The following names are taken from 14th-16th century wills from Valais, Switzerland. The source divides the origins of the wills into four categories: In the cities, in the villages of the plain, in the villages of the slope, and in the mountains. (See notes for a full list).
The documents, and hence the names, are all in Latin. The names appear to be most influenced by Occitan, though there is some influence of French, Italian, and German. Because so many different languages and dialects were spoken in this region, it is impossible to give vernacular (spoken) forms; these Latin forms are appropriate for written contexts or other contexts where Latin was used, but not for every day speech.
Men's given names, by frequency Men's given names, alphabetically | Women's given names, by frequency Women's given names, alphabetically | Surnames, alphabetically |
Name | Frequency | Dates | Cities |
Johannes | 180 | 1329 (2), 1332, 1333, 1337, 1338, 1344, 1349 (2), 1361, 1365, 1372, 1373, 1381, 1383 (2), 1384, 1387, 1398, 1401 (2), 1402 (3), 1404 (2), 1405, 1406 (2), 1409, 1410 (2), 1411 (2), 1417, 1418, 1419 (2), 1423, 1425, 1427, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1434 (2), 1437, 1438, 1439 (2), 1444 (3), 1445 (2), 1447 (2), 1448, 1449 (2), 1450 (2), 1451 (3), 1452, 1453, 1455 (2), 1456 (2), 1461, 1462 (2), 1465, 1467 (2), 1471, 1472 (2), 1473, 1474, 1477, 1479, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1493, 1495, 1497, 1499, 1501, 1503, 1505, 1506 (3), 1508, 1510, 1511 (2), 1512, 1513 (2), 1514 (2), 1515, 1516, 1519, 1521 (3), 1522 (3), 1523, 1524 (2), 1526, 1528 (2), 1529 (3), 1530, 1532, 1533 (3), 1538, 1545, 1546, 1547, 1549, 1552 (2), 1553 (2), 1560, 1565 (3), 1566, 1568 (2), 1572 (3), 1573 (2), 1574 (2), 1575, 1577 (2), 1581, 1582, 1585, 1599 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent, Ayent (Argnoud), Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Ayent (Saxonne), Bagnes, Bagnes (Bruson), Bagnes (Cotterg), Bramois, Chippis, Evolène, Evolène (Les Haudères), Grimisuat, Grône, Hérémence, Hérémence (Riod), Hérémence (Rioz), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Diogne), Mase, Monthey, Muraz, Muraz (Illarsaz), Musot, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Nendaz (Verrey), Port-Valais (Ediez), Port-Valais (Evouettes), Saint-Martin, Saint-Martin (La Forclaz), Saint-Martin (Trogne), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Miège), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Torrent), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Drône), Savièse (La Soie), Savièse (Ormône), Savièse (Saint-Germain), Sembrancher, Sierre (Aucz), Sion, Venthône, Vercorin, Vex, Vionnaz, Vissoie (La Combe), Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Petrus | 73 | 1323, 1333, 1348, 1349, 1369, 1371, 1397, 1399, 1401 (3), 1410, 1416, 1417, 1429, 1432 (2), 1434, 1446, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1455, 1461, 1467, 1478, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1492, 1497, 1501, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508, 1516, 1517, 1518 (2), 1521 (2), 1522, 1523, 1528 (2), 1529, 1530, 1532 (2), 1533, 1537, 1540 (2), 1544, 1547, 1548, 1550, 1551, 1552, 1563, 1566, 1567 (2), 1572 (2), 1573, 1574, 1582, 1587, 1591 | Ardon, Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent, Ayent (Luc), Bagnes, Bramois, Evolène, Evolène (Les Haudères), Fully (Châtaignier), Grône (Itravers), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Ollon), Leytron, Leytron (Saint-Pierre-des-Clages), Mase, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Riddes (Audes), Riddes (Isérables), Saillon, Saint-Léonard, Saint-Martin, Saint-Martin (Pralovin), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Sierre (Anchettes-Bernard), Sion, Sion (Salins), Vex, Vex (La Vernaz), Vionnaz, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Anthonius | 67 | 1334, 1343, 1361, 1368, 1401, 1410, 1423, 1428, 1435 (2), 1439, 1440, 1441, 1442, 1443 (2), 1447, 1448, 1449, 1453 (3), 1455, 1461, 1462, 1473, 1477, 1481, 1484, 1485, 1489 (2), 1490, 1492, 1498, 1501 (2), 1502, 1506 (2), 1508 (2), 1517, 1519, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1582, 1530, 1531, 1533 (2), 1541, 1546, 1560, 1566, 1571 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Luc), Bagnes, Evolène (La Forclaz), Evolène (La Sage), Evolène (Villa), Grimisuat, Hérémence, Hérémence (Mâche), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Icogne), Liddes, Martigny, Mase, Nax, Saillon, Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Savièse (Montellier), Sierre, Sierre (Glary), Sion, Vex, Villa (Darnone), Vouvry (Miex) |
Perrodus | 33 | 1326, 1349 (5), 1350, 1352, 1368, 1382, 1383, 1393, 1394, 1402, 1413, 1414, 1423, 1425, 1437, 1440, 1449, 1461, 1462, 1470, 1473, 1477, 1478, 1479, 1520, 1524, 1527, 1528, 1537 | Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Saxonne), Bagnes, Bagnes (Cotterg), Bagnes (Montagnier), Chalais (Réchy), Grimisuat, Lens (Diogne), Mase, Musot, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice (Dorénaz), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Musot), Savièse (Chandolin), Sierre (Grange), Sion, Villa (Darnone), Vissoie (Pinsec), Vouvry |
Martinus | 31 | 1322, 1334, 1340, 1341, 1349, 1360, 1381, 1393, 1413, 1420, 1425, 1434, 1437, 1439, 1443, 1444, 1450 (2), 1458, 1497, 1505, 1508, 1512, 1517, 1519, 1521, 1524, 1528, 1532, 1544, 1582 | Ayent, Ayent (Saxonne), Bagnes, Bagnes (Fontenelle), Evolène, Evolène (Villa), Hérémence, Hérémence (Ayer), Nax, Saint-Martin (Pra-Jean), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Mollens), Sierre (Plan), Savièse (Drône), Savièse (Muraz), Savièse (Ormône), Sion, Sion (Salins), Vex, Vex (Les Agettes), Vouvry |
Jacobus | 26 | 1359, 1417, 1456, 1461, 1473, 1476, 1489, 1495 (2), 1504, 1505, 1507, 1512, 1514, 1518, 1527, 1529, 1540, 1554, 1563 (2), 1564, 1565, 1568, 1571, 1573, 1575 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Mase, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Savièse (Saint-Germain), Sierre, Sion, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Franciscus | 13 | 1502, 1523 (2), 1524, 1542, 1550, 1557, 1565, 1568, 1572 (2), 1573, 1575 | Ayent (Saint-Romain), Leytron, Leytron (Dugny), Mase, Nax, Sion, Vouvry |
Vuillermus | 13 | 1301, 1328, 1329 (2), 1342, 1347, 1380, 1387, 1394, 1472, 1506, 1515, 1524 | Ayent (Saxonne), Collombey, Monthey, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Martin (Trogne), Sion |
Perronetus | 9 | 1333, 1351, 1399, 1426, 1440, 1461, 1482, 1512, 1522 | Conthey, Grimisuat, Ollon, Saint-Léonard, Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Aucz), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Sion, Vex |
Jaquemetus | 8 | 1331, 1420, 1437, 1448, 1457, 1483, 1505, 1556 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Saint-Maurice de Laques, Savièse (Prensières), Sierre (Anchettes), Sion, Vissoie (Saint-Jean), Vouvry (Miex) |
Coletus | 7 | 1389, 1435, 1440, 1443, 1459, 1566 (2) | Port-Valais (Evouettes), Sembrancher (La Garde), Vouvry |
Romanus | 7 | 1474, 1497, 1498, 1517, 1564, 1565, 1568 | Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Fortunoz), Ayent (Luc) |
Thomas | 7 | 1300, 1339, 1349, 1395, 1495, 1533, 1577 | Lens (Chamsabé), Orsières, Savièse (Drône), Sion, Vouvry (Miex) |
Vuillermodus | 7 | 1334, 1349 (4), 1447, 1450 | Lens (Chermignon), Saint-Maurice, Sion, Vex |
Andreas | 6 | 1527, 1258, 1561, 1568, 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ardon (Grugnay), Fully (Mazembroaz), Mase |
Glaudius | 6 | 1511, 1550, 1554 (2), 1576, 1577 | Leytron, Vouvry, Vouvry (Chamossin), Vouvry (Miex) |
Mauricius | 6 | 1507, 1522, 1529 (2), 1545, 1573 | Bramois, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Maurice, Sion |
Michael | 6 | 1428, 1434, 1436, 1483, 1559, 1596 | Collombey (Outre-Vièze), Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Diogne), Vex, Vouvry |
Perretus | 6 | 1399, 1414, 1428, 1431, 1450, 1500 | Bagnes (Verbier), Lens, Lens Ormonts, Mase, Savièse (Prensières), Sembrancher (Bovernier) |
Stephanus | 6 | 1374, 1409, 1421, 1435, 1522 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Cordona), Sion |
Vuillelmus | 6 | 1342, 1392, 1506, 1519, 1522, 1556 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Botyre), Grimisuat, Hérémence, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) |
Bartholomeus | 5 | 1519, 1531, 1553, 1582, 1591 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent, Saint-Maurice, Sion |
Benedictus | 5 | 1349, 1386, 1412, 1451, 1463 | Ayent, Saint-Maurice, Savièse, Sion |
Guillermus | 5 | 1349, 1383, 1417, 1495, 1572 | Conthey, Monthey, Saillon, Savièse (Montellier), Sion |
Johannodus | 5 | 1337, 1349, 1359, 1380, 1408 | Saint-Gingolph, Savièse (Ormône), Sembrancher, Sion |
Mermodus | 5 | 1440, 1452, 1474, 1483, 1522 | Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Savièse (Chandolin), Sion (Salins) |
Perrussodus | 5 | 1342, 1349 (3), 1361 | Bagnes, Bagnes (Cotterg), Bagnes (Montagnier), Saint-Maurice, Sion |
Roletus | 5 | 1349, 1440, 1442, 1480, 1523 | Ardon (Chamoson), Sembrancher, Sion, Vionnaz |
Vuillermetus | 5 | 1427, 1428, 1431, 1444, 1497 | Ayent (Arbaz), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Moulin), Savièse, Vercorin, Vissoie (Mayoux) |
Yaninus | 5 | 1346, 1400, 1431, 1449, 1455 | Bramois, Grimisuat, Sion |
Claudius | 4 | 1521, 1544, 1573, 1581 | Ardon (Chamoson), Sion, Sion (extra muros) |
Georgius | 4 | 1408, 1476, 1533, 1580 | Ayent (Botyre), Sion, Vex (Les Agettes) |
Germanus | 4 | 1456, 1502, 1528, 1532 | Hérémence, Lens (Icogne), Mase |
Girardus | 4 | 1422, 1436, 1493, 1529 | Nax, Saint-Maurice, Vex |
Hans | 4 | 1516, 1522, 1564, 1565 | Evolène, Sion |
Henricus | 4 | 1349, 1440, 1527, 1540 | Bagnes, Muraz, Saint-Martin (Suen) |
Hudricus | 4 | 1420, 1421, 1460, 1578 | Port-Valais, Sion, Saint-Maurice (Evionnaz), Saint-Maurice (Vérossaz) |
Jaquemodus | 4 | 1342, 1346, 1387, 1423 | Bagnes (Versegères), Granges, Sion, Sion (Salins) |
Petermandus | 4 | 1472, 1455, 1499, 1595 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Sierre, Sion |
