Leonese Names from the First Half of the 14th Century
by Sara L. Friedemann (Aryanhwy merch Catmael)
The following names are taken from documents recorded between 1318 and 1348 in Leon. The documents, as best as I can tell, are charters pertaining to both men and women who are landed farmers. I have grouped the women's names together and then the men's names. When a single person's name is recorded in different spellings, I have listed the variant spellings indented.
The language that these documents were recorded in is a fairly old dialect of Spanish, with a touch of Galician in it; many of the names still show the influence of Latin in their spellings. These documents appear to have originated near a place called Narayola; there is a Narayola in the Bierzo region (between Galicia and Leon) which is a likely candidate for the one mentioned in these documents. Other place names that are recorded in the document are names of places that are in the Bierzo region:
Carraçedo, the site of an important monastery, now known as Carracedo
Pontferrada, the modern capital of the region, now known as Ponferrada
Cacavellos, now known as Cacabelos
Magas, now known as Magaz
The following ethnic bynames also refer to places near the Bierzo region:
Asturano (of the Asturian region, directly north)
Bersiano (of the Bierzo region)
Galego ('Galician', just to the west)
Name patterns and structures
Virtually all women had patronymic bynames, i.e., bynames based on their father's given name. There are a very few exceptions: Caluela, Bona 'good', and Fous.
Men's bynames were more varied. The patronymic byname was again the most popular type, but locative bynames (indicating from where the person was originally) such as de Carraçedo and de Narayola, are not uncommon. In general, men were identified by a single byname. There rare occasions when a man was listed by more than one byname, the first was a patronymic and the second a locative, without exception.
Most Popular Names
Maria - 9
Teresa/Tereysa - 6
Marina - 5
Iohan/Johan - 29
Alfonso - 19
Pedro/Pero - 17
Fernan/Fernando/Ferrando - 13
Feminine Names
- Beatris Yañes, 1333
Featris [sic] Yañes
- Elvira Martines, 1330
- Johana Gomes, 1323
- Maria Alfonso, 1332, 1336
- Maria Arias, 1336
- Maria Caluela, 1348
- Maria Domingues, 1319, 1332
- Maria Ferrandes, 1318, 1332
- Maria Fouso, 1318
- Maria Iohanes, 1316, 1318, 1326, 1331, 1333, 1336, 1348
- Maria Martines, 1316, 1318, 1323, 1326, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1336, 1348
María Martines
Maria Martinez
- Maria Peres, 1328, 1333, 1336
- Marina Domingues, 1332
- Marina Iagues, 1319
- Marina Iohanes, 1319, 1334, 1336
- Marina Peres, 1336
- Marina Rodrigues, 1333
- Mayor Martines, 1336
- Mayor Peres, 1318, 1332
- Sancha Martines, 1333
- Teresa Arias, 1334
- Tereysa Alfonso, 1336, 1348
- Tereysa Bona, 1348
- Teresa Domingues, 1319
Tareisa Domingues
- Tereysa Ferrandes, 1328
- Tereysa Iohanes, 1332
- Toda Garçia, 1318
Masculine Names
- Agosto Era, 1326
- Alfonso, 1326, 1328
- Alfonso Barbas Arriba, 1348
- Alfonso de Feques, 1326
- Alfonso Domingues, 1319, 1336, 1348
- Alfonso Fernandes, 1318, 1323, 1336
Alfonso Ferrandes
Alfonso Ferrándes
- Alfonso Ferrandes de Carraçedo, 1326
- Alfonso García, 1336
- Alfonso Gonçalues de Magas de Yuso, 1318
Alfonso Gonçalves
- Alfonso Iohanes, 1316, 1326, 1331, 1332, 1336
- Alfonso Maçia, 1318, 1326
Alfonso Maçia de Narayola
- Alfonso Martinez, 1319, 1323, 1348
Alfonso Martines
- Alfonso Neto, 1334
- Alfonso Noçelao, 1336
- Alfonso Palmeyro, 1348
- Alfonso Peres, 1328 - not the same as below
- Alfonso Peres, 1328, 1332
- Alfonso Peres de Fonpical, 1328
Alfonso Peres de Foncipal de Riomor
- Alfonso Teson, 1336
- Alfonso Yañes, 1334, 1336
- Algonso Iohanes, 1323
- Aluar Ferrandes, 1334
- Aluar Lourenço, 1336
- Areas Garçia, 1323
- Areas Nuñes de Narayola, 1323, 1326
Arias Nuñes
- Arias Ferrandes, 1328
- Arias Martines, 1328
- Arias Peres, 1332
- Arias Peres de Pontferrada, 1334
- Arias Yañes, 1333, 1348
- Berenguel, 1319, 1330, 1331
- Diago, 1348
- Diego Alfonso, 1336
- Diego Ferrandes, 1332, 1348
