
Arnold van Hardwicke - Clevener

William Grunteys - Collener
Joyce Verlance - Gulick
Mathewe Andenove - Duche
Leonard Throuse - Clevener
William Cremer - Clevener
John Wier - Lukener
Anne his wif
Dericke Cornelys - Hollender
Marye his wife
Janakyn - Gelderland
Peter Kychen - Clevener
Tanate Wyatman - Flaunders [f\
Cornelys Harmans - Hollender
Catharyne his wif
Phillipp Marygold - Duch
Catheryne his wif
Jacomyn Anthonys - Flusshinge [f]
Haunce Oben - Land van Luke
Jacob Irchebocke - Flaunders
Mathewe Harmanson - Gelderland
John Agellder - Gelderland
Peter Clarke - Gelderland
Xp'ofer Guyes - Luke
George Baton - Antwerpe
Olyuer Rutter - Clevener
Daniell Hendall - Clevener
Bartholmewe of Collen
Henrye Michell - Collener
Conrade Bougham - Clevener
Peter Avige Lebyck - Clevener
Davye Conyngham - Skotte
Robert Conyngham - Skotte
Nicholas Johnson - Clevener
Henry Johnson - vnder Kinge Phillipp
Hubert van de Keale - Flaunders
Widowe Mones - Gelderland
Catheryne Symons - Hollender
Nicholas Gose - Antwerp
Anthonye Barber - Flaunders
John Barley - vnder Kinge Phillipp
Laurance Enden - Flaunders
Cornelys Eves - Hollender
Garret Dirickson - Gelderland
Michell - Clevener
Henrick - Collener
Arnold Debrayne - Flaunders
judeth Laurance - Flaunders
Gilles - Duch [f]
Jacob Netsone - Cullene
Harman Godfrey - Maunster in Eastland

_Sainte Sauiors Parishe_
Conrade Johnson - Embricke in Cleveland
John Parke - Cleveland
Fraunces Gavers - Lien nere to Collyn
Ellys Sellersellen - nere Collen
Androwe Hawke - Andwerpe
Eldricke Arnold - Colyn
Nicholas Kendall - Cleveland
Dericke Croste - Gelderland
Anthony Meddle - nere to Collen
Daniell Cappen - nere to Collen
John Smithe - Lukeland
Derick Pollen - Lukeland
Margery his wif
Lamberte, John their kids
Peter Terenteus - Engen in Burgundye
Martyn his wif
Sara his kid [born in Yorke]
Mathewe Provost - Flaunders
Lyvina Laurance - Duch [f]
Adriaun Dnuroll - Gaunte
Lyvine his sonne
Lyvyne de Woef - Ouldenader, besides Gaunte
Lynkyne his wif
Rod'us Martyns - Thage in Holland
Josynne his wife
Ellen, Marie - kids

_Sainte Thomas the Apostle Parishe_
Gloie de Guie - Parrys
Jacklyn his wif
Jhn Vassell - Roane
Joselphe Elstrage - lukeland
Arnold his wif
Joselphe, Reginold - kids, England
John Godfrey - Lusemburghe
Suzan, Joane, Isabell - kids, England
John Lambert - Vttriche in Holland
Cornelys Wearth - Lukeland
Basell his wif
Anne his child
Symon Byllard - Lukeland
Ellen his wif - Flaunders
John, Sara - kids, London
Remye le Clerke - Heynawlt
Anne his wif
Abraham his kid - London
Rowland Michaells - Normandie
Antonetta his wif
William Cure - Holland
Jane Josyne - Vallence [French]
Julian Josine
Marye Josine
Jane Josyne
Domyngo - Tholouse in Fraunce
John Launce - Normandye
Gloke his wif
Anthonye Carowne - Burgonian
Katheryne his wif
John Preiste - Rone
John Pynell - Normandie
Simon his wif
Christopher Riall - Normandye
Peter Wellence - Andwerpe
Marie his wif
Abraham Frieste 
Alexander Derick
Adrian du Tatter - Normandye [f]
Nicholas Blawe - Vallance
Antonetta his wif
Marie his kid - London
Domynick Meiser - Tholowse
Clara his wiff - Parrys
Jeames, Androwe - kids
John Bodeare - Vallence
Joyse Faricke - Courtracke in Flaunders
Jacomyn his wif
Cornelys Launces - Duch
Peter Canon - Nievall in Brabant
Marsietta his wif
Peter his kid - London
Katheryne Garret - Normandie
Gilam de Howmaet - Normandie [f]
Terrey de la Hey - Turnney [all french]
Marie his wif - Valence
Abraham, John, Elizabeth, Marie - kids, London
Fraunces de la Pyne - Cambrisien borne
Guillaume Mowbert - Normandie
Peter le Queinta - Roane
Peter Grosse - Arras
Barbara his wyf - Valencyne
Abraham, Sara, Rachell - kids, London
Fraunes du Feaver - Valencyen
Brasnetta his wife
Clement Butterflie - Roane
Thomas Gwertyn - Roane
Jabetta his wif
Fraunces Friese - Cyvill in Spayne
jacomyn his wif
Elizabeth their kid
Jacobe Holste - Owdenard in Flaunders
Jacobe his sonne
Henry Beadman - Tournout in Brabant
Margaret his wif - Meeson in Flaunders
Abraham his kid
Seyger Clementes - Turnowt
Danyell Taffyne - Turney
Sizillia - Gulick
Elizabeth Malliard - Antwerp
Arnold Grene - Cleveland
Greetkyne Clemens - Tournowte - [f]
Hermon Williams - Gelderland
Ollif his wif
John Garryettes - Gilderland
John de Braye - Mountes
John Stamproye - Cleveland
John Crose - Hollender
Rurtbart Durtman - Cleveland
Anthonye van Turnowte - Machan
William Pastons - Andwerpe

