The following information is taken from the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, available online at This is a work in progress.
Spelling | Number | Dates & headers |
Edinburgh | 99 | 1423 (alderman, commounis); 1425 (continue); 1444 (bowar); 1467 (cessioun); 1473 (avise, buge); 1474 (cariage); 1476 (baillie, counsail); 1478 (buth, buth-); 1482 (commounis); 1483 (commissar); 1489 (arras, arras werk, cariage-man, cary); 1491 (burges, causa, dans); 1496 (bedeman, bellman, birding, burges man, burrowis, cas); 1497 (cruke); 1498 (constabulary); 1501 (barony, cuke); 1505 (constabilry); 1507 (alhallow, cheld); 1508 (burrowmure, chapellane, custum); 1510 (custumar); 1512 (cadger, chandeler); 1513 (burne-ledar); 1514 (chamerlane); 1515 (cary, commoun); 1516-7 (cokkyllȝe); 1520 (bonet-makar); 1522 (browstar, clerk); 1526 (cachpell, calmis); 1529 (condign); 1535 (coket); 1536 (burch); 1537 (blak); 1539 (burges); 1540 (competent, custumary); 1543 (custum); 1552 (commissar); 1553 (boll); 1558 (conduce); 1567 (commissar, consistorial, constabil); 1570 (bedene); 1571 (colourit); 1572 (creilman); 1573 (barbour); 1577-8 (calsay); 1579 (comptabill); 1581 (conventioun); 1582 (cers); 1584 (compere); 1587 (chalmerlan air, commissionar); 1588 (dative); 1589 (castelward); (cachepeller); 1590 (cumming); 1592 (constabilry); 1593 (decon); 1604 (commissar); 1605 (brek); 1607 (compere); 1608 (atis); 1614 (assay); 1622 (commissariat); 1625 (busser); 1627 (blokhous); 1628 (custum); 1629 (custumar); 1631 (coinȝie); 1632 (bowall, counsail); 1633 (banket, bony); 1647 (candillismes, chapman) |
Edinburght | 12 | 1535 (buke); 1542 (conȝeour); 1544-5 (cariage); 1551 (camp, chalmer); 1552 (almous, castell); 1559-60 (clos); 1562 (chargear); 1565-6 (crounar); 1641 (awaiting) |
Edynburgh | 9 | 1389 (burrowis, custum); 1423 (consel); 1450 (belovit, communité); 1455 (baillie, burch, casually, counsail) |
Edinburghe | 7 | 1471 (charge); 1485 (chapellanry); 1493 (big); 1495 (convict); 1592 (bruch); 1596 (burges); 1622 (boitkin) |
Eddynburgh | 1 | 1384 (day) |
Edenbroughe | 1 | 1650 (chancelour) |
Edenburgh | 1 | 1530 (daner) |
Edenesburg | 1 | 1125 (burch) |
Edinbruche | 1 | 1617 (compter) |
Edinbrughe | 1 | 1491 (commissionar) |
Edinburch | 1 | 1565 (commissar) |
Edinburcht | 1 | 1603 (burch) |