josh blog

Ordinary language is all right.

One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.

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13 Oct '12 03:57:27 AM

I would make a list of the one-word sentences like that, like—


—but I don't know whether or not 'Asshole!' is a sentence that one really addresses towards the person who is an asshole. So I've got some technical puzzles to resolve.

13 Oct '12 12:52:06 AM

I'd buy a book that was nothing but individual sentences that made use of all the forms of address that there are.

13 Oct '12 12:32:14 AM

Sure, translator, savage tribes, barbarous peoples, what's the diff?

13 Oct '12 12:21:36 AM

I'm eager to know people who see my having nothing for them as a form of having something for them.

12 Oct '12 11:00:03 PM

'A literary form that's good enough is any form that wouldn't fuck this up before you even started: a form that is sufficient not just for something, but for everything.'

11 Oct '12 07:08:37 PM

An undistinguished scholar patches bits and pieces together; makes patchworks meant to look like works.

10 Oct '12 05:43:46 AM

'… they should at least experience that there is this life, in our time, close beside us.'

9 Oct '12 05:22:50 AM

Sophisticated people and their rectangular plates.

6 Oct '12 02:09:02 AM

'White people get nervous and speed things up.'