_Sainte Sauiors Parishe_
Rambolde Sasse - Michan
Vyncent his wif - Cleveland
Henricke Blowen - Newse
Mathewe Cronebacke - Cleveland
Marye his wief - Meistrich
Judeth their kid - London
Tilman Powle - Cleveland
William Balle - Cleveland
John Clerke - Lukeland
Fraunces Clerke - Lukeland
Marye his wif
Henrye, Simon, Abraham, Marye, Katheryne - siblings
James Cowtman - Lukeland
Jone his wif - Lukeland
Robert Mutten - Lukeland
Adam Garretes - Vaulchemberch
Michaell Mutten - Lukeland
Barbara Mutten - Lukeland
Peter Wood - Frenchman
William Johnson - Hulse in flaunders
Jacob Johnson - Cleveland
Henry Maga'hin - Colyn
Peter Hacke - Cleveland
Fermyn Cye - Flaunders
Anne his wif - Valencyne
Abraham, Izack, Hester, Judeth - kids
Lewes Hanerloyes - sluse

_Sainte Georges Parsihe_
George van Hoocke - Antwerp
Elizabeth his wif
Elias, Daniel Elias - kids
Noye Fisher - Dowaye
Adrian Verbrake - Gaunte
Gillame Fraunces - Lyons
Markes Byneman - Lukeland
Kynkyn his wif - Barrowe
John Symondes - Harlan in Holland
John Brycars - Mastache
John Holland - Holland
Michaell his wif - Duche woman
Hermon Magu'hin - Cleveland
Garret Williamson - Gelderland
Tumuse his wif
William Wyberts - Gelderland
Robert Manne - Lukeland
John Jeames - Gelderland
Reygynold Harrison - Cleveland
John Kent - Colyn
Gilam de Costeame - Mountes in Heynaulte
John Cockhowse - Betune in Flaunders [all French]
Jane his wif - Armentiers
Margaret, Elizabeth, John, Marie - kids
Jonas Dennis - Bridges
Margaret his wif - Collen
Nicholas van de Gowe - Holland
Katheryn his wif - Gaunte
Marie - kid
Joise Friese - Andwerpe
Marie his wif - Brabant
Henrye Beareward - Luke
Margrett his wif
Abraham, Dame - Antwerp, kids
Judeth - kid, London
William Barnes - Petune [French]
Perone his wif - Cambray 
Alexander Muckowe - Valence [all French, through Marg.]
Simona is wif
John, their kid
John Pinnie - Tourney
Margaret his wif
Gerrard le Monicke - Tourney
his wief Jane
James le Monicke - Tourney
John Pawle - Mastriche
Katheryne his wif - Holland
Paul Mattowe - Burgundian
Anne his wif - Vallence
Anreas Bourge- Mastrich
Peter Seneschall - Arras
Jerome Gallemaerche - besides Bruxells
Barbara his wif - Flaunders
Suzan - kid, London
Peter - Guante, London
Arian Hellam - Antwerpe
Cornelys Henricke - Gelderland
Marie his wif - Flaunders
Samuell - kid
Haunse Langolie - Flaunders
John Hatrum - Ipres
Christean his wif
William - his sonne
Joyce his wif
John Hartrum - sonne
Martyn Dallyn - Holland
Audrey his wif
William More - Gulick
Janike van Sluke - Andwerpe 
John - her sone
Warner Williams - Gelderland
Walter Cornelys - 
John Johnson
Dericke Cornelys - Acon nere to Colyn
Elizabeth his wif - Gelderland
William Harrison - Armiham in Gelderland
Simon Bucher - Gulick
Leonarde Tise - Gulicke
Gertrude Tise - Gulicke
Arthure Lenard - Duche
Gossam Magu'hin - Collen
Agnes his wif 
