josh blog

Ordinary language is all right.

One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.

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2 Mar '25 05:08:10 AM

'The close relation between questioning and understanding is what gives the hermeneutic experience its true dimension. However much a person trying to understand may leave open the truth of what is said, however much he may dismiss the immediate meaning of the object and consider its deeper significance instead, and take the latter not as true but merely as meaningful, so that the possibility of its truth remains unsettled, this is the real and fundamental nature of a question: namely to make things indeterminate. Questions always bring out the undetermined possibilities of a thing. That is why we cannot understand the questionableness of something without asking real questions, though we can understand a meaning without meaning it. To understand the questionableness of something is already to be questioning. There can be no tentative or potential attitude to questioning, for questioning is not the positing but the testing of possibilities. Here the nature of questioning indicates what is demonstrated by the actual operation of the Platonic dialogue. A person who thinks must ask himself questions. Even when a person says that such and such a question might arise, this is already a real questioning that simply masks itself, out of either caution or politeness.

This is the reason why understanding is always more than merely re-creating someone else's meaning. Questioning opens up possibilities of meaning, and thus what is meaningful passes into one's own thinking on the subject. Only in an inauthentic sense can we talk about understanding questions that one does not pose oneself—e.g., questions that are outdated or empty. We understand how certain questions came to be asked in particular historical circumstances. Understanding such questions means, then, understanding the particular presuppositions whose demise makes such questions "dead." An example is perpetual motion. The horizon of meaning of such questions is only apparently still open. They are no longer understood as questions. For what we understand, in such cases, is precisely that there is no question.

To understand a question means to ask it. To understand meaning is to understand it as the answer to a question.'

22 Feb '25 09:33:03 PM

The Games of Gargantua

3 Feb '25 03:01:22 AM

'For Searls, translators "don't translate words of a language, they translate uses of a language."'

25 Jan '25 07:32:26 AM

От себя не убежишь.

24 Jan '25 06:19:32 AM

Нельзя дважды войти в одну и ту же реку.

23 Jan '25 08:38:25 PM

1. The party system sustains the illusion that a democracy decides between winners and losers

2. when actually it is we, collectively, who are always winners or losers

3. only we do not know now, or perhaps ever, whether this is so

4. and the agony of each election is usually just that we have to confront our suspicions or have our hopes bolstered

5. and go on without ever standing firm in this knowledge;

6. likewise the democratic system encourages the illusion that it's people and candidates working to beat other people and candidates

7. with plenty of blame to shift around depending on how we think things are going and how we find out they've gone

8. — an illusion which rests on the construal of a vote as an action with consequences.

9. it would be better to think of a vote as an admission:

10. we imagine that there might be elections where our vote could be an action because we imagine that admitting our support for a candidate would confirm everything the candidate has said they stand for and would do its small part to realize everything the candidate has said they will do, that is, we imagine the vote not as an admission but as an affirmation with power.

11. Generally elections are not as we imagine because our politics are not as we imagine:

12. our politics are not as we imagine because we live mostly private lives, joining with others sometimes in conspiracies of fear, hardly ever in real encounter with others and their needs, hardly ever in successful realization of how we in fact live;

13. because of this, we live from failure to failure, continuously, most days

14. — elections merely punctuate this.

15. Until we change our politics by living differently, elections will do little.

16. This is why it's better to think of votes as admissions: they are admissions of failure.

17. it is a collective failure not to have done more, yet, to have changed anything about how we live enough that voters in general (not just the contingently happy voter who might now and then think the candidates offer them a real choice for a true affirmation) might be able to vote affirmatively, as an act, freely, in a belief that the system and the candidates are not merely coercing a choice for what is for the time being the least worst;

18. so when you vote strategically, vote on a single issue, vote to reduce harm, vote dutifully with little expectation that it will change much, etc., you're far from doing nothing:

19. what you're doing is admitting failure.

20. The most serious response to this would be to do more in the interim to change things so that next time, you won't have to admit failure

21. — so that no one will have to, and we can all believe that by electing someone to govern, no matter who wins, we will have won.

22. Not to vote at all is, from this perspective, not to refuse to grant something that must be earned, or to withhold something so as to secure one from complicity, or to deny a sanction to something that deserves censure, all things that properly depend not on your vote but again, on what we collectively do to change how we live;

23. it's simply to evade admission of our collective failure—

24. which does not serve to exclude one from that collective,

25. nor exempt one from our collective responsibilities for one another.

(22 October 2024)

21 Jan '25 02:58:11 AM

'… the suspension of even a semblance of a moral economy?'

14 Jan '25 12:01:45 AM

'What is alienation to the circulation worker?'

13 Jan '25 11:44:58 PM

'l’attention humaine exerce seule légitimement la fonction judiciaire'