Ypolitus | 4 | 1553, 1568, 1569, 1573 | Vouvry (Le Flon), Vouvry (Miex) |
Amedeus | 3 | 1349, 1469, 1557 | Grimisuat, Saint-Maurice (Evionnaz), Sion |
Anthonetus | 3 | 1432, 1440, 1540 | Grône, Vex |
Arnoldus | 3 | 1402, 1489, 1565 | Chalais (Réchy), Sion |
Aymonodus | 3 | 1337, 1341, 1457 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor), Sion |
Berthetus | 3 | 1401, 1470, 1522 | Ardon (Chamoson), Nax |
Cristinus | 3 | 1399, 1453, 1533 | Hérémence, Saint-Martin (Suen), Vex |
Guillelmus | 3 | 1464, 1477, 1557 | Vex, Villa (Darnone), Vouvry (Miex) |
Johannetus | 3 | 1431, 1501, 1527 | Evolène (La Forclaz), Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Léonard |
Martinodus | 3 | 1382, 1383, 1476 | Ayent (Saxonne), Bagnes, Sembrancher |
Mermetus | 3 | 1382, 1433, 1557 | Sembrancher, Vouvry |
Monetus | 3 | 1462, 1522, 1529 | Ardon (Chamoson), Nax, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Nycodus | 3 | 1455, 1470, 1504 | Hérémence (Rioz), Mase, Villa |
Nycolinus | 3 | 1447, 1497, 1532 | Hérémence, Saint-Léonard, Sion |
Perrinus | 3 | 1325, 1451, 1569 | Ayent (Luc), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Sion |
Theodulus | 3 | 1443, 1489, 1596 | Evolène, Savièse (Chandolin), Sion |
Uldricus | 3 | 1320, 1420, 1423 | Orsières (Châtelard), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Sion |
Ansermodus | 2 | 1343, 1349 | Sion |
Anthillioz | 2 | 1508, 1521 | Evolène |
Clemens | 2 | 1496, 1531 | Lens (Montana), Sion |
Hengelinus | 2 | 1445, 1477 | Ayent (Luc), Nax (Erbioz) |
Hugonetus | 2 | 1349, 1400 | Aigle (Le Cloître), Sion |
Huldricus | 2 | 1421, 1427 | Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Luc) |
Jaquetus | 2 | 1349, 1413 | Ayent (Fortunoz), Sion |
Ludovicus | 2 | 1361, 1549 | Granges, Vouvry |
Murisodus | 2 | 1382, 1427 | Bagnes (Sarreyer), Saint-Maurice |
Nicodus | 2 | 1489, 1565 | Ayent (Luc), Riddes (Isérables) |
Nicolaus | 2 | 1508, 1565 | Sion |
Perrinodus | 2 | 1349 (2) | Sion |
Stephanodus | 2 | 1360, 1469 | Martigny (Bâtiaz), Nax |
Tenchoz | 2 | 1459, 1513 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Crêt), Vex |
Albertus | 1 | 1381 | Sierre (Glary) |
Alexander | 1 | 1499 | Sion |
Angellinus | 1 | 1522 | Mase |
Anselmus | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Anthilius | 1 | 1524 | Lens |
Anthillius | 1 | 1540 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) |
Anthilloz | 1 | 1498 | Evolène |
Anthillus | 1 | 1495 | Sion |
Anthoniodus | 1 | 1343 | Sion |
Ardigus | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Aymo | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Aymonetus | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Ayolphus | 1 | 1418 | Sion |
Azonus | 1 | 1308 | Sion |
Bacinodus | 1 | 1449 | Sion |
Bernardinus | 1 | 1572 | Vouvry |
Bersetus | 1 | 1400 | Bramois |
Berthodus | 1 | 1476 | Ayent (Saxonne) |
Blasius | 1 | 1575 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Christophorus | 1 | 1437 | Sion |
Colletus | 1 | 1557 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Desiderius | 1 | 1570 | Monthey |
Egidius | 1 | 1513 | Sion |
Giroldus | 1 | 1336 | Savièse |
Gotefredus | 1 | 1307 | Sion |
Henriodus | 1 | 1369 | Bagnes |
Hensilinus | 1 | 1450 | Sion |
Henslinus | 1 | 1461 | Savièse (Saint-Germain) |
Heyno | 1 | 1490 | Sion |
Hugo | 1 | 1411 | Vouvry |
Hugoninus | 1 | 1500 | Vouvry |
Humbertus | 1 | 1413 | Saint-Maurice |
Janinus | 1 | 1507 | Sion |
Jaqueminus | 1 | 1400 | Saint-Maurice |
Jaquiminus | 1 | 1451 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Jeninus | 1 | 1453 | Vex |
Jorius | 1 | 1375 | Sion |
Julianus | 1 | 1349 | Saint-Maurice |
Laurentius | 1 | 1580 | Grône |
Matheus | 1 | 1488 | Sion |
Mathiodus | 1 | 1461 | Nax (Vernamiège) |
Mermerius | 1 | 1387 | Chalais (Réchy) |
Michodus | 1 | 1407 | Illiez |
Nantermus | 1 | 1406 | Grimisuat |
Nicholaus | 1 | 1332 | Sion |
Nicoletus | 1 | 1532 | Evolène (Villa) |
Nicolinus | 1 | 1524 | Evolène (Les Haudères) |
Nychodus | 1 | 1490 | Vex |
Nycoletus | 1 | 1506 | Hérémence |
Parisius | 1 | 1401 | Bagnes |
Perronodus | 1 | 1426 | Muraz |
Peter | 1 | 1451 | Sion |
Philipus | 1 | 1414 | Nax (Vernamiège) |
Raymundus | 1 | 1444 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Reymundus | 1 | 1362 | Leytron |
Richardus | 1 | 1461 | Sion |
Rodulphus | 1 | 1489 | Lens (Icogne) |
Sofredus | 1 | 1361 | Sion |
Termodus | 1 | 1471 | Ayent (Place) |
Theobaldus | 1 | 1572 | Riddes |
Thomassinus | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Uldriodus | 1 | 1344 | Sion |
Vincencius | 1 | 1555 | Lens |
Vincentius | 1 | 1508 | Mase |
Vionetus | 1 | 1390 | Sion |
Vuillelmodus | 1 | 1463 | Vex |
Vulloz | 1 | 1497 | Evolène (Les Haudères) |
Vuybertus | 1 | 1357 | Bagnes |
Walterus | 1 | 1312 | Sion |
Ypollitus | 1 | 1558 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Name | Frequency | Dates | Cities |
Johanneta | 84 | 1333, 1342, 1348, 1349 (2), 1361 (2), 1369, 1381, 1383, 1390, 1400, 1401, 1411, 1417, 1433, 1434, 1435 (4), 1437 (3), 1440, 1442, 1443, 1447, 1448, 1449 (2), 1450, 1451, 1452, 1455, 1458, 1461, 1472, 1474, 1476, 1482, 1483 (2), 1495 (2), 1497, 1501 (4), 1504, 1508 (2), 1510, 1514, 1521 (2), 1522, 1524 (3), 1527, 1528, 1529 (4), 1531, 1532 (2), 1533, 1545, 1546, 1552, 1553, 1559, 1568 (2), 1570, 1572 (2), 1575, 1576, 1577 | Ayent, Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Fortunoz), Ayent (Luc), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Ayent (Saxonne), Bramois, Chippis, Evolène, Evolène (La Forclaz), Evolène (Les Haudères), Evolène (Villa), Grône (Loye), Hérémence, Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Icogne), Mase, Monthey, Muraz (Illarsaz), Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Port-Valais (Evouettes), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Chandolin), Savièse (Montellier), Savièse (Saint-Germain), Sembrancher, Sierre (Glary), Sierre (Plan), Sion, Sion (Salins), Vex, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Anthonia | 55 | 1328, 1340, 1342, 1343, 1346, 1349 (3), 1409, 1418, 1420, 1428 (2), 1431 (2), 1432, 1443, 1449, 1451 (2), 1461, 1462 (2), 1470, 1472, 1481, 1482, 1488, 1489 (3), 1492, 1495 (2), 1497, 1501, 1503, 1505, 1507, 1508, 1513, 1516, 1517, 1519, 1521, 1522 (2), 1524, 1528 (3), 1550, 1560, 1563 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Luc), Ayent (Saxonne), Bramois, Conthey, Evolène (Les Haudères), Hérémence, Hérémence (Ayer), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Diogne), Lens (Icogne), Leytron, Mase, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Mollens), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Chandolin), Savièse (Ormône), Sion, Sion (Salins), Vex, Vex (Les Agettes), Vissoie (Saint-Jean), Vouvrey |
Agnes | 26 | 1325, 1332, 1344, 1349 (2), 1361, 1372, 1383, 1390, 1410, 1423, 1427, 1446, 1449, 1453, 1455, 1459, 1464, 1476, 1481, 1484, 1506, 1512, 1528, 1552, 1582 | Bagnes (Montagnier), Evolène, Lens, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Crêt), Sion, Vex, Villa (Darnone), Vissoie (La Combe) |
Ysabella | 22 | 1347, 1349, 1363, 1386, 1400, 1401, 1404, 1406, 1428, 1432, 1437, 1448, 1449, 1451 (2), 1453, 1477, 1490 (2), 1496, 1497, 1547 | Bagnes (Verbier), Evolène (Les Haudères), Grimisuat, Hérémence (Rioz), Nax, Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Aucz), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Prensières), Sion, Vex |
Perreta | 20 | 1320, 1334, 1342, 1358, 1360 (2), 1394, 1411, 1417, 1432, 1439, 1450, 1451, 1462, 1497, 1508 (2), 1512, 1521 (2) | Bagnes, Evolène, Grimisuat, Martigny (Bâtiaz), Mase, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Martin (Pra-Jean), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Miège), Sion, Vex, Vouvry |
Margareta | 18 | 1349, 1361, 1425, 1434, 1448, 1450, 1453, 1467, 1473, 1508 (2), 1522, 1523, 1541, 1564, 1565, 1572, 1581 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Lens, Lens (Chermignon), Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Nax (Vernamiège), Saillon, Sierre (Anchettes-Bernard), Sion, Sion (extra muros), Vissoie (Pinsec), Vouvry |
Vuillerma | 18 | 1307, 1342, 1347, 1349 (3), 1381, 1401, 1402, 1411, 1414, 1429, 1437, 1447, 1448, 1482, 1513, 1533 | Ayent, Ayent (Saxonne), Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Martin (Pralovin), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Drône), Sion, Vercorin, Vex |
Perroneta | 16 | 1406, 1455, 1506, 1507, 1512, 1514, 1518, 1522, 1524, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1544, 1556, 1558, 1577 | Ardon (Chamoson), Bramois, Evolène (Les Haudères), Grône (Itravers), Hérémence, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Montana), Leytron (Saint-Pierre-des-Clages), Mase, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Sion, Vex, Vouvry (Chamossin), Vouvry (Miex) |
Francesia | 14 | 1349, 1351, 1369, 1382, 1383, 1421, 1440, 1461, 1515, 1521, 1544, 1565 (2), 1581 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Argnoud), Bagnes, Monthey, Riddes (Isérables), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Sion, Vouvrey |
Katherina | 13 | 1381, 1473, 1477 (2), 1485, 1507, 1512, 1528, 1530, 1532, 1573 (2), 1582 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Mase, Nendaz (Verrey), Saint-Martin, Sierre (Grange), Sion, Vex, Villa (Darnone) |
Perrussia | 13 | 1402 (2), 1423, 1434, 1439, 1442, 1457, 1483, 1489, 1519, 1522, 1528, 1555 | Granges, Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Diogne), Lens (Icogne), Nax, Sierre (Anchettes), Sion, Verocrin, Vex |
Beatrix | 11 | 1300, 1337 (2), 1341, 1343, 1349 (3), 1426, 1456, 1495, 1506 | Evolène (Villa), Grimisuat, Saint-Maurice, Sierre, Sion |
Vuillermeta | 11 | 1349 (2), 1420, 1424, 1435, 1443, 1483, 1499, 1517 (2), 1522 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Cordona), Savièse (Chandolin), Sion |
Jaquemeta | 10 | 1312, 1334, 1349, 1352, 1422, 1499, 1515 (2), 1557, 1577 | Ardon, Monthey, Saint-Maurice, Sion, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Jaqueta | 8 | 1349 (2), 1361, 1387, 1398, 1399, 1457, 1506 | Collombey, Lens Ormonts, Mase, Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Moulin), Sion |
