The following information is taken from the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, available online at This is a work in progress.
Spelling | Number | Dates & headers |
Robert | 223 | 1385 (curt); 1389 (chamberlane, custumer); 1398 (de); 1409 (bind); 1416 (borowis, chose); 1423 (alderman); 1428 (alsmekill); 1432 (charter, cosin); 1439 (as, bailȝe); 1444 (blancheferme, charter); 1446 (alehous, attornay); 1447 (comptrollour); 1453 (brother); 1461 (dedly); 1466 (allya, auditour, complaint); 1473 (borch); 1474 (allanerly); 1478 (borch); 1482 (compt); 1483 (anherdand, borch, chimnay); 1488 (becum); 1489 (cors-present); 1490 (adjune); 1491 (bowman); 1492 (anentis, comptour, coursable, croce); 1493 (brek); 1494 (angus); 1495 (basin-silver, consile); 1496 (bon-acord, burges man, compell, conjunctioun); 1497 (chamerlane, cutler); 1498 (compositioun); 1502 (assignatioun, causar, dagar); 1502-3 (cultellar); 1503 (continuatioun, counsail); 1504 (crag-); 1504-5 (chape, cutelere); 1505 (cunȝeour); 1506 (bais, burd); 1508 (baillie, broder, byknife); 1511 (catour, cutelere); 1511-2 (clething); 1513 (answer, cast, catour, clame); 1515 (bludewite, cabdan, continue); 1515-6 (clos); 1516 (ambassat, clippin, coft); 1517 (artailȝe, bind, canoner); 1518 (assoilȝe); 1519 (chanclar); 1520 (acclame, close); 1522 (commendatour, comptrollar, dawerk); 1523 (camp, contene); 1526 (calmis); 1529 (answer, child); 1530 (bring, butis-man, componitour); 1533 (chapell graith); 1538 (bon-acord, dansing); 1539 (buth-, coadjutor, commend, cure); 1541 (cast); 1542 (chance, citionar); 1543 (abusive, censment); 1544 (cosinace, decist); 1545 (brede); 1547 (conduce); 1550 (annuel); 1551 (conburges); 1552 (aisiament); 1552-3 (collig); 1553 (complet); 1554 (confermatioun); 1555 (bedrall, bow); 1556 (breve, caul); 1557 (butter tron); 1557-8 (bastailȝe); 1559 (citiner); 1560 (answer, awing); 1561 (bost, brigand, chirurgenair, civily, commoun); 1562 (apothecar, castar, cephalik, chirurgian); 1563 (bore); 1564 (athe, crudelite); 1564-5 (cersing); 1566 (blude-drawer); 1567 (claus); 1568 (barnis part); 1569 (bauchill, cousing); 1573 (bygottin); 1574 (branch); 1577 (agnosce); 1578 (barbar); 1580 (buke-, burgesry); 1581 (cobill, corfhous); 1582 (cheptour); 1584 (assith, conferm); 1585 (caget, cast, cobill); 1586 (bonet-makar, cachepeller); 1588 (brigancy, cloud, contristat); 1589 (biggar, burding, cose, cowm); 1590 (bow, buth, cachepeller, conservatorie); 1592 (cobill); 1593 (buke-); 1595 (addettit, barony); 1597 (custom); 1598 (activity, crave, deacon); 1599 (bangstrie, broder); 1600 (aucht, conqueser); 1602 (buriar); 1604 (chanounrie, clekan, coft); 1605 (catioun); 1605-19 (cors); 1608 (bare-hedit, chirurgian, cleuk, deakin); 1609 (adreich); 1611 (bailȝe, cure); 1613 (blude); 1614 (anger, commove); 1616 (assedat, dede); 1617 (chek); 1618 (couper); 1620 (ax); 1621 (bailȝe, bounteth, clok, damasker); 1626 (dask); 1627 (admove); 1628 (call, cape); 1631 (contempt); 1635 (calk); 1636 (chalmer); 1641 (credit); 1642 (brother); 1643 (cave); 1644 (chancelar, cordenar); 1645 (buth, conseller); 1646 (cunȝie-stane); 1647 (calsay); 1648 (additioun, cobill) |
Rob | 13 | 1456 (ale-, borch, chalange, conditioun); 1459 (bustuous); 1489 (chawmer); 1493 (brek); 1497 (call); 1503 (cum); 1523 (borch); 1527 (cossing); 1583 (chap) |
Hobbe | 2 | 1574 (bute, cordinar) |
Robart | 2 | 1539 (bischop); 1551 (croce) |
Robe | 2 | 1525 (courch); 1558 (clath) |
Roben | 2 | 1456 (big); 1542 (dawerk) |
Hob | 1 | 1608 (burlaw) |
Roberte | 1 | 1626 (cosin) |
Robertt | 1 | 1583 (cautionarschip) |
Robertus [1] | 1 | 1345 (cuke) |
Robin | 1 | 1615 (bak-cuming) |
Robt. | 1 | 1649 (adder) |
Robyn | 1 | 1542 (count) |
Robyne | 1 | 1505 (caber) |
[1] This is a Latin-language form.