Martyn Michells - bruxels
Katheryne Moyser - Bruxells
Kathryne, Anne, Clare, Mawdlyn, Judeth, Sara - kids, London
Abraham - kid, London
Giles de Case - Duche
John kinge - Acon
John Speacock - Bruxells
Barbara his wif
Marie Corte - Tourney
Mraie Albright - flaunders
William Martyn - Antwerp
Margaret his wif
Marie Ambrose - Cleveland
Daniell van Lempitt - Antwerp
Peter his brother
Xp'ofer Kinge - Colyn
Edward Tonosserns - Gelderland
Angel Mersellys - bruxells
Prian his wif - Ipre
Christian Clayes - Ipre
Gertrude his wif - Gaunt
Harmon Jeymes - Gelderland
Margerie his wif
Anthonye Clarke - Ipre
John de Boye - Cambrey
Jane his wif
James Tabey - Valencyne [French]
Marie his wif
Lewes Gwyen his seruant
John Ogier - St. Omer [both French]
Quinta his wif - Tourney
Pocket Barbier - Cambray [f]
Ambrose Brittayne - Cambray 
Guillame, Katheryne - kids
Adam Green - Colyn
Margaret Camell - Arane in Scotland
George Greye - Haberdyne in Scotland
Agnes his wif - Marosse
Katheryne Browne - Kelshawe in Scotland
Agnes Thompson - Edenboroughe
James Anderson - Fiphe in Scottland
Elizabeth Fakerbe - Calys
Richard tephens - Duch
Jane his wif - Gaunte
Stephen - kid
Xp'ofer Lawrans - Brabant
Anne his wif - besides Collyn
Agnes, Sara - kids, London
Adam Johnson - Cleveland
Helen his wif
Edward Harmanson - Daventier nere to Gelderland
Frauncis Wassell - Heynawlt
Adriane Hellam - Gelderland
Arnold Bardouke - Gelderland
Dirick Gisbrech - Holland
Libert Johnson - Cleveland
Agnes his wif
Godfrey Johnson - Clevener
Henry Gomport - Cleveland
Agnes his wife - Brabante
James Mathewe - Gelderland
Peter Johnson - Gelderland
Nicholas Smith - Munstre
Barnard du Bedle - Owmart in Flaunders
Josine his wif
Anne, Margaret - kids
Dauid - kid, London
Olyuer van Brussell - Owmart in Flaunders
Adriaun Johnson - Holland
Daniell Wilmache - coma nere to courtrach
Magdalen his wif - Lile
William, Abraham, Isack - kids
Martyn de Guard - Lile
Katheryne his wif
Thomas Clerk - Vallaunce [French]
Elizabeth his wif
Anne, Elias, Marie, Jane, Judeth - kids
John Smythe - Collyn
William Jeymes - Holland
Peter de Berdte - Flaunders
Jacamyn his wif
Jesper Voufbergen - Flaunders
Dericke Dirickson - vnder Themperour
Jesper Buddins - Flaunders
Peter Harvie - Frenchman
Andreas Kayes - Duche
John Rose - Flaunders
Peter George - Flaunders
Nicholas Gomport - Dukedome of Cleve

Vintrey Warde

_Sainte Martins Parishe_
Anthonie Ashe - Holland
Juckyn his wif - Emden
George de Putt - Ippra in Flaunders
Oswerickyne his wif
Jacob, Abraham, Isacke - kids
Prome Fraubontes - mayde
Steven Sawer - Holland
Jane, Suzan - kids
Jesper Vanderplashe - Dutchman
Marye his wiff
Joise Nightingegall - Dutcheman
Perenken his wif
George his sonne
John Kellam - Duche
Barbara his wif
Ellys Foster - Duchman
Vyncent Connor - Andwerp
Barthelmewe Braund - Libbick
John Coryback - Duche