Barbara | 6 | 1523 (2), 1557, 1565, 1568, 1576 | Ayent (Luc), Leytron, Sion |
Cristina | 6 | 1428, 1436, 1440, 1456, 1516, 1533 | Bagnes (Verbier), Hérémence, Mase, Nax (Vernamiège), Sion, Vex |
Jaquema | 6 | 1511, 1544, 1563 (2), 1568, 1572 | Ardon (Chamoson), Leytron, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Magdalena | 6 | 1516, 1525, 1527, 1544, 1565, 1587 | Evolène (La Sage), Hérémence, Mase, Sion, Vionnaz |
Anna | 5 | 1549, 1554, 1564, 1565 (2) | Lens, Sion, Vouvry (Miex) |
Vuillelma | 5 | 1401, 1437, 1463, 1495, 1530 | Ardon (Chamoson), Lens, Savièse (Drône), Savièse (Saint-Germain), Vex |
Ypolita | 5 | 1554, 1566, 1568, 1573 (2) | Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Agnesona | 4 | 1359, 1416, 1419, 1478 | Ayent (Botyre), Bramois, Sion |
Agnessona | 4 | 1387, 1399, 1408 (2) | Saint-Martin (Suen), Savièse (Ormône), Sion, Vercorin |
Francza | 4 | 1426, 1432, 1449, 1471 | Bramois, Nax, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Vissoie (Mayoux) |
Martina | 4 | 1498, 1506, 1522, 1532 | Evolène, Hérémence, Nax (Vernamiège) |
Barbilia | 3 | 1538, 1573, 1580 | Ardon (Chamoson), Grimisuat, Sion |
Barbillia | 3 | 1533, 1566 | Riddes (Isérables), Vex (Les Agettes) |
Claudia | 3 | 1544, 1557, 1585 | Grimisuat, Leytron (Saint-Pierre-des-Clages), Sion |
Henrieta | 3 | 1455, 1514, 1572 | Ayent, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Vouvry |
Jordana | 3 | 1326, 1332, 1387 | Collombey, Sion |
Marieta | 3 | 1380, 1389, 1395 | Orsières, Sembrancher, Vouvry |
Vuillelmeta | 3 | 1392, 1435, 1457 | Ardon (Chamoson), Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor) |
Agneta | 2 | 1349, 1544 | Ardon (Chamoson), Saint-Maurice |
Alesia | 2 | 1413, 1501 | Evolène (La Forclaz), Saint-Maurice |
Alixia | 2 | 1423, 1455 | Orsières (Châtelard), Villa |
Andrea | 2 | 1506, 1561 | Fully (Mazembroaz), Saint-Martin (Trogne) |
Antillia | 2 | 1431, 1495 | Grimisuat, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Aymoneta | 2 | 1333, 1384 | Sion |
Beatrisia | 2 | 1421, 1462 | Ayent (Botyre), Saillon |
Catherina | 2 | 1568, 1591 | Ardon (Grugnay), Leytron |
Chrispina | 2 | 1420, 1474 | Mase, Sion (Salins) |
Colleta | 2 | 1515, 1553 | Monthey, Vouvry (Le Flon) |
Franza | 2 | 1443, 1455 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Sion |
Germana | 2 | 1505, 1540 | Nax (Vernamiège), Vex |
Glaudia | 2 | 1523, 1529 | Ardon (Chamoson), Nax |
Greda | 2 | 1506, 1525 | Evolène (La Sage), Evolène (Les Haudères) |
Jana | 2 | 1499, 1557 | Leytron, Sion |
Juliana | 2 | 1399, 1591 | Sion |
Katharina | 2 | 1540, 1569 | Ayent (Luc), Sion |
Ludovica | 2 | 1492, 1596 | Collombey (Outre-Vièze), Martigny |
Marguerona | 2 | 1349, 1420 | Nax, Sion |
Maria | 2 | 1565, 1567 | Fully (Châtaignier), Vouvry |
Marion | 2 | 1533, 1572 | Ayent (Saint-Romain), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor) |
Mathia | 2 | 1523, 1528 | Mase |
Maurisia | 2 | 1529 (2) | Nax |
Mermeta | 2 | 1365, 1401 | Bagnes, Sion |
Nichola | 2 | 1375, 1423 | Mase, Sion |
Nycholeta | 2 | 1374, 1528 | Sion, Vex (Les Agettes) |
Petronilla | 2 | 1532, 1553 | Saint-Maurice, Sion |
Stephana | 2 | 1489, 1533 | Lens, Lens (Icogne) |
Stephaneta | 2 | 1522, 1527 | Mase, Nax |
Agna | 1 | 1511 | Sion |
Agnesola | 1 | 1334 | Sion |
Agnexona | 1 | 1373 | Sion |
Agnyz | 1 | 1537 | Sion |
Aldessa | 1 | 1449 | Sion |
Aleseta | 1 | 1369 | Sion |
Alexia | 1 | 1488 | Sion |
Alisia | 1 | 1333 | Sion |
Amphelisia | 1 | 1410 | Bagnes |
Anastasia | 1 | 1582 | Sion |
Anillia | 1 | 1439 | Grimisuat |
Annillia | 1 | 1457 | Conthey |
Anthillyz | 1 | 1508 | Evolène |
Bartholomea | 1 | 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) |
Bastiana | 1 | 1577 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Beatrixia | 1 | 1443 | Savièse (Montellier) |
Bella | 1 | 1486 | Lens |
Bellena | 1 | 1444 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Bellona | 1 | 1450 | Vex |
Benedicta | 1 | 1413 | Ayent (Saxonne) |
Binfa | 1 | 1329 | Sion |
Binfauz | 1 | 1382 | Sembrancher |
Blanchia | 1 | 1342 | Sion |
Bruneta | 1 | 1322 | Bagnes (Fontenelle) |
Caterina | 1 | 1392 | Sion |
Christina | 1 | 1500 | Chalais (Réchy) |
Clarola | 1 | 1349 | Saint-Maurice |
Cola | 1 | 1411 | Vouvry |
Contessa | 1 | 1340 | Sion |
Dionysia | 1 | 1577 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Eligia | 1 | 1567 | Saint-Maurice |
Elsa | 1 | 1540 | Sion |
Faceta | 1 | 1323 | Sion |
Franca | 1 | 1511 | Sion |
Fransa | 1 | 1508 | Sion |
Fransaz | 1 | 1521 | Lens |
Greta | 1 | 1502 | Sion |
Guillerma | 1 | 1551 | Vouvry |
Hudria | 1 | 1547 | Vionnaz |
Hugonina | 1 | 1577 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Ithy | 1 | 1461 | Savièse (Saint-Germain) |
Jacoba | 1 | 1329 | Sion |
Jacola | 1 | 1390 | Vouvry |
Jaquemina | 1 | 1349 | Bagnes |
Jeneta | 1 | 1573 | Sion |
Jenina | 1 | 1428 | Sion |
Johanola | 1 | 1342 | Sion |
Katherine | 1 | 1399 | Ollon |
Leonetta | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Mabilia | 1 | 1450 | Savièse (Prensières) |
Margaretha | 1 | 1308 | Sion |
Markisia | 1 | 1461 | Savièse (Chandolin) |
Marquisia | 1 | 1497 | Sion |
Maryona | 1 | 1394 | Sion |
Micheleta | 1 | 1522 | Sierre (Aucz) |
Michella | 1 | 1542 | Leytron (Dugny) |
Michoda | 1 | 1557 | Vouvry |
Minola | 1 | 1441 | Sion |
Nicola | 1 | 1420 | Saint-Maurice (Vérossaz) |
Nycola | 1 | 1502 | Hérémence (Mâche) |
Paula | 1 | 1587 | Vionnaz |
Pedrisia | 1 | 1540 | Bramois |
Perissona | 1 | 1438 | Port-Valais (Evouettes) |
Peronella | 1 | 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) |
Peronneta | 1 | 1565 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Peronnetta | 1 | 1569 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Perrina | 1 | 1493 | Nax |
Perrola | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Perrona | 1 | 1506 | Hérémence |
Perronetta | 1 | 1506 | Hérémence |
Perrusia | 1 | 1393 | Sion |
Perrussona | 1 | 1349 | Saint-Gingolph |
Philippa | 1 | 1521 | Ardon (Chamoson) |
Reymunda | 1 | 1418 | Sion |
Romana | 1 | 1565 | Ayent (Luc) |
Salomea | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Sincillia | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Stevina | 1 | 1545 | Nax |
Thomassina | 1 | 1526 | Lens |
Trina | 1 | 1565 | Sion |
Udrieta | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Uldrieta | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Ursula | 1 | 1599 | Sion |
Name | Frequency | Dates | Cities |
Albertus | 1 | 1381 | Sierre (Glary) |
Alexander | 1 | 1499 | Sion |
Amedeus | 3 | 1349, 1469, 1557 | Grimisuat, Saint-Maurice (Evionnaz), Sion |
Andreas | 6 | 1527, 1258, 1561, 1568, 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ardon (Grugnay), Fully (Mazembroaz), Mase |
Angellinus | 1 | 1522 | Mase |
Anselmus | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Ansermodus | 2 | 1343, 1349 | Sion |
Anthilius | 1 | 1524 | Lens |
Anthillioz | 2 | 1508, 1521 | Evolène |
Anthillius | 1 | 1540 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) |
Anthilloz | 1 | 1498 | Evolène |
Anthillus | 1 | 1495 | Sion |
Anthonetus | 3 | 1432, 1440, 1540 | Grône, Vex |
Anthoniodus | 1 | 1343 | Sion |
Anthonius | 67 | 1334, 1343, 1361, 1368, 1401, 1410, 1423, 1428, 1435 (2), 1439, 1440, 1441, 1442, 1443 (2), 1447, 1448, 1449, 1453 (3), 1455, 1461, 1462, 1473, 1477, 1481, 1484, 1485, 1489 (2), 1490, 1492, 1498, 1501 (2), 1502, 1506 (2), 1508 (2), 1517, 1519, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1582, 1530, 1531, 1533 (2), 1541, 1546, 1560, 1566, 1571 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Luc), Bagnes, Evolène (La Forclaz), Evolène (La Sage), Evolène (Villa), Grimisuat, Hérémence, Hérémence (Mâche), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Icogne), Liddes, Martigny, Mase, Nax, Saillon, Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Savièse (Montellier), Sierre, Sierre (Glary), Sion, Vex, Villa (Darnone), Vouvry (Miex) |
Ardigus | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Arnoldus | 3 | 1402, 1489, 1565 | Chalais (Réchy), Sion |
Aymo | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Aymonetus | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Aymonodus | 3 | 1337, 1341, 1457 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor), Sion |
Ayolphus | 1 | 1418 | Sion |
Azonus | 1 | 1308 | Sion |
Bacinodus | 1 | 1449 | Sion |
Bartholomeus | 5 | 1519, 1531, 1553, 1582, 1591 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent, Saint-Maurice, Sion |
Benedictus | 5 | 1349, 1386, 1412, 1451, 1463 | Ayent, Saint-Maurice, Savièse, Sion |
Bernardinus | 1 | 1572 | Vouvry |
Bersetus | 1 | 1400 | Bramois |
Berthetus | 3 | 1401, 1470, 1522 | Ardon (Chamoson), Nax |
Berthodus | 1 | 1476 | Ayent (Saxonne) |
Blasius | 1 | 1575 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Christophorus | 1 | 1437 | Sion |
Claudius | 4 | 1521, 1544, 1573, 1581 | Ardon (Chamoson), Sion, Sion (extra muros) |
Clemens | 2 | 1496, 1531 | Lens (Montana), Sion |
Coletus | 7 | 1389, 1435, 1440, 1443, 1459, 1566 (2) | Port-Valais (Evouettes), Sembrancher (La Garde), Vouvry |
Colletus | 1 | 1557 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Cristinus | 3 | 1399, 1453, 1533 | Hérémence, Saint-Martin (Suen), Vex |
Desiderius | 1 | 1570 | Monthey |
Egidius | 1 | 1513 | Sion |
Franciscus | 13 | 1502, 1523 (2), 1524, 1542, 1550, 1557, 1565, 1568, 1572 (2), 1573, 1575 | Ayent (Saint-Romain), Leytron, Leytron (Dugny), Mase, Nax, Sion, Vouvry |
Georgius | 4 | 1408, 1476, 1533, 1580 | Ayent (Botyre), Sion, Vex (Les Agettes) |
Germanus | 4 | 1456, 1502, 1528, 1532 | Hérémence, Lens (Icogne), Mase |
Girardus | 4 | 1422, 1436, 1493, 1529 | Nax, Saint-Maurice, Vex |
Girodus | 1 | 1449 | Vollèges (Levron) |
Giroldus | 1 | 1336 | Savièse |
Glaudius | 6 | 1511, 1550, 1554 (2), 1576, 1577 | Leytron, Vouvry, Vouvry (Chamossin), Vouvry (Miex) |
Gotefredus | 1 | 1307 | Sion |
Guillelmus | 3 | 1464, 1477, 1557 | Vex, Villa (Darnone), Vouvry (Miex) |
Guillermus | 5 | 1349, 1383, 1417, 1495, 1572 | Conthey, Monthey, Saillon, Savièse (Montellier), Sion |
Hans | 4 | 1516, 1522, 1564, 1565 | Evolène, Sion |
Hengelinus | 2 | 1445, 1477 | Ayent (Luc), Nax (Erbioz) |
Henricus | 4 | 1349, 1440, 1527, 1540 | Bagnes, Muraz, Saint-Martin (Suen) |
