The following information is taken from the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, available online at This is a work in progress.
Spelling | Number | Dates & headers |
James | 265 | 1434 (content); 1445 (chancelar); 1455 (anherdance, barounry, complice); 1460 (bourow); 1464 (bailȝe, berare); 1466 (allya); 1471 (again-); 1473 (arscap, coft); 1476 (bard); 1478 (bailȝery, charite, constitute, curatry, decern); 1481 (actor); 1482 (abilȝement, assith, burding); 1483 (chamerlanry); 1484 (chalmerlanry); 1486 (bruke); 1488 (barbour); 1489 (dale); 1490 (chancelar); 1491 (contrar); 1492 (arbitrale); 1493 (becum, breviar); 1494 (appering, arras werk, brodikin); 1496 (barratour, chantorie, clos, curatory); 1498 (avouch, avouchment); 1503 (bailȝery); 1504 (bent, chamer); 1506 (barras); 1506-7 (cristinn-); 1507 (assoilȝe, avenar); 1508 (barrowman); 1509 (accuse); 1511 (burrow-land, curatory); 1511-2 (compt); 1515 (archibischop, casualite, coffing); 1516 (bailȝe); 1520 (attachment, blude, by-rin); 1523 (archibischop); 1524 (credence); 1527 (attornay); 1529 (cordwynar); 1530 (chaplan); 1531 (capitanry, chaplanry, cristalline); 1532 (cachpell); c1535 (cosing); 1535-6 (correcting); 1536 (custum); 1538 (ale-); 1539 (act, chemis); 1540 (bote, chapel, contentit, croce); 1541 (conduce); c1541-2 (brokin); 1541-2 (alther); 1542 (betwix, conditioun, copper); 1544 (companȝeon, cummer); 1546 (brother, clerk); 1550 (canone); 1551 (acquit); 1552 (burst, componitour); 1553 (chaplan); 1554-5 (bill); 1555 (addettit, broch, charterhous); 1555-6 (auditour); 1556 (broch, byrun, catioun, colleg); 1557 (baillie, cuke); 1557-8 (bowar); 1558 (but, cite); 1559 (condamnatour); 1560 (bargane); 1561 (ambassat, ben, cause, coy, cunsail); 1562 (compt); 1564 (comburges, compromit, counsail); 1565 (aucht); 1567 (capitanry, cousign); 1568 (alhallowmes, craft); 1569 (cationar); 1570 (arrour); 1571 (away-take); 1573 (annuellar, clout, decrete); 1574 (chapter, cum); 1576 (bak-sid, bellis); 1577 (bedel, bounteth, coldoch); 1577-8 (apperand); 1580 (benysoun); 1581 (buke); 1582 (bowar); 1583 (bark hole, closet); 1584 (apperant, compere); 1585 (capable); 1586 (cessionar, cresche); 1588 (avenariman, blude-, col-, decern); 1589 (aid, ale-, catour, culloring); 1590 (broder, browdstar, candilmakar, commissionar, decess); 1590-1 (avenary); 1591 (cart); 1592 (alienatioun, archebischop, barratry, bute, deburs); 1592-6 (argentar); 1593 (clath, comptar-, cottrall); 1594 (bak-dyke, caus, cordonar); 1595 (chepman, crave); 1596 (apperand); 1597 (assithment, cast, convoyar); 1598 (damnife); 1600 (consent, cornet); c1600 (ambassadry); 1601 (bell); 1602 (coinȝie-hous); 1603 (dame); 1605 (athort, broder); 1606 (but-arrow); 1606-7 (captioun); 1608 (bedeman, cast); 1609 (aucht, authour, companȝeounrie); 1610 (courtesie); 1611 (cite); 1612 (bangstrie); 1613 (bolt, carvell naill); 1615 (allya, brek, bussie, dedly); 1616 (brew cresch, catechis, confes); 1616-7 (clenger); 1617 (blew, brew lauche, cary, contumaxit, cotchman); 1617-8 (cationar); 1618 (appreve, bakman, bandelier, brome); 1620 (billie); 1622 (dagmaker); 1623 (brissell, cuntre); 1624 (baillie); c1625 (catholik); 1626 (auchtand); 1627 (cheritably, dauch); 1628 (but, cowbelman); 1629 (brig-end, conjunct, cuff, debord); 1630 (bosting, complent, complice, croft); 1632 (boull); 1632-3 (ask-wedinsday); 1633 (cop); 1635 (cast); 1636 (bangstrie); 1637 (brek, cleth); 1639 (adjornal); c1640 (clamper); 1641 (archpreist, authour); 1643 (conventioun); 1644 (add, brase); 1645 (billie, browdin, cautioun, cognosce, corn, cut); 1647 (chapman, chose); 1648 (agitat) |
Iames | 92 | 1338-9 (commandement); 1389 (consail); 1440 (commissar); 1456 (chamerlane, concord); 1474 (convoy); 1476 (chawmerlane); 1478 (cousing); 1481 (charter); 1490 (cessionar); 1491 (banrent, creat); 1497 (cordonar); 1500 (caffunȝe), 1508 (comptrollar); 1510 (chalmerlane, chantour); 1511-2 (cariage); 1515 (chanceler); 1517 (cancellar); 1520 (contumax); 1524 (busche); 1527 (cotar); 1529 (culverinar); 1530-1 (barounry); 1531 (criminale); 1535 (clenging); 1542 (coppar, cullour-du-roy); 1543 (conservatour, cottar); 1544 (cognosce); 1548 (contemptioun); 1550 (chapellane); 1552 (commissionar); 1556 (contigue, cultellar); 1557 (complice); 1557-8 (chirurgenair); 1558 (but, chalmer, cut-throt); 1561 (assayour); 1562 (cote); 1563 (circumduce); c1563 (conquis); 1564 (cruelly); 1566 (complece); 1567 (collectorie); 1568 (cuff, cuffing); 1569 (curie); 1570 (cordenar); 1571 (chancelar); 1573 (burding, chimnay, clous); 1582 (burying, coronelschip); 1584 (chenȝe); 1585 (catour, cran); 1592 (dane); 1594 (citiner); 1597 (clath); 1597-8 (clath); 1601 (compt); 1602 (cadger, calculat, conservatour); 1603 (bailȝe); 1606 (clenger); 1607 (copper, dale); 1610 (clachan, clething); 1611 (brek, caschet); 1617 (chow); 1618 (companying); 1631 (coinȝie, commissariat); 1633 (chalmer mail); 1636 (complaint); 1640 (colleg); 1641 (convene); 1642 (brain-crakked); 1643 (cloither); 1645 (dead-kist); 1648 (calf, condescender); 1650 (cuttie, daft) |
Jame | 3 | 1494 (brodikin); 1525 (courch); 1568 (culȝe) |
Jamis | 3 | 1548 (baxter, consent, decan) |
Iame | 2 | 1524 (cast); 1642 (burd-) |
Ja. | 2 | 1473 (compone); 1518 (cordinar) |
Jacobus [1] | 2 | 1428-31 (cordonar); 1508-9 (currok) |
Jamys | 2 | 1492 (answer, claym) |
Jakkis | 1 | 1541 (burd) |
Jamie | 1 | 1557 (brabanar) |
[1] This was in a Latin-language document.