_Sainct James Parishe_
Michaell Baynarde - Rone
Baptist Clarencye - Italion
John Floren - Italion
Michaell Fever - Henigo
Anthony Vandevallye - Brabant
Jesper Degatt - Italion
Claudia his wif
Andreas Petter - Italion
Fraunces Farnando - Spaniard
Peter Vttye - Burgonian
Jone his wif
Phillip Ruttye - seruant
Rinye Ruttye - seruant
Hewgo de Italian - Burgonian
Rouland Gargant - Frenchman
Jane his wif
Tobyas de Bee - Flaunders
Annes his wif
Fraunces, John - seruants
Audrian Apertes - Duche
Marye his wif
Phillip Vandrove - Brussells
Marie his wif
William van Swederall - Brabant
Joise Vanderburch - Ducheman
James Court - Clevener
Margarett his wief

_Saint Thomas Apostles Parishe_
John de Williams - Tornes in Flarance
Fraunces voison - Valencia
Katheryn - John's wif
Jone de Voisen - maid
Jone Determes - maid
John Lunckell - seruant
Josepthe Lottyne - Italian
Jone Clerke - Duche [f]
Jone Clerke - kid

_Sainte Michaell Pater Noster Parishe_
Lewen de Herd - Duchman
Agnes his wif - Gaunt
Barbara his maid
Danyell de Beccue - Flaunders
Elizabeth his wif
Thomas Tacke - Ducheman
Jenneken his wif
Vynsan his maid
Jacobe Vantymore - Ducheman
Anthonie Daullyn, alias Becque - Frencheman
Anthony his sonne
Hubbart Taumer - Leighe in Almaye
Michaell Tymberman - Danske
William Ballier - bordes in Fraunce

Porsoken Warde
_Sainte Bottolphes Parishe_
Andrewe Morell - Frenchman
Olyver Nevell - Flaunders
Marye his wif - Valencia [Fr]
John de Loe - Bullen [French]
John de Graves - Brabant
Hereanne his wif
John Dirickson - Ducheman
Nicholas - Frenchman
Nankyn his maid
John Peterson - Cleveland
John Messell - Cleveland
Jerome Tellemond - Valencia [French]
Margaret his wif
Peter Shatelyn - Artoys
Magdelyn his wif
Daniell, Esaye - kids
Russell van Rosse - Bridges
Marye his wif
Xp'ofer Wolman - Antwerpe
Marye his wif
John Gomer - ANdwerpe
Heterapp his wif
Peter Lowpen - Venice
Elizabeth his daughter
Martyn Decunster - Magdalenne
Barberey his wif - Andwerpe
Tilman Goreman - Andwerpe
Jane his wif
Haunce, Linkyn - kids
Cornelins Byons - Flaunders
Levinia his wif
Moykey - Andwerpe
Martyn Ford - Roan
Peter Longe - Roan
Rollynne his wif
Balthaser de Clayke - Flaunders
Marye his wif
Guillam Meder - Normandye
Blaunch his wif
Marye his daughter
John de Hosswey - Valence [Fr]
Jacklenne his wif
Rachell - kid
Ewstace Valen - Burongye
Jackamyn his wif
Samuell, Arte - kids
James de Roe - Flaunders
Marie his wif
Jacklyne there daughter
Katheryne de Key - Flaunders
Mathewe de Cambers - Artoise
Giles Founteyne - Flaunders
Pastynne his wif
Jerome his sonne
John de Meray - Artoys
Sara his wif - Flaunders
Jennesye - Cleveland
Derick Leopye - Henoldes
Conyoe his wif
Fraunces, Aymor - kids
Corayne - Valencia [Fr]
Peter Furrey - Valencia [Fr]
Jenne his wif