Henriodus | 1 | 1369 | Bagnes |
Hensilinus | 1 | 1450 | Sion |
Henslinus | 1 | 1461 | Savièse (Saint-Germain) |
Heyno | 1 | 1490 | Sion |
Hudricus | 4 | 1420, 1421, 1460, 1578 | Port-Valais, Sion, Saint-Maurice (Evionnaz), Saint-Maurice (Vérossaz) |
Hugo | 1 | 1411 | Vouvry |
Hugonetus | 2 | 1349, 1400 | Aigle (Le Cloître), Sion |
Hugoninus | 1 | 1500 | Vouvry |
Huldricus | 2 | 1421, 1427 | Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Luc) |
Humbertus | 1 | 1413 | Saint-Maurice |
Jacobus | 26 | 1359, 1417, 1456, 1461, 1473, 1476, 1489, 1495 (2), 1504, 1505, 1507, 1512, 1514, 1518, 1527, 1529, 1540, 1554, 1563 (2), 1564, 1565, 1568, 1571, 1573, 1575 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Mase, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Savièse (Saint-Germain), Sierre, Sion, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Janinus | 1 | 1507 | Sion |
Jaquemetus | 8 | 1331, 1420, 1437, 1448, 1457, 1483, 1505, 1556 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Saint-Maurice de Laques, Savièse (Prensières), Sierre (Anchettes), Sion, Vissoie (Saint-Jean), Vouvry (Miex) |
Jaqueminus | 1 | 1400 | Saint-Maurice |
Jaquemodus | 4 | 1342, 1346, 1387, 1423 | Bagnes (Versegères), Granges, Sion, Sion (Salins) |
Jaquetus | 2 | 1349, 1413 | Ayent (Fortunoz), Sion |
Jaquiminus | 1 | 1451 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Jeninus | 1 | 1453 | Vex |
Johannes | 180 | 1329 (2), 1332, 1333, 1337, 1338, 1344, 1349 (2), 1361, 1365, 1372, 1373, 1381, 1383 (2), 1384, 1387, 1398, 1401 (2), 1402 (3), 1404 (2), 1405, 1406 (2), 1409, 1410 (2), 1411 (2), 1417, 1418, 1419 (2), 1423, 1425, 1427, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1434 (2), 1437, 1438, 1439 (2), 1444 (3), 1445 (2), 1447 (2), 1448, 1449 (2), 1450 (2), 1451 (3), 1452, 1453, 1455 (2), 1456 (2), 1461, 1462 (2), 1465, 1467 (2), 1471, 1472 (2), 1473, 1474, 1477, 1479, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1493, 1495, 1497, 1499, 1501, 1503, 1505, 1506 (3), 1508, 1510, 1511 (2), 1512, 1513 (2), 1514 (2), 1515, 1516, 1519, 1521 (3), 1522 (3), 1523, 1524 (2), 1526, 1528 (2), 1529 (3), 1530, 1532, 1533 (3), 1538, 1545, 1546, 1547, 1549, 1552 (2), 1553 (2), 1560, 1565 (3), 1566, 1568 (2), 1572 (3), 1573 (2), 1574 (2), 1575, 1577 (2), 1581, 1582, 1585, 1599 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent, Ayent (Argnoud), Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Ayent (Saxonne), Bagnes, Bagnes (Bruson), Bagnes (Cotterg), Bramois, Chippis, Evolène, Evolène (Les Haudères), Grimisuat, Grône, Hérémence, Hérémence (Riod), Hérémence (Rioz), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Diogne), Mase, Monthey, Muraz, Muraz (Illarsaz), Musot, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Nendaz (Verrey), Port-Valais (Ediez), Port-Valais (Evouettes), Saint-Martin, Saint-Martin (La Forclaz), Saint-Martin (Trogne), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Miège), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Torrent), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Drône), Savièse (La Soie), Savièse (Ormône), Savièse (Saint-Germain), Sembrancher, Sierre (Aucz), Sion, Venthône, Vercorin, Vex, Vionnaz, Vissoie (La Combe), Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Johannetus | 3 | 1431, 1501, 1527 | Evolène (La Forclaz), Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Léonard |
Johannodus | 5 | 1337, 1349, 1359, 1380, 1408 | Saint-Gingolph, Savièse (Ormône), Sembrancher, Sion |
Jorius | 1 | 1375 | Sion |
Julianus | 1 | 1349 | Saint-Maurice |
Laurentius | 1 | 1580 | Grône |
Ludovicus | 2 | 1361, 1549 | Granges, Vouvry |
Martinodus | 3 | 1382, 1383, 1476 | Ayent (Saxonne), Bagnes, Sembrancher |
Martinus | 31 | 1322, 1334, 1340, 1341, 1349, 1360, 1381, 1393, 1413, 1420, 1425, 1434, 1437, 1439, 1443, 1444, 1450 (2), 1458, 1497, 1505, 1508, 1512, 1517, 1519, 1521, 1524, 1528, 1532, 1544, 1582 | Ayent, Ayent (Saxonne), Bagnes, Bagnes (Fontenelle), Evolène, Evolène (Villa), Hérémence, Hérémence (Ayer), Nax, Saint-Martin (Pra-Jean), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Mollens), Sierre (Plan), Savièse (Drône), Savièse (Muraz), Savièse (Ormône), Sion, Sion (Salins), Vex, Vex (Les Agettes), Vouvry |
Matheus | 1 | 1488 | Sion |
Mathiodus | 1 | 1461 | Nax (Vernamiège) |
Mauricius | 6 | 1507, 1522, 1529 (2), 1545, 1573 | Bramois, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Maurice, Sion |
Mermerius | 1 | 1387 | Chalais (Réchy) |
Mermetus | 3 | 1382, 1433, 1557 | Sembrancher, Vouvry |
Mermodus | 5 | 1440, 1452, 1474, 1483, 1522 | Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Savièse (Chandolin), Sion (Salins) |
Michael | 6 | 1428, 1434, 1436, 1483, 1559, 1596 | Collombey (Outre-Vièze), Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Diogne), Vex, Vouvry |
Michodus | 1 | 1407 | Illiez |
Monetus | 3 | 1462, 1522, 1529 | Ardon (Chamoson), Nax, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Murisodus | 2 | 1382, 1427 | Bagnes (Sarreyer), Saint-Maurice |
Nantermus | 1 | 1406 | Grimisuat |
Nicholaus | 1 | 1332 | Sion |
Nicodus | 2 | 1489, 1565 | Ayent (Luc), Riddes (Isérables) |
Nicolaus | 2 | 1508, 1565 | Sion |
Nicoletus | 1 | 1532 | Evolène (Villa) |
Nicolinus | 1 | 1524 | Evolène (Les Haudères) |
Nychodus | 1 | 1490 | Vex |
Nycodus | 3 | 1455, 1470, 1504 | Hérémence (Rioz), Mase, Villa |
Nycoletus | 1 | 1506 | Hérémence |
Nycolinus | 3 | 1447, 1497, 1532 | Hérémence, Saint-Léonard, Sion |
Parisius | 1 | 1401 | Bagnes |
Perretus | 6 | 1399, 1414, 1428, 1431, 1450, 1500 | Bagnes (Verbier), Lens, Lens Ormonts, Mase, Savièse (Prensières), Sembrancher (Bovernier) |
Perrinodus | 2 | 1349 (2) | Sion |
Perrinus | 3 | 1325, 1451, 1569 | Ayent (Luc), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Sion |
Perrodus | 33 | 1326, 1349 (5), 1350, 1352, 1368, 1382, 1383, 1393, 1394, 1402, 1413, 1414, 1423, 1425, 1437, 1440, 1449, 1461, 1462, 1470, 1473, 1477, 1478, 1479, 1520, 1524, 1527, 1528, 1537 | Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Saxonne), Bagnes, Bagnes (Cotterg), Bagnes (Montagnier), Chalais (Réchy), Grimisuat, Lens (Diogne), Mase, Musot, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice (Dorénaz), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Musot), Savièse (Chandolin), Sierre (Grange), Sion, Villa (Darnone), Vissoie (Pinsec), Vouvry |
Perronetus | 9 | 1333, 1351, 1399, 1426, 1440, 1461, 1482, 1512, 1522 | Conthey, Grimisuat, Ollon, Saint-Léonard, Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Aucz), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Sion, Vex |
Perronodus | 1 | 1426 | Muraz |
Perrussodus | 5 | 1342, 1349 (3), 1361 | Bagnes, Bagnes (Cotterg), Bagnes (Montagnier), Saint-Maurice, Sion |
Peter | 1 | 1451 | Sion |
Petermandus | 4 | 1472, 1455, 1499, 1595 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Sierre, Sion |
Petrus | 73 | 1323, 1333, 1348, 1349, 1369, 1371, 1397, 1399, 1401 (3), 1410, 1416, 1417, 1429, 1432 (2), 1434, 1446, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1455, 1461, 1467, 1478, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1492, 1497, 1501, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508, 1516, 1517, 1518 (2), 1521 (2), 1522, 1523, 1528 (2), 1529, 1530, 1532 (2), 1533, 1537, 1540 (2), 1544, 1547, 1548, 1550, 1551, 1552, 1563, 1566, 1567 (2), 1572 (2), 1573, 1574, 1582, 1587, 1591 | Ardon, Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent, Ayent (Luc), Bagnes, Bramois, Evolène, Evolène (Les Haudères), Fully (Châtaignier), Grône (Itravers), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Ollon), Leytron, Leytron (Saint-Pierre-des-Clages), Mase, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Riddes (Audes), Riddes (Isérables), Saillon, Saint-Léonard, Saint-Martin, Saint-Martin (Pralovin), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Sierre (Anchettes-Bernard), Sion, Sion (Salins), Vex, Vex (La Vernaz), Vionnaz, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Philipus | 1 | 1414 | Nax (Vernamiège) |
Raymundus | 1 | 1444 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Reymundus | 1 | 1362 | Leytron |
Richardus | 1 | 1461 | Sion |
Rodulphus | 1 | 1489 | Lens (Icogne) |
Roletus | 5 | 1349, 1440, 1442, 1480, 1523 | Ardon (Chamoson), Sembrancher, Sion, Vionnaz |
Romanus | 7 | 1474, 1497, 1498, 1517, 1564, 1565, 1568 | Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Fortunoz), Ayent (Luc) |
Sofredus | 1 | 1361 | Sion |
Stephanodus | 2 | 1360, 1469 | Martigny (Bâtiaz), Nax |
Stephanus | 6 | 1374, 1409, 1421, 1435, 1522 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Cordona), Sion |
Tenchoz | 2 | 1459, 1513 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Crêt), Vex |
Termodus | 1 | 1471 | Ayent (Place) |
Theobaldus | 1 | 1572 | Riddes |
Theodulus | 3 | 1443, 1489, 1596 | Evolène, Savièse (Chandolin), Sion |
Thomas | 7 | 1300, 1339, 1349, 1395, 1495, 1533, 1577 | Lens (Chamsabé), Orsières, Savièse (Drône), Sion, Vouvry (Miex) |
Thomassinus | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Uldricus | 3 | 1320, 1420, 1423 | Orsières (Châtelard), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Sion |
Uldriodus | 1 | 1344 | Sion |
Vincencius | 1 | 1555 | Lens |
Vincentius | 1 | 1508 | Mase |
Vionetus | 1 | 1390 | Sion |
Vuillelmodus | 1 | 1463 | Vex |
Vuillelmus | 6 | 1342, 1392, 1506, 1519, 1522, 1556 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Botyre), Grimisuat, Hérémence, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) |
Vuillermetus | 5 | 1427, 1428, 1431, 1444, 1497 | Ayent (Arbaz), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Moulin), Savièse, Vercorin, Vissoie (Mayoux) |
Vuillermodus | 7 | 1334, 1349 (4), 1447, 1450 | Lens (Chermignon), Saint-Maurice, Sion, Vex |
Vuillermus | 13 | 1301, 1328, 1329 (2), 1342, 1347, 1380, 1387, 1394, 1472, 1506, 1515, 1524 | Ayent (Saxonne), Collombey, Monthey, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Martin (Trogne), Sion |
Vulloz | 1 | 1497 | Evolène (Les Haudères) |
Vuybertus | 1 | 1357 | Bagnes |
Walterus | 1 | 1312 | Sion |
Yaninus | 5 | 1346, 1400, 1431, 1449, 1455 | Bramois, Grimisuat, Sion |
