15th-Century Scots Names: Johne

by Sara L. Uckelman (Aryanhwy merch Catmael)

© 2006 Sara L. Uckelman; all rights reserved

Jhon Chayn1440
Jhon Goslyn1440
John Goslyn1440
Jon Goslyn1437
Jhon Jacson1447
John Jacsone1449
Johne Jacson1447
Jhon Mechelsone1440
John Mechelson1434, 1436
John Mechelsoun1435, 1439
Johne Mechalson1447
Jon Mechelsun1434
Jhon Wilyamson1440
John Willsoun1442
John Wilson1434, 1436, 1438
John Wylyhamsone1448
Johne Williamsoun1439
Johne Wylsone1443
Johne Wylyamson1448
Jon Wilsun1434
Jhon Wrych1433, 1440
John Wrich1438
John Wrych1447
Johne Wricht1445, 1447, 1450
Johne Wrych1448
Johne Wrycht1438
Jon Wricht1434, 1437
Jhon Yowng1436
John Yung1435
Jhon of Cupir1440
John of Coupir1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1443
John of Cupir1438
John of Cupyr1438
John of Cvupir1444
Johne of Coupir1438, 1439, 1447
Johne of Coupyr1449
Jon of Coupir1434
Jon of Cowpir1437
John Baxtar1444
John Blayk1439
Johne Blayk1448
Jhon of Bothuel1440, 1447
John Bothuel1445
John Bothuele1436
John Bothwell1438
John of Bothuel1445, 1447
John of Bothuell1439
Johne of Bothuel1439, 1444, 1447, 1459
Johne of Bothuell1448
Jon of Bothuyl1433
John Chepman1439, 1440, 1447, 1449
Johne Chepman1444, 1447, 1448, 1453
John Robertson1437, 1448
John Sym1444, 1453
Johne Sym1445
John of Falsid1437
John of Tulch1448
Johne Anderston son 1450
Johne Fleming1453
Johne Than1438
Johne of Bra1448
Johne of Burne1447
Johne of Byris1449
Johne of Cokburne1448
Johne of Spens1439