The following information is taken from the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, available online at This is a work in progress.
Spelling | Number | Dates & headers |
Elizabeth | 19 | 1391 (convenable); 1406 (dame); 1442 (contributioun); 1458 (cousinace); 1464 (dale); 1507 (countes); 1516 (attornay, comptes); 1546 (clath); 1549 (chaplanry); 1559 (cloke, conqueis); 1560 (atteche); 1561 (ben); 1572 (debate); 1581 (comptes); 1605 (countable); 1624 (busking); 1644 (cummer) |
Elspet | 10 | 1566 (barn-brekar); 1597 (convoyar); 1603 (contempnar); 1607 (contumax); 1627 (casay); 1631 (dede); 1641 (bla, curch); 1649 (cantrip, cheyn) |
Bessie | 7 | 1555 (clour); 1579 (bounteth); 1583 (crippil); 1587 (behave); 1591 (crave); 1597 (deacon); 1598 (clip) |
Besse | 4 | 1551 (court-fre); 1566 (cummer); 1573 (cost); 1611 (damisel) |
Elisabeth | 4 | 1436 (betwix); 1466 (cum); 1483 (countas); 1628 (chandeler) |
Elspeth | 3 | 1545 (borch); 1565 (corrall); 1605 (cationrie) |
Elesabeth | 2 | 1490 (competable); 1524 (athe) |
Elezabet | 2 | 1516 (also); 1517 (commoun) |
Bessy | 1 | 1576 (cot-) |
Bet | 1 | 1650 (ale) |
Elesbeth | 1 | 1488 (dampne) |
Elesibetht | 1 | 1549 (cleth) |
Elisabethe | 1 | 1466 (brouk, brouking) |
Elizabet | 1 | 1499 (bind) |
Elizabetht | 1 | 1511 (amove) |
Elizabithe | 1 | 1640 (calland) |
Elizebeth | 1 | 1515 (aunt) |
Elizibeth | 1 | 1529 (countas) |
Elyzabet | 1 | 1460 (cosingnace) |