Ypolitus | 4 | 1553, 1568, 1569, 1573 | Vouvry (Le Flon), Vouvry (Miex) |
Ypollitus | 1 | 1558 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Name | Frequency | Dates | Cities |
Agna | 1 | 1511 | Sion |
Agnes | 26 | 1325, 1332, 1344, 1349 (2), 1361, 1372, 1383, 1390, 1410, 1423, 1427, 1446, 1449, 1453, 1455, 1459, 1464, 1476, 1481, 1484, 1506, 1512, 1528, 1552, 1582 | Bagnes (Montagnier), Evolène, Lens, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Crêt), Sion, Vex, Villa (Darnone), Vissoie (La Combe) |
Agnesola | 1 | 1334 | Sion |
Agnesona | 4 | 1359, 1416, 1419, 1478 | Ayent (Botyre), Bramois, Sion |
Agnessona | 4 | 1387, 1399, 1408 (2) | Saint-Martin (Suen), Savièse (Ormône), Sion, Vercorin |
Agneta | 2 | 1349, 1544 | Ardon (Chamoson), Saint-Maurice |
Agnexona | 1 | 1373 | Sion |
Agnyz | 1 | 1537 | Sion |
Aldessa | 1 | 1449 | Sion |
Aleseta | 1 | 1369 | Sion |
Alesia | 2 | 1413, 1501 | Evolène (La Forclaz), Saint-Maurice |
Alexia | 1 | 1488 | Sion |
Alisia | 1 | 1333 | Sion |
Alixia | 2 | 1423, 1455 | Orsières (Châtelard), Villa |
Amphelisia | 1 | 1410 | Bagnes |
Anastasia | 1 | 1582 | Sion |
Andrea | 2 | 1506, 1561 | Fully (Mazembroaz), Saint-Martin (Trogne) |
Anillia | 1 | 1439 | Grimisuat |
Anna | 5 | 1549, 1554, 1564, 1565 (2) | Lens, Sion, Vouvry (Miex) |
Annillia | 1 | 1457 | Conthey |
Anthillyz | 1 | 1508 | Evolène |
Anthonia | 55 | 1328, 1340, 1342, 1343, 1346, 1349 (3), 1409, 1418, 1420, 1428 (2), 1431 (2), 1432, 1443, 1449, 1451 (2), 1461, 1462 (2), 1470, 1472, 1481, 1482, 1488, 1489 (3), 1492, 1495 (2), 1497, 1501, 1503, 1505, 1507, 1508, 1513, 1516, 1517, 1519, 1521, 1522 (2), 1524, 1528 (3), 1550, 1560, 1563 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Luc), Ayent (Saxonne), Bramois, Conthey, Evolène (Les Haudères), Hérémence, Hérémence (Ayer), Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Diogne), Lens (Icogne), Leytron, Mase, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Mollens), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Chandolin), Savièse (Ormône), Sion, Sion (Salins), Vex, Vex (Les Agettes), Vissoie (Saint-Jean), Vouvrey |
Antillia | 2 | 1431, 1495 | Grimisuat, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Aymoneta | 2 | 1333, 1384 | Sion |
Barbara | 6 | 1523 (2), 1557, 1565, 1568, 1576 | Ayent (Luc), Leytron, Sion |
Barbilia | 3 | 1538, 1573, 1580 | Ardon (Chamoson), Grimisuat, Sion |
Barbillia | 3 | 1533, 1566 | Riddes (Isérables), Vex (Les Agettes) |
Bartholomea | 1 | 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) |
Bastiana | 1 | 1577 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Beatrisia | 2 | 1421, 1462 | Ayent (Botyre), Saillon |
Beatrix | 11 | 1300, 1337 (2), 1341, 1343, 1349 (3), 1426, 1456, 1495, 1506 | Evolène (Villa), Grimisuat, Saint-Maurice, Sierre, Sion |
Beatrixia | 1 | 1443 | Savièse (Montellier) |
Bella | 1 | 1486 | Lens |
Bellena | 1 | 1444 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) |
Bellona | 1 | 1450 | Vex |
Benedicta | 1 | 1413 | Ayent (Saxonne) |
Binfa | 1 | 1329 | Sion |
Binfauz | 1 | 1382 | Sembrancher |
Blanchia | 1 | 1342 | Sion |
Bruneta | 1 | 1322 | Bagnes (Fontenelle) |
Caterina | 1 | 1392 | Sion |
Catherina | 2 | 1568, 1591 | Ardon (Grugnay), Leytron |
Chrispina | 2 | 1420, 1474 | Mase, Sion (Salins) |
Christina | 1 | 1500 | Chalais (Réchy) |
Clarola | 1 | 1349 | Saint-Maurice |
Claudia | 3 | 1544, 1557, 1585 | Grimisuat, Leytron (Saint-Pierre-des-Clages), Sion |
Cola | 1 | 1411 | Vouvry |
Colleta | 2 | 1515, 1553 | Monthey, Vouvry (Le Flon) |
Contessa | 1 | 1340 | Sion |
Cristina | 6 | 1428, 1436, 1440, 1456, 1516, 1533 | Bagnes (Verbier), Hérémence, Mase, Nax (Vernamiège), Sion, Vex |
Dionysia | 1 | 1577 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Eligia | 1 | 1567 | Saint-Maurice |
Elsa | 1 | 1540 | Sion |
Faceta | 1 | 1323 | Sion |
Franca | 1 | 1511 | Sion |
Francesia | 14 | 1349, 1351, 1369, 1382, 1383, 1421, 1440, 1461, 1515, 1521, 1544, 1565 (2), 1581 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Argnoud), Bagnes, Monthey, Riddes (Isérables), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Sion, Vouvrey |
Francza | 4 | 1426, 1432, 1449, 1471 | Bramois, Nax, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Vissoie (Mayoux) |
Fransa | 1 | 1508 | Sion |
Fransaz | 1 | 1521 | Lens |
Franza | 2 | 1443, 1455 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne), Sion |
Germana | 2 | 1505, 1540 | Nax (Vernamiège), Vex |
Glaudia | 2 | 1523, 1529 | Ardon (Chamoson), Nax |
Greda | 2 | 1506, 1525 | Evolène (La Sage), Evolène (Les Haudères) |
Greta | 1 | 1502 | Sion |
Guillerma | 1 | 1551 | Vouvry |
Henrieta | 3 | 1455, 1514, 1572 | Ayent, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Vouvry |
Hudria | 1 | 1547 | Vionnaz |
Hugonina | 1 | 1577 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Ithy | 1 | 1461 | Savièse (Saint-Germain) |
Jacoba | 1 | 1329 | Sion |
Jacola | 1 | 1390 | Vouvry |
Jana | 2 | 1499, 1557 | Leytron, Sion |
Jaquema | 6 | 1511, 1544, 1563 (2), 1568, 1572 | Ardon (Chamoson), Leytron, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Jaquemeta | 10 | 1312, 1334, 1349, 1352, 1422, 1499, 1515 (2), 1557, 1577 | Ardon, Monthey, Saint-Maurice, Sion, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Jaquemina | 1 | 1349 | Bagnes |
Jaqueta | 8 | 1349 (2), 1361, 1387, 1398, 1399, 1457, 1506 | Collombey, Lens Ormonts, Mase, Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Moulin), Sion |
Jeneta | 1 | 1573 | Sion |
Jenina | 1 | 1428 | Sion |
Johanneta | 84 | 1333, 1342, 1348, 1349 (2), 1361 (2), 1369, 1381, 1383, 1390, 1400, 1401, 1411, 1417, 1433, 1434, 1435 (4), 1437 (3), 1440, 1442, 1443, 1447, 1448, 1449 (2), 1450, 1451, 1452, 1455, 1458, 1461, 1472, 1474, 1476, 1482, 1483 (2), 1495 (2), 1497, 1501 (4), 1504, 1508 (2), 1510, 1514, 1521 (2), 1522, 1524 (3), 1527, 1528, 1529 (4), 1531, 1532 (2), 1533, 1545, 1546, 1552, 1553, 1559, 1568 (2), 1570, 1572 (2), 1575, 1576, 1577 | Ayent, Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Fortunoz), Ayent (Luc), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Ayent (Saxonne), Bramois, Chippis, Evolène, Evolène (La Forclaz), Evolène (Les Haudères), Evolène (Villa), Grône (Loye), Hérémence, Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Icogne), Mase, Monthey, Muraz (Illarsaz), Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Port-Valais (Evouettes), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Chandolin), Savièse (Montellier), Savièse (Saint-Germain), Sembrancher, Sierre (Glary), Sierre (Plan), Sion, Sion (Salins), Vex, Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Johanola | 1 | 1342 | Sion |
Jordana | 3 | 1326, 1332, 1387 | Collombey, Sion |
Juliana | 2 | 1399, 1591 | Sion |
Katharina | 2 | 1540, 1569 | Ayent (Luc), Sion |
Katherina | 13 | 1381, 1473, 1477 (2), 1485, 1507, 1512, 1528, 1530, 1532, 1573 (2), 1582 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Mase, Nendaz (Verrey), Saint-Martin, Sierre (Grange), Sion, Vex, Villa (Darnone) |
Katherine | 1 | 1399 | Ollon |
Leonetta | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Ludovica | 2 | 1492, 1596 | Collombey (Outre-Vièze), Martigny |
Mabilia | 1 | 1450 | Savièse (Prensières) |
Magdalena | 6 | 1516, 1525, 1527, 1544, 1565, 1587 | Evolène (La Sage), Hérémence, Mase, Sion, Vionnaz |
Margareta | 18 | 1349, 1361, 1425, 1434, 1448, 1450, 1453, 1467, 1473, 1508 (2), 1522, 1523, 1541, 1564, 1565, 1572, 1581 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent (Saint-Romain), Lens, Lens (Chermignon), Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Nax (Vernamiège), Saillon, Sierre (Anchettes-Bernard), Sion, Sion (extra muros), Vissoie (Pinsec), Vouvry |
Margaretha | 1 | 1308 | Sion |
Marguerona | 2 | 1349, 1420 | Nax, Sion |
Maria | 2 | 1565, 1567 | Fully (Châtaignier), Vouvry |
Marieta | 3 | 1380, 1389, 1395 | Orsières, Sembrancher, Vouvry |
Marion | 2 | 1533, 1572 | Ayent (Saint-Romain), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor) |
Markisia | 1 | 1461 | Savièse (Chandolin) |
Marquisia | 1 | 1497 | Sion |
Martina | 4 | 1498, 1506, 1522, 1532 | Evolène, Hérémence, Nax (Vernamiège) |
Maryona | 1 | 1394 | Sion |
Mathia | 2 | 1523, 1528 | Mase |
Maurisia | 2 | 1529 (2) | Nax |
Mermeta | 2 | 1365, 1401 | Bagnes, Sion |
Micheleta | 1 | 1522 | Sierre (Aucz) |
Michella | 1 | 1542 | Leytron (Dugny) |
Michoda | 1 | 1557 | Vouvry |
Minola | 1 | 1441 | Sion |
Nichola | 2 | 1375, 1423 | Mase, Sion |
Nicola | 1 | 1420 | Saint-Maurice (Vérossaz) |
Nycholeta | 2 | 1374, 1528 | Sion, Vex (Les Agettes) |
Nycola | 1 | 1502 | Hérémence (Mâche) |
Paula | 1 | 1587 | Vionnaz |
Pedrisia | 1 | 1540 | Bramois |
Perissona | 1 | 1438 | Port-Valais (Evouettes) |
Peronella | 1 | 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) |
Peronneta | 1 | 1565 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Peronnetta | 1 | 1569 | Vouvry (Miex) |
Perreta | 20 | 1320, 1334, 1342, 1358, 1360 (2), 1394, 1411, 1417, 1432, 1439, 1450, 1451, 1462, 1497, 1508 (2), 1512, 1521 (2) | Bagnes, Evolène, Grimisuat, Martigny (Bâtiaz), Mase, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Martin (Pra-Jean), Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Miège), Sion, Vex, Vouvry |
Perrina | 1 | 1493 | Nax |
Perrola | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Perrona | 1 | 1506 | Hérémence |
Perroneta | 16 | 1406, 1455, 1506, 1507, 1512, 1514, 1518, 1522, 1524, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1544, 1556, 1558, 1577 | Ardon (Chamoson), Bramois, Evolène (Les Haudères), Grône (Itravers), Hérémence, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Montana), Leytron (Saint-Pierre-des-Clages), Mase, Nax, Nax (Vernamiège), Sion, Vex, Vouvry (Chamossin), Vouvry (Miex) |
Perronetta | 1 | 1506 | Hérémence |
Perrusia | 1 | 1393 | Sion |
Perrussia | 13 | 1402 (2), 1423, 1434, 1439, 1442, 1457, 1483, 1489, 1519, 1522, 1528, 1555 | Granges, Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Diogne), Lens (Icogne), Nax, Sierre (Anchettes), Sion, Verocrin, Vex |
Perrussona | 1 | 1349 | Saint-Gingolph |
Petronilla | 2 | 1532, 1553 | Saint-Maurice, Sion |