_Within the Mynories_
Markantonie Galliardell - Italie
Anthonye Maria, alias Cuson - Venys
James Walter - Florence
Margaret his wif
Nicholas Everardes - Andwerpe
Christian his wif
Gartrite Wilhonsen - Andwerpe [m]
Christian Ocone - Andwerpe [f]
Barthelmewe Williamson - Holland
Katheryn his wif
Jacobe Husman - Holland
Gartrite his wif
Lyven Vanderelste - Gaunt
Johan his wiff
Marie his sister - Gaunte
Rowland Hetrewe - Valencia [Fr]
Katheryne his wif
Nicholas Brame his servaunt - Valencia
Simon Bockowe - Flaunders
Nicholas Lyons - Flaunders
Sable Depoys - Vallaunce - [f] [Fr]
Katheryne her daughter
Margaret Depone - Flaunders
Arnolde Hetrewe - Vallance [Fr]
John Vandeflite - Andwerpe
Katheryne his wif
Peter Mutton - Flaunders
Katheryn his wif
John Guyte - Valence [Fr]
John Guite - Valence [Fr]
Margaret his servaunt - Vallaunce [Fr]
Awdrian a Dreuse - Holland
Marie his wif
Barbara de Laitor - Vallance [Fr]
Baldwine de Latore her sonne
John Dericke - Brabant
Margaret Dericke his wif
Howbart Johnson - Brabant
Giles Hewgelman - Brabant
Daniell Balton - Brabant
Angell Johnson - Brabant [f]
Judeth Henrickes - Brabant
Gartrite Johnson - Holland
Andrewe Depoins - Monthenoe
Marye Depoins - Brabant
Otto Jacobes - Holland
Katherine his wif
Henricke Loveley - Jermanye
Michaell Waters - Swelle by Lowe, Holland
Cartryve Waters his wif - Swell
Cornelys Johnson - Cittie of Grave
Swetkyne his wif
Thomas Frakes - Brabant
Hester his wif
John Lambert - Flaunders
Henricke Holsbeneton - Colyn
Peter de Nokewart - Cliff
William Concordes - Emricke
Henricke Lingene - Westoleie
Peter Tewton - Andwerp
Charles Penny - Flaunders
Mawdlyne Penny his wif
Mawkyn Bore - Duche [f]

Tower Warde
_Sainte Dunstons Parishe_
Joice Johnson - Emden in Duchland
Audrian  his wif
Mariann, Suzan, Abiga, Edward - kids
Rogere Crane - Flaunders
Singfyld his wif
Singfild his kid
Bastian Lawes - Ducheman
Elias his kid
Nicholas Synior - Duche
Sinefild his wif
Aryone, Peter - kids
Nicholas Caspele - Duch
Geryn his wif
John, Johane - kids
John Cale - Ducheman
Callys his wif
John his sonne
Grett his maide
Phillipp Olyver - Duch
Julyan his wif
Peter, Samuell, Beniamen, Judeth, Sara - kids
Arnold Barnard - Duch
Marie his wif
Fraunces, Dauid, Suzan - kids
Hanse Barnard - servant
Hankyn e Prise - "
Katheryne de Ploise - "
Haunce de Boland - "
Laurance Farran - Frenchman
Stephen Blanket - French
Hubbert Peterson - Ducheman
Marye Blower - Duch
Suzan her maide
Bastian Spidell - Jerman
Jacob Spidell his seruant
Barthelmewe Harrison - Duch
John Lambert his seruant
Ellen Piple - Duche
Tise Harman - seruant
Henrye Squire - seruant
Katheryn Solmar - maide
Androwe Johnson - Ducheman
Richard Tuckynson - Ducheland
Elizabeth his wif
Thomas Washington - Duch
Marie his wif
John Smerepoynte - Duch
Katheryn his wif
Sara his kid
Gillian, Laurance, Margaret - servants
John Synwe - Duch
Gabriell Petrett - Italie
Barbara his wif
Elizabeth, Lucrecia, Fraunces, Jherome - kids
Fraunces Rosse - Italie
Farman - Frenchman
Simon - Duchman
Jarman his sonne
Fraunces - Italian
Anthonye Pouncell - Duch
Anne his wif
Jane, Nowell, Haunce Lodovick - seruant
Thomas Founteyne - Valencia [Fr]
Katheryne his wif
Jehne, Thomas - kids
Katheryne Macary - maide
Barbet Fallye - maide
Haunce Lodowicke - Andwerpe
Katheryne his wif
Nicholas, Anthonye, Tobias - kids
Baltheser Deymafain - Venecian
Nicholas Furtrye - Thile
Margaret his wif
Margarett, Samuell - kids
Michaell his seruant
Gillam Tefrye - Thile
Elizabeth his wif
Elizabeth, Antonetta - kids
John benson - bridges
Antholina his wif
Haunce, Tanne, Suzan, Barnard, Labyan, Sara, Josina - kids
Henricke de Drossart - bruxells
Jacounbia his wif
Peter, Henry, Maudlyn - kids
Mary his seruant
Jenachin van Harwicke - Duch [f]
Steven her kid
Mankyn Comograunt - Duch
Tanakyn Garrat - Duch
Dauid Meiler - Owdewer
Maudlyn his wif
Hester, Haunce - kids
Innocent Combe - Italion
Katheryne - his child
Ambrose Pavoye - Italion
Cornelys Boosyne - Andwerpe
John Lodowicke - Luke
Androe de Laven - Duch
Androwe de Fawese - Duch
Garrett van Dorne - Andwerpe
Jane harrison his maid
Audrian Johnson - Duch
Elizabeth Chawdren - Duche
Allyson Chawdren her sister
John Kerton her seruant
Giles Butler - Duch
Marye his wif
Fraunces Brokell his mother
John Olingkerd - Ducheman
Haune his sonne
Pole Lodowike - Duch
Katheryn Wallys - Duchewoman
John Warrant - Frenchman
John his sonne
Giles de Vallen - Burgonian
Jois his wiff
Peter, John, Mathewe - kids
John Mathewe - Burgonian
Katheryn Harman his wif
Jane, Mageret - kids
Olyver Detrymont - Frenchman
Henrye de la Haie - Duch
Florance his wif
Peter, Isarell, Agnes - kids
Peter his cousin
Deonice Pryce - maide
Margaret Fyld - maide
Page Carlyn - Florentyne
Peter Starke - Gelderland
Liskyn his wif
Lyskyn, Johane, Martyn - maiden children
Bettrice Johnson - Andwerpe
Nickolas Berry - Frenchman of Depe
Aldrye his wif
Awdrian his sister
Margaret his maide
Boudin his mother
Sara his kid
Walter de Ponderiche - Duche
Marie his wif
Marie and Elizabeth Verties - her sister
Henrye Brucket - seruant
Lodowicke Blowmer - Duch
Anne Lynkyn - seruant

