josh blog
Ordinary language is all right.
One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.
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A reviewer's trope for any music which is basically placid: 'quite the contrary—it can be quite unsettling'.
Words cannot describe the joy with which one hears Bob Dylan pronounce the phrase, 'go on to "You Tube"''.
Infinite Jest made me a contemporary of Wallace when I read it in the first paperback edition—97? 98?—in college and felt like I was taking part in something that was happening. Who is to say it's not still happening?
'flexibility, multiplicity, confusion wanting to reflect the turmoil of reality'
Often, with the non-artsy, I am the one who shrinks away from more comprehensive understanding: I do not want to risk a disappointment great enough to make me give up on any engagement at all.
As a kid, when I first learned how to tape-record songs off the radio, they released so many singles from Bad that I thought I could record the whole album. I didn't understand why the radio station wouldn't let me hear that much of any other records.