Philippa | 1 | 1521 | Ardon (Chamoson) |
Reymunda | 1 | 1418 | Sion |
Romana | 1 | 1565 | Ayent (Luc) |
Salomea | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Sincillia | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Stephana | 2 | 1489, 1533 | Lens, Lens (Icogne) |
Stephaneta | 2 | 1522, 1527 | Mase, Nax |
Stevina | 1 | 1545 | Nax |
Thomassina | 1 | 1526 | Lens |
Trina | 1 | 1565 | Sion |
Udrieta | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Uldrieta | 1 | 1349 | Sion |
Ursula | 1 | 1599 | Sion |
Vuillelma | 5 | 1401, 1437, 1463, 1495, 1530 | Ardon (Chamoson), Lens, Savièse (Drône), Savièse (Saint-Germain), Vex |
Vuillelmeta | 3 | 1392, 1435, 1457 | Ardon (Chamoson), Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor) |
Vuillerma | 18 | 1307, 1342, 1347, 1349 (3), 1381, 1401, 1402, 1411, 1414, 1429, 1437, 1447, 1448, 1482, 1513, 1533 | Ayent, Ayent (Saxonne), Nax (Vernamiège), Saint-Martin (Pralovin), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Drône), Sion, Vercorin, Vex |
Vuillermeta | 11 | 1349 (2), 1420, 1424, 1435, 1443, 1483, 1499, 1517 (2), 1522 | Ardon (Chamoson), Ayent, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Cordona), Savièse (Chandolin), Sion |
Ypolita | 5 | 1554, 1566, 1568, 1573 (2) | Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) |
Ysabella | 22 | 1347, 1349, 1363, 1386, 1400, 1401, 1404, 1406, 1428, 1432, 1437, 1448, 1449, 1451 (2), 1453, 1477, 1490 (2), 1496, 1497, 1547 | Bagnes (Verbier), Evolène (Les Haudères), Grimisuat, Hérémence (Rioz), Nax, Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice de Laques, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Aucz), Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme), Savièse (Prensières), Sion, Vex |
Surname | Frequency | Dates | Cities | Notes |
Adam | 2 | 1516 | Sion | |
Agton | 2 | 1521 | Evolène | |
Agton alias Leman | 2 | 1506 | Evolène | |
Alber | 2 | 1413 | Ayent (Saxonne) | |
Albi | 5 | 1350, 1361, 1440, 1497 | Bagnes, Granges, Saint-Martin (Pra-Jean), Sion | |
Allegro | 1 | 1445 | Vercorin | |
Amodrici | 6 | 1434, 1435, 1493 | Lens | |
Andenmatten | 2 | 1541 | Sion | |
Andrenodi | 2 | 1476 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Annesson | 2 | 1444 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) | |
Ansermerii | 5 | 1444 (3), 1451 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) | |
Arbor | 2 | 1561 | Fully (Mazembroaz) | |
Archiour | 1 | 1449 | Ayent (Luc) | |
Ardigoz | 1 | 1449 | Sion | |
Arnal | 2 | 1565 | Ayent (Argnoud) | |
Asper | 2 | 1544 | Hérémence | |
Avril dictus Malsan | 1 | 1338 | Sion | |
Ayeris | 2 | 1411 | Vouvry | |
Aymoneti | 4 | 1439, 1453 | Vex | |
Ayolphi | 1 | 1421 | Sion | |
Baccarat | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
Bachelar | 5 | 1349 | Sion | |
Bagniodi | 3 | 1507, 1549 | Lens, Saint-Maurice | |
Balet | 2 | 1443 | Sion | |
Ballinat | 1 | 1406 | Saint-Maurice | |
Barbellini | 3 | 1587 | Vionnaz | |
Barber | 2 | 1360 | Martigny (Bâtiaz) | |
Barbitonsor | 2 | 1348 | Sion | |
Barbitonsoris | 2 | 1369 | Sion | |
Barsel | 2 | 1329 | Sion | |
Basqueyraz | 2 | 1570 | Monthey | |
Bellini | 2 | 1580 | Sion | |
Bemondi | 1 | 1495 | Conthey | |
Benedicti | 8 | 1448, 1453, 1476, 1519 | Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Saxonne), Lens | |
Beney | 2 | 1564, 1574 | Ayent (Botyre), Ayent (Saxonne) | |
Beneyt | 1 | 1568 | Ayent (Botyre) | |
Bergier | 1 | 1554 | Vouvry (Miex) | |
Bernardi | 1 | 1500 | Vouvry | |
Bersant | 2 | 1381 | Sion | |
Bertherinis alias Furat | 2 | 1511 | Sion | |
Berthet | 2 | 1522 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Bertheti | 3 | 1435 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Berthoz | 1 | 1472 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Bertodi | 2 | 1401 | Bagnes | |
Bestent | 2 | 1473 | Sierre (Grange) | |
Betrissodi | 2 | 1450 | Lens (Chermignon) | |
Bich | 2 | 1522 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Bircher alias de Blado | 2 | 1455 | Bramois | |
Bodema | 2 | 1312 | Sion | |
Boner | 2 | 1533 | Lens (Icogne) | |
Bonifilii | 2 | 1461 | Mase | |
Bonivini | 6 | 1489, 1521, 1528 | Lens | |
Bonmant | 1 | 1451 | Sion | |
Bonnier | 2 | 1359 | Sion | |
Boquis | 2 | 1572 | Vouvry | |
Borgesii | 1 | 1444 | Venthône | |
Borgeys dictus Poeys | 2 | 1361 | Bagnes (Montagnier) | |
Borjaudi | 1 | 1549 | Vouvry | |
Bornoz | 1 | 1506 | Saint-Martin (Trogne) | |
Boson | 1 | 1448 | Lens | |
Bosoni | 3 | 1504, 1506 | Mase, Sion | |
Bosson | 2 | 1456 | Lens | |
Breytmatter | 2 | 1495 | Savièse (Drône) | |
Brucher | 2 | 1467 | Sierre (Anchettes-Bernard) | |
Bruidy | 2 | 1470 | Savièse (Chandolin) | |
Bruneti | 4 | 1477, 1493 | Nax | |
Brunissen | 2 | 1533 | Hérémence | |
Brutyn | 2 | 1439 | Nax | |
Bruydam | 2 | 1399 | Lens Ormonts | |
Buez | 2 | 1502 | Hérémence (Mâche) | |
Buich | 2 | 1443 | Savièse (Montellier) | |
Burdini | 6 | 1506, 1532, 1533 | Hérémence | |
Burguet | 4 | 1433, 1443 | Vouvry | |
Burryn | 1 | 1582 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Bycz | 1 | 1477 | Nax (Erbioz) | |
Caciron | 2 | 1360 | Vouvry | |
Calo | 2 | 1437 | Chippis | |
Carpentatoris | 2 | 1497 | Sion | |
Carraudi | 5 | 1550, 1568, 1575 | Vouvry | |
Cavelli | 11 | 1349, 1399, 1414, 1423, 1427, 1553 | Ollon, Orsières (Châtelard), Saint-Maurice | |
Chabert | 2 | 1572 | Ayent (Saint-Romain) | |
Chaberti | 3 | 1448 | Ayent | |
Challesii | 2 | 1528 | Nax | |
Chanaler | 3 | 1428 | Bagnes (Verbier) | |
Chapellet | 1 | 1578 | Port-Valais | |
Charvet | 1 | 1575 | Saint-Martin | |
Chasseylaz | 2 | 1432 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne) | |
Chastellar | 2 | 1401 | Grône | |
Chedal | 1 | 1447 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Chertre | 2 | 1333 | Sion | |
Chessaul | 2 | 1432 | Vex | |
Chevrotin | 2 | 1341 | Sion | |
Chipiliar | 2 | 1409 | Vercorin | |
Chipillyar | 1 | 1387 | Vercorin | |
Chivrilliodi | 2 | 1323 | Sion | |
Choulet | 2 | 1524 | Evolène (Les Haudères) | |
Chuferelli | 2 | 1566 | Riddes (Isérables) | |
Chugger | 1 | 1582 | Sion | |
Citen | 2 | 1341 | Sion | |
Citeyn | 3 | 1349 | Sion | |
Clarmon | 1 | 1404 | Nax | |
Clarmont | 2 | 1451 | Bramois | |
Clarmont alias Fornerii | 3 | 1501 | Mase | |
Clarmont alias de Paney | 1 | 1469 | Nax | |
Clavyez | 2 | 1461 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Aucz) | |
Clemenzardi | 1 | 1419 | Bagnes (Bruson) | |
Clerici | 2 | 1506 | Hérémence | |
Cocollat alias Planaz Villa | 2 | 1528 | Lens | |
Coemel | 2 | 1417 | Savièse (Montellier) | |
Colaz | 1 | 1459 | Sembrancher (La Garde) | |
Constantin | 2 | 1569 | Ayent (Luc) | |
Coppatel | 2 | 1430 | Vercorin | |
Coppelli | 2 | 1573 | Vouvry (Miex) | |
Coppelli alias Bonijohannis | 7 | 1568, 1572, 1575, 1577 | Vouvry (Miex) | |
Coppellini | 2 | 1557 | Vouvry | |
Coppelyn | 3 | 1572 | Vouvry | |
Coppex | 2 | 1576 | Vouvry (Miex) | |
Corderii | 2 | 1401 | Saint-Maurice | |
Cordonerii | 1 | 1461 | Sion | |
Cornuti | 2 | 1577 | Vouvry (Chamossin) | |
Cottini alias Barberii | 1 | 1416 | Sion | |
Couastroula | 1 | 1339 | Sion | |
Crestal | 1 | 1451 | Ayent | |
Crestinet | 1 | 1449 | Vex | |
Cristin | 1 | 1337 | Sion | |
Cullet | 2 | 1452 | Port-Valais (Evouettes) | |
Curtinal | 1 | 1334 | Sion | |
Dalliart | 2 | 1402 | Sion | |
Dallyart | 2 | 1402 | Sion | |
Danielii | 2 | 1441 | Sion | |
Darnone | 2 | 1449 | Villa (Darnone) | |
Devanterii alias Savioz | 1 | 1540 | Muraz | |
Devantery | 2 | 1515 | Monthey | |
Devantery alias Saviou | 1 | 1522 | Muraz | |
Dimiour | 2 | 1406 | Grimisuat | |
Dini | 2 | 1434 | Vex | |
Domenjoz | 2 | 1596 | Collombey (Outre-Vièze) | |
Donnat | 2 | 1479 | Muraz | |
Donnet | 2 | 1499 | Muraz | |
Donnet alias Gouczon | 1 | 1553 | Muraz | |
Douchiour | 3 | 1431, 1483 | Lens, Lens (Diogne) | |
Duchiour | 2 | 1508 | Lens | |
Ducis | 2 | 1462 | Savièse (Ormône) | |
Duret | 2 | 1582 | Saint-Maurice de Laques | |
Eckart | 2 | 1456 | Sierre | |
Emerici | 2 | 1522 | Sierre (Aucz) | |
Emplere | 1 | 1532 | Lens (Icogne) | |
Escopherii | 3 | 1505, 1506 | Evolène (Villa) | |
Excoffer | 2 | 1431 | Grimisuat | |
Eymon | 7 | 1472, 1488, 1519, 1520 | Ayent (Saxonne), Lens, Lens (Diogne) | |
Fabri | 16 | 1382, 1383, 1429, 1440, 1450, 1485, 1525, 1547 | Evolène (La Sage), Savièse (Drône), Sion, Vex, Vionnaz | |
Felix | 2 | 1532 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Ferran | 2 | 1420 | Sion (Salins) | |
Feschelin | 2 | 1381 | Vex | |
Floreta | 2 | 1389 | Vouvry | |
Folloner | 2 | 1521 | Evolène | |
Follonyr | 2 | 1521 | Evolène (Les Haudères) | |
Forchex | 1 | 1450 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Torrent) | |
Forchex alias Muraz | 2 | 1580 | Saint-Maurice de Laques | |
Fornerii | 4 | 1337, 1349 | Sion | |
Francisci | 5 | 1425, 1497, 1513 | Ayent (Luc), Ayent (Saxonne), Vissoie (Pinsec) | |
Francisci alias Savioz | 1 | 1497 | Ayent (Arbaz) | |
Franqueti | 2 | 1422 | Saint-Maurice | |
Frewar | 1 | 1331 | Sion | |
Fumaudi | 1 | 1522 | Conthey | |
Furrers | 3 | 1449 | Sierre (Glary) | |
Fynchoz | 1 | 1489 | Ayent (Luc) | |
Galesii | 2 | 1346 | Sion | |
Galland | 1 | 1566 | Port-Valais (Evouettes) | |
Gallat | 5 | 1440, 1478, 1506 | Mase, Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Gallat alias Plasetaz | 1 | 1472 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Gallati | 7 | 1521, 1528, 1529 | Mase | |
Gallesii | 2 | 1443 | Sion | |
Ganter | 5 | 1325, 1390 | Sion | |
Garin | 3 | 1349, 1480 | Sion, Vionnaz | |
Garini | 4 | 1349, 1437 | Savièse (Prensières), Sion | |
Garni | 2 | 1455 | Savièse (Saint-Germain) | |
Garyn | 1 | 1574 | Vouvry | |
Gasser | 2 | 1451 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) | |
Geneveys alias Girard | 1 | 1574 | Vouvry | |
Gentil alias Malliar | 2 | 1438 | Port-Valais (Evouettes) | |
Georgii | 1 | 1523 | Evolène | |
Gillioz | 2 | 1531 | Lens (Icogne) | |
Gindroz | 2 | 1526 | Lens | |
Girardi | 4 | 1522, 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Girodeti | 2 | 1447 | Vex | |
Girodi | 6 | 1380, 1544 | Ardon (Chamoson), Sembrancher | |
Girodi alias Mugnir | 1 | 1470 | Nax | |
Glacier | 2 | 1456 | Mase | |
Glassier | 5 | 1527, 1528 | Mase | |
Glasyer | 1 | 1414 | Mase | |
Gollyet | 2 | 1399 | Saint-Martin (Suen) | |
