The following information is taken from the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, available online at This is a work in progress.
Spelling | Number | Dates & headers |
Drumfreis | 6 | 1504 (bastardry, chalice); 1504-5 (crukit); 1590 (coronel); c1605 (creilman); 1621 (cary) |
Drumfries | 3 | 1509 (blude, contra); 1590 (coronel) |
Drumfres | 2 | 1466 (castelward); 1489 (adjornal) |
Dumfreis | 1 | 1555 (cordelere) |
Dumfries | 1 | 1629 (brig-end) |
Dunfreis | 1 | 1565 (cariage) |