The following names are found in the lay subsidy rolls of 1346 and 1358 for the county of Worcestershire. The subsidy rolls were recorded in Latin; in general the given names have been wholly Latinized, while the bynames are often only partially or not at all Latinized. Roughly 225 people were listed in the 1346 roll, both men and a handful of women. I have given below a frequency count of the given names. Partial statistics on the byname constructions are available, as well as a partial list of surnames, organized by type.
Given names
In doing frequency counts on the given names, I have used the standard Latin nominative form, even when the name itself was recorded in a different case. These spellings are appropriate for Latin contexts only; their vernacular (spoken) forms will be different. I hope to add likely vernacular forms to these lists at some point.
Masculine Names, 1346
Feminine Names, 1346
Source: Lay subsidy rolls, A.D. 1346, and A.D. 1358 for the county of Worcester, edited for Worcestershire Historical Society by John Amphlett. (Oxford: Printed for the Society by J. Parker and co., 1900). (Microfiche. Cambridge, England: Chadwyck-Healey, Ltd., 1979.)