josh blog
Ordinary language is all right.
One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.
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To do: develop syllabus of turn-of-the-20th-c. readings to help fill in the background for Against the Day.
sprouting month
clothes-lining month
ever-growing month
u no hana month
rice-sprouting month
watery month
poem-composing month
leaf month
long month
gods-absent month
frost month
end of the year
Don't say high culture never gave you nothin - from the 'Seoul' section of Creeley's Hello:
Korean slang
for Americans:
'The degraded status of adjuncts is nowhere better seen than in the failure of their institutions to provide them with places to read.'
'What of the hands? We beg, we promise, call, dismiss, threaten, pray, entreat, deny, refuse, question, admire, count, confess, repent, fear, blush, doubt, instruct, command, incite, encourage, swear, testify, accuse, condemn, absolve, insult, despise, defy, vex, flatter, applaud, bless, humiliate, mock, reconcile, commend, exalt, entertain, rejoice, complain, grieve, mope, despair, wonder, exclaim, are slient, and what not, with a variation and multiplication that vie with the tongue.'