_Alhallowes Barkinge Parishe_
Vincent Goodgerdine - Florentine
Christian, Lewes - seruants
Fraunces Gerram - Florentyne
July Busenye - Florentyne
Harman - Duchman
Peter Base - Portingale
Romayne - Frenchman
Mathewe - Ducheman
Dauid - Luke
James - Scottishe man
Anthonye Bassanye - Italion
Marke Anthonye, Arthure, Androwe, Jerram Bassanye - kids
Elizabeth Bassanye - kid
Julye her daughter
Alexander Muntellye - Italion
John Wynter - Ducheman
Arnold Houlte - Ducheman
Henrye Johnson - Duche
Phillipp Grassye - Ducheman
Elizabeth his wif
Nelkyn Johnson - maid
Allard Bland - Duche
Wastell Johnson - Duch
John Lynche - Duch
Xp'ofer Vangelick - Duch
Mathewe Sharem - Ducheman
Peter Martyns - Spanierd
Legrasse - Frenchman
Alice Kidffield - Frenchwoman
Nicholas Pedlinge - Roane
Dauid Bryttyn - Duche
John Olde Johnson - Duchman
Johane his wif
Jesper his sonne
JOhane his maid
Peter Pumforth - Frenchman
Johane his maid
Baydinge Hockett - French
Dennys Heweicke - French
Martyn Broke - Frencheman
Peter Pavey - mayde seruant
John Regall - Duchman
Jacobb Hewgobet - Ducheman
Frauncis Clewet - man seruant
Gacklinge Pouncell - Duchewoman
Coryne Johnson - Cleveland
Joys his wif
John Kinge - Burgonian
John Begott his seruant
Anne Robe - Burgonian
John Bellinger - Burgonian
Audrian his boy
John Dugland - Burgonian
Levyn Adropp - Burgonian
Elizabeth Myller - Duche
Peter Ruter - Clevener
Barnard Vandere - Duchman
Dennys Welder - Duchman
Peter Beck - Burgonian
Cornelys Wilson - Holland
Dauid Shawe - Italion
Anthonye Ignyngham - Clevener
Cornelius Johnson - Holland
Cesar Berewe - Duch
Joise Spilbont - Flaunders
Henricke Wolbye - Cleveland
Michell - Duche maide
Haunce Vantile - Gelderland
Awdrian - Andwerp
Roger James - vnder Themperore
Garret Tomon - vnder the Duke of Cleve
John Tomon - "
Pearo Tomon - Burgonyan
Vynkyn - Duch
Williams Evans - vnder the Emberor [sic]
James Evans - vnder Themperor
Audry Stilman - Brabant
Marke Shedron - his servaunt
Anthonye Hewinge - his servaunt
Jois van Floise - land of Luke
Clube - Duch [f]
Elizabeth Longe - land of Luke
Helligar Starman - Vannisse
Dericke Watman - vnder Themperor
Reynold Williamson - vnder Themperor
Leonard Houe - Cleveland
Lodowicke Luce - Clevleand
Richard Brockman - Cleveland
William Smith - Cleveland
John a Weke - vnder Themperor