Gonteret | 2 | 1352 | Ardon | |
Gottroz | 2 | 1449 | Villa (Darnone) | |
Goudyn | 2 | 1462 | Saillon | |
Grand | 5 | 1524, 1529, 1533 | Nax, Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Grand alias Panatyr | 2 | 1513 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Grant | 2 | 1495 | Nax | |
Grassi | 3 | 1337, 1349 | Saint-Maurice | |
Grely | 2 | 1585 | Sion | |
Groelly | 2 | 1502 | Sion | |
Gronyar | 2 | 1349 | Saint-Maurice | |
Grossy alias Baramostier | 1 | 1453 | Vex | |
Guerol | 2 | 1516 | Sion | |
Guerschodi | 1 | 1533 | Lens (Chamsabé) | |
Gueyes | 2 | 1473 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Guidou | 1 | 1425 | Vercorin | |
Guillermi | 1 | 1537 | Vex | |
Guilliodi | 2 | 1533 | Vex | |
Guntern | 3 | 1582 | Sion | |
Guyar | 1 | 1444 | Sion | |
Habben | 2 | 1490 | Sion | |
Henchoz | 2 | 1532 | Sion | |
Henrici alias Clevo | 2 | 1419 | Bramois | |
Herpo | 1 | 1361 | Sion | |
Hougueys alias Perrachan | 2 | 1573 | Vouvry | |
Hubodi | 2 | 1333 | Sion | |
Hudrisard | 2 | 1524 | Nax | |
Hudrisardi | 1 | 1522 | Nax | |
Hudrissard | 1 | 1545 | Nax | |
Hugon | 5 | 1556, 1558, 1569 | Vouvry (Miex) | |
Hugueti | 2 | 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Husshaben | 2 | 1489 | Sion | |
Imperatoris | 2 | 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Inssion | 2 | 1489 | Savièse (Chandolin) | |
Jacomyn | 2 | 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Janyn alias Campellyn | 1 | 1550 | Vouvry | |
Jaquemodi | 1 | 1518 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Jaqueti | 1 | 1393 | Saint-Maurice (Dorénaz) | |
Jaquier | 2 | 1447 | Saint-Léonard | |
Jaquini | 2 | 1349 | Sembrancher | |
Joculatoris | 3 | 1342 | Sion | |
Johan | 2 | 1482 | Ayent (Saxonne) | |
Johannis | 1 | 1519 | Ayent | |
Jollien | 2 | 1483 | Savièse (Chandolin) | |
Jorandi ??? | 2 | 1442 | Sembrancher | |
Jordan | 2 | 1343 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Joriouz | 2 | 1420 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Jornal | 2 | 1565 | Ayent (Saint-Romain) | |
Jota | 2 | 1442 | Lens (Icogne) | |
Juglar | 1 | 1479 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Musot) | |
Jugleno | 2 | 1524 | Nax | |
Jullian | 2 | 1568 | Ardon (Grugnay) | |
Jullienan | 2 | 1421 | Ayent (Botyre) | |
Jullietti | 2 | 1510 | Sion | |
Jullyenoz alias Bructyn | 2 | 1540 | Bramois | |
Juonlins | 2 | 1507 | Sion | |
Jura | 4 | 1342, 1416 | Bramois, Sion | |
Kalbermatter | 6 | 1500, 1565 | Chalais (Réchy), Sion | |
Kurwala | 2 | 1540 | Sion | |
Lana | 2 | 1343 | Sion | |
Landry | 1 | 1460 | Saint-Maurice (Evionnaz) | |
Lattyon | 2 | 1580 | Grône | |
Leamon | 3 | 1518, 1524 | Lens, Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Lerderii | 1 | 1572 | Monthey | |
Levet | 10 | 1553, 1557, 1571, 1577 | Vouvry (Miex) | |
Levouz | 1 | 1552 | Vouvry | |
Leydesour | 2 | 1394 | Sion | |
Longy | 2 | 1400 | Sion | |
Longyn | 4 | 1521, 1522 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Lumbardi | 2 | 1409 | Sion | |
Lusseleet | 1 | 1504 | Hérémence (Rioz) | |
Luyeis | 3 | 1340 | Sion | |
Luyeti | 1 | 1463 | Savièse | |
Luyset | 1 | 1407 | Illiez | |
Lyvioz | 1 | 1546 | Hérémence (Riod | |
Mabilliardi | 2 | 1555 | Lens | |
Macot | 2 | 1410 | Sion | |
Magistri | 7 | 1398, 1401, 1498, 1532 | Evolène (La Forclaz), Evolène (Villa), Saint-Martin (Pralovin), Saint-Maurice | |
Magni | 2 | 1307 | Sion | |
Magnyn | 4 | 1349, 1431 | Lens, Sion | |
Magy | 3 | 1371, 1408 | Sion | |
Maioris | 2 | 1514 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Majoris alias de Vergeriis | 2 | 1572 | Riddes | |
Mallier | 1 | 1565 | Port-Valais (Ediez) | |
Margugler | 2 | 1349 | Bagnes | |
Marieta | 2 | 1382 | Sembrancher | |
Martesenoz alias Quart | 2 | 1530 | Mase | |
Martini | 3 | 1402, 1455 | Vercorin | |
Martinodi alias Namont | 1 | 1445 | Vercorin | |
Melar | 2 | 1373 | Sion | |
Melley | 7 | 1553, 1554, 1560, 1565 | Vouvry (Le Flon), Vouvry (Miex) | |
Melleys | 2 | 1564 | Vouvry (Miex) | |
Mermini | 2 | 1508 | Sion | |
Metaz | 4 | 1481, 1531 | Lens, Lens (Montana) | |
Meynier | 2 | 1394 | Vouvry | |
Michaelis | 3 | 1498, 1542 | Ayent (Botyre), Leytron (Dugny) | |
Michaelis alias Constantini | 2 | 1450 | Ayent | |
Michel | 2 | 1523 | Sion | |
Michiez alias Luy | 1 | 1449 | Vollèges (Levron) | |
Mistralis | 6 | 1410, 1508, 1524, 1554 | Liddes, Nax, Vouvry | |
Mistrat | 1 | 1575 | Ayent (Saint-Romain) | |
Modrici | 2 | 1472 | Lens | |
Moert | 2 | 1506 | Saint-Martin (Trogne) | |
Monodi | 1 | 1505 | Lens | |
Montan | 2 | 1383 | Sion | |
Morandi | 2 | 1528 | Saint-Martin | |
Morar | 2 | 1568 | Ayent (Luc) | |
Moren | 1 | 1383 | Bagnes | |
Moret | 1 | 1528 | Evolène (Les Haudères) | |
Morici | 2 | 1532 | Nendaz (Verrey) | |
Morisodi alias de Domo Nova | 1 | 1492 | Saint-Maurice de Laques | |
Morrar | 3 | 1565 | Ayent (Luc) | |
Mossat | 1 | 1336 | Savièse | |
Mosser | 2 | 1513 | Vex | |
Moudry | 2 | 1526 | Lens | |
Muez | 1 | 1382 | Bagnes (Sarreyer) | |
Munir alias Girodi | 1 | 1456 | Nax | |
Murisodi | 1 | 1418 | Bagnes | |
Muti | 2 | 1411 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) | |
Nanczo | 2 | 1439 | Grimisuat | |
Nansoz | 3 | 1523, 1540 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Nicholerii | 1 | 1401 | Sion | |
Nicodi | 2 | 1489 | Lens (Icogne) | |
Nigri | 1 | 1550 | Riddes (Audes) | |
Novelli | 2 | 1567 | Fully (Châtaignier) | |
Novelli alias Rabodi | 5 | 1572, 1577 | Muraz (Illarsaz), Vouvry | |
Nydoci | 2 | 1481 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Nyveti | 1 | 1473 | Vionnaz | |
Nyveti alias Joly | 1 | 1566 | Vionnaz | |
Oboli | 2 | 1448 | Ayent | |
Octonis | 4 | 1361, 1372 | Sion | |
Odolet | 2 | 1427 | Vissoie (La Combe) | |
Palmer | 2 | 1382 | Sembrancher | |
Panaterii | 1 | 1452 | Nax | |
Parchet | 2 | 1565 | Vouvry | |
Parisat | 2 | 1556 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Pedevillaz | 1 | 1571 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
Pedeville | 2 | 1501 | Hérémence | |
Peleryn alias Jacodi | 2 | 1522 | Nax | |
Pellicier | 2 | 1349, 1405 | Bagnes (Cotterg) | |
Penguaz | 1 | 1368 | Bagnes (Montagnier) | |
Perrachoz | 2 | 1490 | Vex | |
Perrini | 9 | 1453, 1528, 1533 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor), Vex, Vex (Les Agettes) | |
Perroneti | 1 | 1383 | Sion | |
Perroudeti | 2 | 1572 | Vouvry | |
Perrussia | 1 | 1387 | Chalais (Réchy) | |
Philipi | 1 | 1492 | Ayent (Luc) | |
Philippi | 1 | 1471 | Ayent (Place) | |
Pignyaz | 1 | 1572 | Vouvry (Miex) | |
Pitier | 2 | 1386 | Sion | |
Plassetaz | 6 | 1505, 1512, 1552 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Platea | 1 | 1595 | Sion | |
Pomeri | 2 | 1568 | Ardon (Grugnay) | |
Porterii | 2 | 1394 | Sion | |
Portonerii | 2 | 1516 | Lens | |
Propaz | 1 | 1566 | Port-Valais (Evouettes) | |
Quarraz | 2 | 1514 | Ayent | |
Quarterii | 2 | 1567 | Saint-Maurice | |
Quinodoz | 3 | 1508, 1522 | Evolène | |
Rabodi | 2 | 1581 | Sion (extra muros) | |
Ramchet | 3 | 1495 | Savièse (Saint-Germain) | |
Recardi | 2 | 1530 | Lens | |
Regis | 3 | 1474, 1482 | Lens, Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Reint | 1 | 1469 | Saint-Maurice (Evionnaz) | |
Renardi | 2 | 1495 | Savièse (La Soie) | |
Reppotin | 4 | 1507, 1529 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Reserquert alias Anthoniez | 2 | 1507 | Sion (Salins) | |
Revelli | 1 | 1436 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Revilliodi | 2 | 1499 | Sion | |
Reydin | 2 | 1508 | Evolène | |
Ribors | 1 | 1487 | Sembrancher | |
Richier alias Mistrat | 3 | 1476, 1497 | Ayent (Saxonne) | |
Richuz | 1 | 1423 | Bagnes (Cotterg) | |
Riond | 2 | 1522 | Mase | |
Riquens | 2 | 1374 | Sion | |
Roberii | 3 | 1483, 1518 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus), Lens (Ollon) | |
Roedy | 1 | 1495 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) | |
Romanati | 2 | 1451 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Miège) | |
Rondelli | 2 | 1488 | Sion | |
Rong | 3 | 1506 | Evolène (Les Haudères) | |
Rossier | 1 | 1527 | Saint-Martin (Suen) | |
Roz | 2 | 1557 | Grimisuat | |
Rubini | 1 | 1524 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Rubini alias Pellerin | 2 | 1529 | Nax (Vernamiège) | |
Ruby | 2 | 1421 | Sion | |
Rudaz | 2 | 1496 | Sion | |
Ruffi | 1 | 1349 | Sion | |
Ruphi | 1 | 1425 | Savièse (Ormône) | |
Salena | 1 | 1495 | Evolène (Villa) | |
Salterii | 2 | 1426 | Grimisuat | |
Salterissa | 1 | 1383 | Vouvry | |
Sartor | 2 | 1455 | Villa | |
Sartoris | 2 | 1552 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Saxellar | 1 | 1529 | Nax | |
Saxellard | 2 | 1529 | Nax | |
Schalbon | 2 | 1461 | Savièse (Saint-Germain) | |
Schuoler | 2 | 1540 | Sion | |
Seppey | 2 | 1502 | Hérémence | |
Seppey | 2 | 1547 | Hérémence (Rioz) | |
Silvestri | 2 | 1530 | Grône (Itravers) | |
Sirisier | 2 | 1565 | Riddes (Isérables) | |
Sirroz | 5 | 1517, 1532 | Hérémence | |
Solliardi alias Ormonens | 2 | 1467 | Savièse (Ormône) | |
Solliardi alias Ormoneys | 1 | 1434 | Savièse (Muraz) | |
Souter | 1 | 1334 | Sion | |
Sovy | 1 | 1440 | Grône | |
Speciaz | 1 | 1443 | Sion | |
Sterren | 2 | 1484 | Sion | |
Streller | 2 | 1489 | Ayent (Luc) | |
Strellers | 1 | 1445 | Ayent (Luc) | |
Supersaxo | 4 | 1591, 1599 | Sion | |
Supra Loz Bruel | 2 | 1420 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne) | |
Surtoz | 2 | 1449 | Bramois | |
Taran | 2 | 1522 | Sion | |
Tardi | 5 | 1423, 1471 | Nax | |
Theodoli | 2 | 1521 | Nax | |
Tholaz | 2 | 1440 | Sion (Salins) | |
Thoux alias Franchodi | 1 | 1461 | Sion | |
Tiouz | 2 | 1420 | Saint-Maurice (Vérossaz) | |
Tisseran | 2 | 1505 | Vissoie (Saint-Jean) | |
Torner | 2 | 1349 | Saint-Gingolph | |
Tornir | 2 | 1506 | Hérémence | |
Torrentis | 2 | 1384 | Sion | |
Triedo | 1 | 1450 | Hérémence | |
Trognyo | 2 | 1436 | Vex | |
Tronyon | 2 | 1365 | Sion | |
Trossardi | 2 | 1524 | Lens | |
Troyer | 3 | 1490, 1501 | Sion | |
Tufter | 2 | 1522 | Evolène | |
Uberbach | 2 | 1462 | Musot | |
Udrisar | 2 | 1474 | Mase | |
Vanerii | 1 | 1426 | Muraz | |
Varisin | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
Varisyn | 2 | 1332 | Sion | |
Varnerii | 2 | 1462 | Mase | |
Varona | 1 | 1450 | Saint-Martin | |
