This database is an ongoing project indexing medieval names found in articles in the Medieval Names Archive and elsewhere. Any citations included here should be verified in the original sources. The pages generated by this database should NOT be used for documentation.

This project is still very much in the early stages. New data are being added on a regular basis, and I'm working on making the formatting look prettier (many thanks to Wenyeva atte grene for some help in that direction). Right now one known issue is that none of the accented characters are displaying correctly. I'm working on it.

Culture: Dutch

14thCGodfriedLatinMale first names in the annual accounts of Deventer 1337-1393

Culture: English

13thCGalefridusLatinGiven Names from Early 13th Century England
13thCGalfridusLatinNames from 13th Century Northumberland
13thCGalfridusLatinGiven Names from Early 13th Century England
13thCGaufridusLatinGiven Names from Early 13th Century England
13thCGodefridusLatinNames from 13th Century Northumberland
13thCGodefridusLatinGiven Names from Early 13th Century England
14thCGalfridusLatin14th Century Worcestershire Names
14thCGalfridusLatinYorkshire Given Names from 1379
14thCGalfridusLatinIndex of Names in the 1381 Suffolk Poll Tax
14thCGeffriusLatinIndex of Names in the 1381 Suffolk Poll Tax
14thCGelfridusLatin14th Century Worcestershire Names
14thCGodefridusLatinIndex of Names in the 1381 Suffolk Poll Tax
15thCGeoffreyEnglishEnglish Names from Pre-1600 Brass Inscriptions
16thCGeffereyEnglish16th Century Names from Ormskirk Parish Registers
16thCGeffreieEnglishNames found in Minchinhampton, Glouchestershire Marriage Registers 1566-1600
16thCGeffreyEnglishNames found in Minchinhampton, Glouchestershire Marriage Registers 1566-1600
16thCGeffreyEnglish16th Century Names from Ormskirk Parish Registers
16thCGeoffreyEnglishLate Sixteenth Century English Given Names
16thCGodfereyEnglish16th Century Names from Ormskirk Parish Registers
16thCGodfraeEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
16thCGodfrayEnglish16th Century Names from Ormskirk Parish Registers
16thCGodfreyEnglishNames in Chesham, 1538-1600/1
16thCGodfreyEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
16thCGodfreyEnglishEnglish Names from Pre-1600 Brass Inscriptions
16thCGodfreyEnglishNames of Members of the Frobisher Voyages, 1576-1578
16thCGodfreyEnglish16th Century Names from Ormskirk Parish Registers
16thCGodfreyEnglishLate Sixteenth Century English Given Names
16thCGulfridusEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
16thCJeffarayEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
16thCJefferesEnglishNames and Naming Practices in the Registers of the Church of St. Mary's, Dymock
16thCJefferyEnglishNames found in Cam, Glouchestershire, Marriage Registers 1569-1600
16thCJefferyEnglishLate Sixteenth Century English Given Names
16thCJeffreyEnglishNames in Chesham, 1538-1600/1
16thCJeffreyEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
16thCJeffreyEnglishEnglish Names from Pre-1600 Brass Inscriptions
17thCGephrayEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
17thCGodfraieEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
17thCGodfreyEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
17thCGodfridusLatinEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
17thCJeffardeEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
17thCJefferyEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
17thCJeffrayEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
17thCJeffreyEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records
17thCJefrayeEnglishEnglish Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records

Culture: French

13thCGaufroiFrenchNames in the 1292 census of Paris
13thCGeffroiFrenchNames in the 1292 census of Paris
13thCGefroiFrenchNames in the 1292 census of Paris
13thCGieffrinnetYFrenchNames in the 1292 census of Paris
13thCGiefroiFrenchNames in the 1292 census of Paris
13thCGodartFrenchNames in the 1292 census of Paris
13thCGodartFrenchMasculine Given Names in Morlet, Étude d'anthroponymie picarde
13thCGodefroiFrenchNames in the 1292 census of Paris
13thCGodinYFrenchMasculine Given Names in Morlet, Étude d'anthroponymie picarde
13thCGodinsYFrenchMasculine Given Names in Morlet, Étude d'anthroponymie picarde
13thCJoffroisFrenchMasculine Given Names in Morlet, Étude d'anthroponymie picarde
13thCJoiffroiFrenchMasculine Given Names in Morlet, Étude d'anthroponymie picarde
14thCGuiffroyFrench14th C French Names from Abbeville
15thCGodeffroyFrenchFrench Names from Paris, 1421, 1423, & 1438
15thCGodefroyFrenchFrench Names from Paris, 1421, 1423, & 1438
15thCGuieffroyFrenchNames from Paris, 1408-1449
16thCGefroyFrenchGiven Names from Brittany, 1384-1600
16thCGodfroyFrenchNames from Artois, 1601

Culture: German

12thCGotfridGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
13thCGelfradusLatinGerman Given Names 1200-1250
13thCGodefridusGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
13thCGodekeYGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
13thCGotfridusLatinMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
13thCJofridusLatinGerman Given Names 1200-1250
14thCGöczelYGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
14thCGotfridGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
15thCGotfridGermanLate Period German Masculine Given Names
15thCGotfridGermanLate Period German Masculine Given Names
pre-14thCGottfriedGermanLate Period German Masculine Given Names

Culture: Italian

15thCGoffredusLatinNames from 15th Century Naples

Culture: Portuguese

16thCGoldofredePortuguesePortuguese Names from Lisbon, 1565

Culture: Spanish

16thCJofreCatalanCatalan Names from the 1510 census of Valencia

Culture: Swiss

12thCGaufridusLatin12th Century Swiss Names in Latin
12thCJofredusLatin12th Century Swiss Names in Latin
14thC,15thCJoffredusLatin14th-15th C Given Names in Latin from Switzerland