josh blog
Ordinary language is all right.
One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.
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Now I would rather say, of course another person's absence can make your life seem empty.
Neither the world nor love is in need of a theodicy unless we make it so.
Animals live, people do things; or is it that plants live, and animals do things? And if the latter, do people ever do anything... more?
Questions one is eager to be impatient with.
A gloss on what attracts 'the weak' in Genealogy I, 13 to 'the best doctrine on earth', the existence of 'the subject', 'an unbiased "subject" with freedom of choice': they need there to be a me who has nothing to do with me.
You can imagine that a lot of people saw Socrates coming and said, ugh, that guy.
Do something or do nothing, do it all or do nothing at all; a good and a bad principle.
'A book of philosophy suitable to what Thoreau envisions as "students" would be written with next to no forward motion, one that culminates in each sentence. This sounds like a prescription for a new music, say a new discourse, and hence like a negation of poetry as well as of narrative, since it implicitly denies, in a work of literary originality, the role of the line; the sentence is everything.'