This database is an ongoing project indexing medieval names found in articles in the Medieval Names Archive and elsewhere. Any citations included here should be verified in the original sources. The pages generated by this database should NOT be used for documentation.

This project is still very much in the early stages. New data are being added on a regular basis, and I'm working on making the formatting look prettier (many thanks to Wenyeva atte grene for some help in that direction). Right now one known issue is that none of the accented characters are displaying correctly. I'm working on it.

Culture: Dutch

14thCOelYDutchDutch Names 1393-96
14thCOelYDutchDutch Names 1358-1361
14thCOelkenYDutchDutch Names 1393-96
14thCOelricDutchDutch Names 1393-96
14thCOelricLatinMale first names in the annual accounts of Deventer 1337-1393
14thCOelrijcDutchDutch Names 1393-96
14thCOolricDutchDutch Names 1393-96
14thCUlricDutchMale first names in the annual accounts of Deventer 1337-1393
14thCVulricDutchDutch Names 1358-1361
14thCWlYDutchDutch Names 1393-96
14thCWlricDutchDutch Names 1393-96
14thCWlricDutchDutch Names 1358-1361
14thCWlrijcDutchDutch Names 1393-96

Culture: German

13thCUlrichGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
13thCVlricusLatinGerman Given Names 1200-1250
14thCÜleinYGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
14thCUlmanYGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
14thCUlrichGermanLate Period German Masculine Given Names
14thCUlrichGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
14thCUluschYGermanMedieval German Given Names from Silesia
15thCUleYGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUleinYGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUllYGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUlleYGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUlleinYGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUllenYGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUllrichGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUllrychGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUlrichGermanGerman Names from 1495
15thCUlrichGermanGerman Names from Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg, 1441
15thCUlrichGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUlrychGermanGerman Names from Nürnberg, 1497
15thCUrrichGermanGerman Names from Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg, 1441
15thCU[e]linYGermanGerman Names from Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg, 1441
15thCU[o]lrichGermanGerman Names from Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg, 1441
15thCU[u]lrichGermanGerman Names from Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg, 1441
15thCVlYGermanGerman Names from 1495
15thCVleinYGermanGerman Names from Kulmbach, 1495
15thCVllYGermanGerman Names from 1495
15thCVlleinYGermanGerman Names from 1495
15thCVllenYGermanGerman Names from 1495
15thCVllinYGermanGerman Names from 1495
15thCVlrichGermanGerman Names from 1495
15thCVlrichGermanLate Period German Masculine Given Names
15thCVlrichGermanLate Period German Masculine Given Names
15thCWllYGermanGerman Names from 1495

Culture: Italian

14thCUlricusLatinNames from the Chronicon Spilimbergense
14thCVuolricusLatinNames from the Chronicon Spilimbergense

Culture: Swiss

12thCVluricusLatin12th Century Swiss Names in Latin
12thCWlfricusLatin12th Century Swiss Names in Latin
12thCWlfricusLatin12th Century Swiss Names in Latin
12thCWlricusLatin12th Century Swiss Names in Latin
12thCWluricusLatin12th Century Swiss Names in Latin