josh blog
Ordinary language is all right.
One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.
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'I find fault only with the preface. In my opinion, it spoils your book, which is so impartial and so lofty. You give away your secret: that is carrying candor too far; and you express your opinion, something which in my poetics a novelist hasn't the right to do.'
"Getting Behind the Word: Creeley's Typography", with fascinating details about how Creeley's books were initially published.
'In 1834, he complained that newspaper writers were encouraged to be irresponsible because they wrote anonymously, but the intensity of his statement of this problem recalls his father's earlier complaints about his son's insensibility: "A newspaper-writer nobody knows; nobody thinks about him, or inquires who he is; nobody remembers to-day what he wrote yesterday, nor will remember to-morrow what he may choose to write to-day" (6:183). The anonymous writer simply does not exist; he might as well be the figment of some editorial imagination. For this reason, Mill was one of the first to support the idea of signing one's contributions to the periodical press.'