_Sainte Olaues Parishe_
Jacob Varsley - Venecian
Martyn Founteyne - Frenchman
Simon Pellingrome - vnder Kinge Phillip
Tannaken vanden Valt - Duche woman
Mathewe Fraunces - Gent
John Ryvert - Gent
Devicke - Roane
Thomas Hacket - Normandy
Mathewe Turkurster - Deventer
Jane Varrye - Roane
James Duke - Roan
John Provanher, alias Controler - Duch
Gawyn de Vale - Depe
Godfrey Mariscall - Bargen
Mounser Swevingham - Flaunders
Acerbo Velutellie - Italion
Mr. Pollitant - Italion
Mr. Baff - Italion
Mr. Skeyne - Italion
Litle John - Italion
Mr. Sippian - Italion
Xp'ofer de Vaunt - Italion
Bathilmewe Nonyas - Spanierd
Lewes Loppus - Spanierd
Phillip Galtopre - Florentyne
Jacob - Italion
Dr. Deogenes - Venecian
Bastian Rice - Venecian
Nicholas Lyon - Italion
Nicholas Lamberd - Frenchman
Steven de John - Duch
George de Jasper - Duch
Jane van Elste - ANdwerp [m]
Haunce - LUkeland
Lawraunce - Lukeland
Walderen Pape - Bursettes in Brabant
George Manuell - Portingale

Bridge Warde Within

_Saint Martyn Orgar Parrishe_
James Moore - Mastick in Lewkland
Alice his wif
Harry Franke - Cytardy in the land of Guyllick
John Bankes - besides Collyn

_Sainct Michaelles Parrishe_
Thomas Founteyn - Lyle in Flaunders
Barbara his wiff
Peter, Theophile - kids
Peter de la Place - St. Omers
Giles Boukar - Bridges
Elizabeth - Middelborough in Flaunders
James Remy - Burgondy
Jone his wiff - Valynsen
Mary de la Courte - Valensyn
Marye - Burgondy
Giles Martynne - Andwarpe
Peter Martyn - Andwerpe
Phillis - besdies Cullyn
Henry Stille hir vncull
Frauncis Corder - Holland

_Saint Magnus Parrishe_
John Stuckman - land of Luke
Elizabeth his wiff - nere Andwerpe
Peter Engley - Monster in Westfalia
Mathewe Ryvers - lukeland
Noe le Bock - Henago
Anne his wiff
Noe there sonne
Jone Graundserte their maide - Valensen
Marye Despynoye - Valensen
Amerye le Bucke - Valensine
John Phenix - Brabant
Gertrude his wiff - Brabant
Bapteste Rattell - Andwarp
Peter van den Broke - Flaunders

_Saint Bennet Grace Church Parrish_
Ambrose Hughbright - Lovayne
Katherine his wiff - Andwarp
Henry their sonne - Flaunders
Agnes their daughter - Flaunders
James their sonne - England
Gertrude van Maughlyn - Andewerpe
Gomer Harman hir maide - Hollande
Henry Jones - Burgondye 
Gilmote his wiff - Turney
Hester, Esaye their kids - Geneva
William Dambrune - Vallensen
William Jornet - Turney in Fraunce
Saynt de Meres - Turney in Fraunce
Adrian, Marye, Jone - hir daughters
Saynt de Raye - Turney
John de Lanoye - Flaunders
Mary his wiff - Flaunders
Jone Furney - kid
Katerine Blomers - Flaunders
Gillam Ballyott - Flaunders
Phillipp Cursell - Florence
Jerrom Jerrine - Florence
Hierom Benvilio - Venesia
John Benvilio - Venecia
Angello de Porro - Grice
Barnard Gerryme - Florence