The following information is taken from the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, available online at This is a work in progress.
Spelling | Number | Dates & headers |
Alexander | 164 | 1388 (athe, betwixt); 1402 (charter, competent); 1408 (dedlike); 1412 (borch); 1424 (clerk, credence); 1425 (bailȝe); 1433 (chamerlane); 1438 (astent); 1443 (catale); 1444 (charter, content); 1445 (comptrollour); 1446 (betwix, clame, cunnable); 1449 (contentatioun); 1450 (cotar); 1456 (crounar); 1457 (deces); 1466 (apperand); 1471 (aw, convocatioun); 1478 (chefe); 1479 (bowmaker); c1480 (big); 1480 (convocatioun); 1482 (answer, assith); 1484 (competent, conjunct, constabilry); 1489 (borch); 1490 (cessionar, conduct, conjunct); 1491 (conscience); 1493 (appering, archidene, curtasy); 1494 (comptrollar); 1496 (analy); 1497 (anniversar, componit); 1502 (catour); 1503 (alias, chese, coppar); 1507 (chymmis, cose); 1508 (cousing); 1509-10 (bougar); 1510 (dampne); 1515 (compt); 1517 (borch, conjunct); 1518 (catale); 1520 (article, chaptan, contumax, decline); 1521 (afald, bill, compere); 1522 (content); 1529 (cors-present); 1530 (blaspheme); 1531 (bon-acord, brig-); 1534 (arrestment); 1536 (borowgang); 1537 (broder); 1538 (awing, bawbé, culverin, cunȝe-); 1539 (coadjutor, complaint); 1540 (acquiet, appropir); 1541 (chapellanry, clos); 1542 (arrest, art, chekker, crag, cultellar); 1545 (air); 1546 (burd, crave); 1547-8 (col-); 1550 (buschment); 1551 (advocatioun, cariage-man); 1552 (crag fedderis); 1555 (ate-sede); 1556 (cheplane); 1557 (ded-); 1557-8 (bowar); 1562 (broder); 1563 (compt); 1564 (dede); 1565 (albany, buist); 1566 (argentar, bailȝe, blanche, cale, chimnay, counsallschip); 1572 (cautionarie, cordonar); 1576 (burgeschip); 1578 (citeȝan); 1579 (chalmer cheld, chus); 1580 (argubteir, awing); 1581 (defaisance); 1582 (bauch, bla); 1582-3 (caget); 1583 (coy); 1584-5 (browdister); 1586 (borow); 1588 (apothecar); 1593 (butterman); 1596 (compositioun, cors-bow); 1597 (begin, cantrip, contract); 1600 (away, blude, cum); 1601 (cottar); 1603 (bud-takar); 1606 (await); 1607 (borow); c1608 (collateral); 1608 (brother, chop); 1610 (anger); 1611 (convene); 1613 (citat); 1614 (burd-); 1617 (brew lauche, chop); 1622 (burse, creat, daker); 1628 (blak); 1630 (croft); 1633 (catechis); 1639 (allanerly); 1640 (colleg, commissar); 1648 (addettit, cunȝe); 1649 (belt, deboshit) |
Alexr | 8 | 1453 (buth-); 1541 (bulax); 1586 (cautioner); 1589 (catechis); 1594 (cautioner); 1615 (barlaw); 1643-4 (catband); 1648 (cart) |
Allexander | 9 | 1525 (bowal); 1526 (dedly); 1527 (cautionar); 1560 (companȝeon); 1562-3 (customer); 1587 (clap, cruke); 1617 (cautioner, cum) |
Alex. | 7 | 1447 (cost); 1471 (compere); 1477 (castelward); 1518 (chalder); 1536 (bludewite); 1547 (cut); 1594-5 (bere) |
Alexr. | 7 | 1478 (borch); 1528 (antecessour); 1531 (bon-acord); 1548 (chanoun); 1591 (calsay-makar); 1601 (barne); 1649 (chartour) |
Sande | 7 | 1489 (chese); 1495 (ale-); 1509 (brume); 1510 (condamne); 1529 (clos); 1540 (blude-); c1579 (blok) |
Alex | 2 | 1628 (bartill); 1638-39 (ate brede) |
Alexr | 2 | 1534 (cousinace); 1560 (clerk) |
Allexr | 2 | 1541 (care-); 1592 (cach) |
Alaster | 1 | 1631 (contempnandly) |
Alexandir | 1 | 1571-2 (allanerly) |
Alex'r | 1 | 1538 (cachpell) |
Alisandyr | 1 | 1416 (assith) |
Allaster | 1 | 1607 (combat) |
Allester | 1 | 1592 (confusioun) |
Allexr. | 1 | 1541 (bauchill) |
Aly | 1 | 1509 (cloke) |
Alysonder | 1 | 1388 (accord) |
Sandy | 1 | 1511 (bog) |