Veraucz | 1 | 1358 | Saint-Maurice | |
Vernoz | 2 | 1529 | Nax | |
Vicedompni de Orserii | 2 | 1410 | Bagnes | |
Vidondoz | 1 | 1447 | Musot | |
Viol | 1 | 1480 | Sion | |
Vuarnerii | 1 | 1471 | Mase | |
Vuenchoz | 2 | 1522 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Vuerloz | 4 | 1447, 1463 | Vex | |
Vugnyer | 2 | 1523 | Mase | |
Vuichardi | 2 | 1349 | Saint-Maurice | |
Vullienci | 5 | 1434, 1486 | Lens | |
Vuyczo | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
Waffrerota | 1 | 1349 | Sion | |
Warneri | 1 | 1477 | Ayent (Saint-Romain) | |
Warnerii | 6 | 1508, 1528 | Mase | |
Warnerii alias Marchiant | 1 | 1440 | Mase | |
Watyer | 2 | 1448 | Saint-Maurice de Laques | |
Werchoz | 4 | 1517, 1519 | Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) | |
Williz | 2 | 1545 | Bramois | |
Wizoz | 2 | 1498 | Evolène | |
Wolff | 1 | 1531 | Sion | |
Wyss | 2 | 1564 | Sion | German 'white' |
Ysabel | 1 | 1410 | Vercorin | |
Ze Filinen | 1 | 1449 | Sion | |
Zer Roten | 2 | 1508 | Sion | |
a la Francza | 1 | 1392 | Sion | |
a laz Aneson | 1 | 1457 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Moulin) | |
d'Ansech | 4 | 1401, 1455 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes) | |
d'Ansech Alleman | 2 | 1457 | Sierre (Anchettes) | |
d'Ayer | 2 | 1519 | Hérémence (Ayer) | |
de Acere | 2 | 1410 | Riddes | |
de Acere alias de Castellario | 2 | 1492 | Martigny | |
de Anyvesio | 2 | 1342 | Grimisuat | |
de Aula alias Bazcarrot | 2 | 1478 | Ayent (Botyre) | |
de Bacino | 1 | 1428 | Sion | |
de Bertherinis | 2 | 1573 | Sion | |
de Bertherinis alias Furat | 2 | 1511 | Sion | |
de Bertherinis alias Laurencii | 1 | 1505 | Sion | |
de Brachoz | 1 | 1465 | Sion | |
de Cabulo | 2 | 1435 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Cordona) | |
de Canaberiis | 3 | 1387, 1402 | Chalais (Réchy) | |
de Canali | 5 | 1408, 1428 | Savièse (Ormône), Vercorin | |
de Canali alias de Erbyoz | 2 | 1428 | Mase | |
de Castellione | 3 | 1387 | Collombey | |
de Champeys | 1 | 1368 | Grimisuat | |
de Chasselaz | 2 | 1455 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne) | |
de Chivron | 2 | 1406 | Sion | |
de Chouson | 2 | 1300 | Sion | |
de Claustro | 2 | 1326 | Sion | |
de Clevis | 1 | 1517 | Ayent (Botyre) | |
de Columberio | 2 | 1349 | Saillon | |
de Comba | 3 | 1344, 1361 | Sion | |
de Combiolaz | 2 | 1512 | Vex | |
de Coy | 1 | 1450 | Vex | |
de Cresto | 2 | 1503 | Lens (Diogne) | |
de Crista | 4 | 1497 | Evolène (Les Haudères), Sion | |
de Daillon | 2 | 1361 | Sion | |
de Domo Nova | 3 | 1457, 1477 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor), Villa (Darnone) | |
de Drona | 4 | 1347, 1349 | Sion | |
de Duyno | 2 | 1401 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
de Dyogny | 1 | 1424 | Sion | |
de Ecclesia | 2 | 1380, 1537 | Grimisuat, Nax | |
de Fondremont | 3 | 1412, 1413 | Saint-Maurice | |
de Fontanales | 1 | 1322 | Bagnes (Fontenelle) | |
de Fonte | 1 | 1461 | Sierre | |
de Forcla | 1 | 1404 | Saint-Martin (La Forclaz) | |
de Forcula | 5 | 1501, 1527 | Evolène (La Forclaz), Nax (Vernamiège) | |
de Foresta | 2 | 1401 | Saint-Maurice | |
de Furno | 10 | 1346, 1392, 1400, 1417, 1514, 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson), Nax, Saint-Maurice, Sion | |
de Gissiney | 1 | 1359 | Sion | |
de L'Ocy | 4 | 1524, 1529 | Nax, Nax (Vernamiège) | |
de Lens | 2 | 1320 | Sion | |
de Leucha | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
de Leydesot | 2 | 1342 | Sion (Salins) | |
de Liddes | 2 | 1349 | Bagnes | |
de Lobiis | 2 | 1459 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Crêt) | |
de Longis | 2 | 1437 | Sion | |
de Magi | 2 | 1329 | Nax, Sion | |
de Mala Aqua | 2 | 1395 | Orsières | |
de Mallyo | 2 | 1399 | Sion | |
de Marthesenoz alias Follonir | 1 | 1467 | Mase | |
de Media Villa | 1 | 1390 | Vouvry | |
de Molendino | 1 | 1444 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Moulin) | |
de Montheolo | 1 | 1397 | Saillon | |
de Morestello | 3 | 1329, 1334 | Sion | |
de Mulignon | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
de Neynda | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
de Nochia | 2 | 1529 | Sion | |
de Nuce | 6 | 1440, 1557, 1581 | Vouvry | |
de Nuce alias Moriodi | 2 | 1435 | Vouvry | |
de Nuce alias Vaulet | 2 | 1551 | Vouvry | |
de Ochia | 3 | 1414, 1477 | Nax, Nax (Vernamiège) | |
de Olons alias Tacul | 2 | 1423 | Granges | |
de Penser | 1 | 1369 | Sion | |
de Petra | 2 | 1523 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
de Places | 2 | 1357 | Bagnes | |
de Planis | 2 | 1375 | Sion | |
de Plantata | 1 | 1363 | Sion | |
de Platea | 5 | 1451, 1472, 1521 | Sierre, Sion | |
de Platea alias Varelly | 3 | 1432 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) | |
de Plueto | 1 | 1437 | Vex | |
de Poldo | 2 | 1418 | Sion | |
de Ponte | 4 | 1489, 1568 | Lens, Vouvry (Miex) | |
de Porta de Bacio | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
de Portis | 2 | 1437 | Savièse (Drône) | |
de Pratis | 1 | 1413 | Ayent (Fortunoz) | |
de Prato | 4 | 1387, 1512, 1513 | Sion, Vercorin, Vex | |
de Prato Longo | 1 | 1533 | Vex (La Vernaz) | |
de Prenseriis | 7 | 1446, 1450, 1461, 1512 | Savièse (Chandolin), Savièse (Prensières), Sion | |
de Puepone | 2 | 1461 | Bagnes | |
de Rafurno | 1 | 1573 | Ardon (Chamoson) | |
de Rarognia | 2 | 1455 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes) | |
de Rielles | 1 | 1474 | Ayent (Fortunoz) | |
de Ruery | 2 | 1334 | Sion | |
de Ruppe | 4 | 1351, 1453 | Lens, Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) | |
de Sancto Laurencio | 2 | 1349 | Saint-Maurice | |
de Saxo | 6 | 1349, 1458, 1529 | Evolène (Les Haudères), Sierre (Plan), Sion | |
de Semelly | 2 | 1449 | Vex | |
de Servent | 1 | 1457 | Conthey | |
de Sirro | 1 | 1310 | Sion | |
de Sormano | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
de Supra Ecclesia | 2 | 1528 | Mase | |
de Torrente | 3 | 1417, 1483 | Ayent (Saint-Romain), Nax (Vernamiège) | |
de Triono | 2 | 1499 | Sion | |
de Valeria | 2 | 1344 | Sion | |
de Varelly | 2 | 1462 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) | |
de Verneys | 2 | 1437 | Grône, Grône (Loye) | |
de Vex alias Melluyret | 1 | 1431 | Savièse | |
de Via | 5 | 1557, 1563, 1566, 1568 | Vouvry, Vouvry (Miex) | |
de Viis | 2 | 1482 | Saint-Maurice | |
de Vinea | 1 | 1548 | Ardon | |
de Vineis alias de Amigdalo | 1 | 1473 | Sierre | |
de Vuystarnens | 2 | 1383 | Sion | |
de Ylletis | 2 | 1332 | Sion | |
de l'Espiney | 1 | 1387 | Bagnes (Versegères) | |
de l'Ila | 1 | 1369 | Bagnes | |
de la Barmettaz | 2 | 1429 | Vex | |
de la Cort alias Generis | 1 | 1434 | Saint-Léonard | |
de la Lex | 10 | 1423, 1428, 1431, 1440, 1464, 1538 | Grimisuat, Mase, Saint-Léonard, Vex | |
de la Lomat | 3 | 1515 | Monthey | |
de laz Vernaz | 4 | 1450 | Vex | |
de Passenchy alias de Pontevitre | 1 | 1400 | Aigle (Le Cloître) | |
des Ney | 2 | 1540 | Vex | |
deys Agietes | 1 | 1343 | Sion | |
deys Agiettes | 2 | 1349 | Sion | |
deys Hutes | 1 | 1349 | Sion | |
dicta Margencella | 1 | 1418 | Sion | |
dictus Bibollier | 1 | 1349 | Bagnes | |
dou Biole | 2 | 1411 | Vex | |
dou Cellie | 2 | 1426 | Vissoie (Mayoux) | |
dou Crest | 2 | 1443 | Saint-Maurice de Laques (Mollens) | |
dou Crestaul | 1 | 1427 | Ayent (Luc) | |
dou Creston alias de Fey | 1 | 1500 | Sembrancher (Bovernier) | |
dou Glapey | 2 | 1334 | Bagnes | |
dou Mahen | 2 | 1333 | Sion | |
dou Mares alias Uldrisardi | 1 | 1470 | Mase | |
dou Meler | 2 | 1328 | Sion | |
dou Perrey | 2 | 1369 | Bagnes | |
dou Usent | 2 | 1393 | Sion | |
in Albon | 2 | 1501 | Bramois | |
in Superiori Villa | 2 | 1499 | Sion | |
in den Bechen | 2 | 1565 | Sion | |
in der Ledyn | 1 | 1420 | Sion | |
lo Philipoz | 2 | 1409 | Vercorin | |
loz Johan | 2 | 1546 | Hérémence | |
lumbardus | 1 | 1349 | Sion | |
pelliparius | 1 | 1349 | Saint-Maurice |
In the cities | In the villages of the plain | In the villages of the slope | In the mountains |
Monthey Saillon Saint-Maurice Sion |
Aigle (Le Cloître) Ardon Ardon (Chamoson) Bramois Chalais (Réchy) Chippis Collombey Fully (Châtaignier) Fully (Mazembroaz) Grône Grône (Itravers) Granges Leytron Leytron (Saint-Pierre-des-Clages) Martigny Martigny (Bâtiaz) Muraz Muraz (Illarsaz) Ollon Port-Valais Port-Valais (Ediez) Port-Valais (Evouettes) Riddes Saint-Gingolph Saint-Léonard Saint-Maurice (Dorénaz) Saint-Maurice (Evionnaz) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Aucz) Sierre Sierre (Glary) Sierre (Grange) Sierre (Plan) Sion (extra muros) Venthône Vionnaz Vouvry |
Ayent Ayent (Arbaz) Ayent (Argnoud) Ayent (Botyre) Ayent (Fortunoz) Ayent (Luc) Ayent (Place) Ayent (Saint-Romain) Ayent (Saxonne) Collombey (Outre-Vièze) Conthey Grône (Loye) Grimisuat Lens Lens (Chamsabé) Lens (Chermignon) Lens (Chermignon-Dessus) Lens (Diogne) Lens (Icogne) Lens (Montana) Lens (Ollon) Leytron (Dugny) Musot Saint-Maurice de Laques Saint-Maurice de Laques (Anchettes) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Conzor) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Cordona) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Crêt) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Miège) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Mollens) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Moulin) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Musot) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Randogne) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Torrent) Saint-Maurice de Laques (Venthòme) Savièse Savièse (Chandolin) Savièse (Drône) Savièse (La Soie) Savièse (Montellier) Savièse (Muraz) Savièse (Ormône) Savièse (Prensières) Savièse (Saint-Germain) Sierre (Aucz) Sierre (Anchettes) Sierre (Anchettes-Bernard) Sion (Salins) Villa Villa (Darnone) |
Bagnes Bagnes (Bruson) Bagnes (Cotterg) Bagnes (Fontenelle) Bagnes (Montagnier) Bagnes (Sarreyer) Bagnes (Verbier) Bagnes (Versegères) Nax Nax (Erbioz) Nax (Vernamiège) Sembrancher Sembrancher (Bovernier) Sembrancher (La Garde) Vercorin Vex Vex (La Vernaz) Vex (Les Agettes) |
Dubuis, Pierre. Le jeu de la vie et de la mort: la population du Valais (XIVe-XVIe s.) (Lausanne: Faculté des lettres, Université de Lausanne, 1994.)