josh blog
Ordinary language is all right.
One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.
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'crush list', what a useful way of putting it.
As a crush list my list of essential texts would not be too exciting. Or even very long. I'm like a prudish, pious, faithful housewife in that way.
The new Basement Jaxx album Kish Kash certainly is exciting, but now I feel all weak and limp.
(No symbols where none intended.)
I would like to remind you that on the VMAs one of the 'Crank Yankers' puppets said that Kelly Clarkson's got some junk in the trunk. Sometimes I think TV is the best thing the human race has ever done.
Also, besides the nose and etc., because I am obv. sub-Deleuzean.
Got to cover all my bases.
The former is better because it emphasizes, if I may put it in a lazily sub-Deleuzean way because my nose itches and I am tired, the sound the music has of becoming, of constant incipience. Hearing the 'going to break' over and over and over again.
Compare 'constantly going to break into some other Monk song' from March 2002 with 'playing with the same theme forever' from fourteen days ago.
'syncategorematic': forming a meaningful expression only in conjunction with a denotative expression (as a content word) <logical operators and function words are syncategorematic>
No one should ever have to use this word or know what it means. Where oh where did we lose our way.
There's like one joke in Nelson Goodman's Languages of Art but I will grudgingly admit that the man had a sense of humor. In The Philosophical Review, Volume 61, Issue 2, he wrote: 'The explanation in terms of resemblance is very good except for being so wrong.'