josh blog
Ordinary language is all right.
One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.
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Geoff on Amerie in the Citypages - 'twinkly bedroom stuff that the readers of this paper will find totally unconvincing'. Awesome. I wonder how often that takes, anywhere: 'this is a good record that you will not like'. Good thing the paper is free!
I saw the Junior Boys at the 400 Bar tonight. I don't like shows, but I was happy.
Before and during their set Jeremy Greenspan was downing Robitussin straight from the bottle. 'I think he's supposed to have a big white plastic cup for that,' I told Geoff.
Dylan at Government Names on screw tapes.
(Around the time of my birthday my sister wanted to know what she could get me, and I had no reasonable answer. But the other day I was listening to a screwed up 'Diamonds and Wood' and realized - oh yeah, Jess lives in Houston...)
Of kourse to be kool I would have spelled the title of that Sonic Youth song korrectly, with more k's and fewer c's.