- Diego Garçia de Villafrance, 1332
- Diego Gomes, 1316
- Diego Iohanes, 1316
- Diego Martines, 1332
- Diego Peres, 1333
- Diego Peres Paniagua, 1328
- Diego Rodrigues, 1336
- Domingo Ferrandes, 1336
- Domingo Iohanes, 1318, 1319, 1323, 1331, 1336
- Domingo Peres, 1319, 1326, 1336
- Duran Domingues, 1316, 1318, 1319, 1323, 1326, 1328, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1336, 1348
Durán Domíngues
Duran Domingues de Narayola
- Esteuao, 1326
- Fernan Descriua de Cacavellos, 1326
- Fernan Garçia, 1334
- Fernan Guterres, 1326
Fernan Guteres
- Fernan Martines, 1326
- Fernan Nuñes, 1330
Ferran Nuñez
- Fernan Peres, 1331, 1336, 1348
Ferrando Peres
- Fernand Gonçales, 1333
- Fernando, 1333
- Fernando Caluo, 1333
- Fernando Garçia de Surriba, 1336
- Fernando Iohanes, 1336
- Fernando Estevanes, 1316, 1319
Ferrand Esteuanes
- Fernando Yanes, 1316, 1336
Ferrand Yañes de Narayola,
- Françisco, 1328
- Francisco Peres, 1328
- Garçia Ferrandes, 1328
- Garçia Martines de Riberina, 1328
Garçia Martines de Ribeyriña
- Garçia Yañes, 1334
- Gomes Ferrandes, 1348
- Gonçalo Alfonso, 1334
- Gonçalo Arias, 1332, 1334, 1336
Gonçalvo Areas
- Gonçalo Asturano, 1326
- Gonçalo Bersiano, 1348
- Gonçalo de Mesa, 1323
- Gonçalo Iohanes, 1323, 1331, 1332, 1336, 1348
Gonçalo Yañes
Gonçaluo Eanes
Gonsalo Yañes
- Gonçalo Peres, 1333
- Gonçalu Martines, 1334
- Iohan, 1332, 1334, 1336
- Iohan Alfonso, 1331, 1332, 1336
Johan Alfonso
- Iohan Arias, 1348
- Iohan Cybraenes, 1326
- Iohan Domginues, 1333
- Iohan Ferrandes, 1316, 1326, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1336
Iohannes Fernandes
Johan Ferrandes
- Iohan Ferrandes Dabodega, 1336
- Iohan Garçia, 1326, 1330, 1331, 1333, 1336
Johan Garçia
- Iohan Garçia Arriba, 1348
- Iohan Gonçales, 1348
- Iohan Guyllemes, 1316, 1332
Johan Guillelmo
- Iohan Iohanes, 1316, 1319, 1326, 1333, 1336
Johan Eyañes
Johan Iohanes
Johan Johanes
- Iohan Martines, 1323, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1336, 1348
Johan Martines
- Iohan May, 1334
- Iohan Migueles, 1318, 1319
Johan Migueles
- Iohan Naueas, 1331
- Iohan Peres, 1326, 1328, 1332, 1333, 1336
Johan Peres
- Iohan Peres Bernaldo, 1348
- Jacome, 1348
- Johan Caruallo, 1319
- Johan Curral, 1328
- Johan Galego, 1330
- Johan Johanes de Ribeyriña, 1328
- Johan Martines de Narayola, 1328, 1334
- Johan Montes, 1318
- Johan Oares, 1323
- Johan Peres de Canol, 1328
- Johan Santiago, 1326
- Johan Simon, 1332, 1334
- Johan Villelmes, 1326
- Lope, 1348
- Lope Garçia, 1323
- Lope Gonçales, 1328
- Lope Nunes, 1318, 1336
Lope Nuñes
- Lope Peres, 1326, 1331, 1348
- Lopo Tarçia, 1318
- Lope Yañes, 1336
- Mallobo del Picoto, 1348
- Martín Ferrandes, 1326
- Martin Iohan, 1316, 1328, 1332
Martin Iohanes de Coco
Martin Yañes
- Miguel Peres, 1318
- Nicolas Iohanes, 1336
- Nicollas, 1334
- Pasqual Peres, 1331
- Pedro de Magas, 1348
- Pedro Miguelles, 1326
- Pero Alfonso, 1332
- Pero Aparico, 1318
- Pero de Sarrea, 1319
- Pero Domingues, 1332
- Pero Domingues da Valgoma, 1334
- Pero Ferrandes, 1336
- Pero Franco, 1333
- Pero Galego, 1318
- Pero Garçia, 1333
- Pero Martines, 1336
- Pero Migueles de Fereyrra de Nogal, 1318
- Pero Neues, 1318
- Pero Peres, 1326, 1336
Pedro Peres
- Pero Rodrigues, 1326, 1328, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1336, 1348
Pedro Rodrigues
- Pero Ruy, 1326
- Rodrigo Alfonso, 1348
- Rodrigo Arias, 1334
- Rodrigo de Sarría, 1333
- Rodrigo Fernandes de Acaudes, 1316
- Roy Garçia, 1319, 1326, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1334
Ruy Garçia
- Roy Iohanes, 1323, 1332
Ruy Iohanes
- Roy Masia, 1328
- Ruy Maçia
- Saluador Ferrandes, 1328
- Simon, 1348
- Simon Peres, 1334
- Vaasco, 1328
- Val de Bolaque, 1333
Notes :
Source: de Moxó, Salvador, "Campesinos Hacendados Leoneses en el Siglo XIV" in León medieval: doce estudios: ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas al Coloquio El Reino de León en la Edad Media (León: Colegio Universitario, 197): 167-198.
Thanks to Marianne Perdomo (Leonor Martín), for providing the glosses for the locative and toponymic bynames.